Movie Savior

Chapter 263: Evil in the rain

   Chapter 263 Sins under the Rainstorm


   Hearing Brian's words, Sam realized that this speech was indeed different from the ones he had seen before.

   The background, the costume, and the look on Baker's face are all distinctly different.

   In the previous speeches, Baker's face was very excited and excited, but now he is depressed and depressed to the extreme.

   "Listen to what he has to say."

  Laura, with a cup of hot tea in her hand, tried her best not to be so scared.

  J.D has not spoken since he revealed his father's whereabouts.

  In the apartment, apart from the thunder and lightning outside, the only sound of rain beating on the windows was Baker's voice.

  “…There have been many unpredictable and unusual meteorological events at home and abroad recently, and they have caused serious disasters.”

   "At first we were optimistic about these frequent and unusual weather events, and it wasn't until after the California tornado that we came to realize that maybe we were really wrong."

  Baker stood on the podium, and his eyes were a little red as he spoke. He held the speech in his hand, and his words became stammered.

   "Maybe... maybe it's nature's revenge on us, and today we have to admit... the planet we live on is undergoing some transformations that have never happened before. It is becoming cold and angry."

"Although the best time has been missed, I still appeal to all the people here. Everyone should prepare in advance for the next climate change. People in the north should find a safe place to hold on and wait for rescue... In addition, we have begun to organize a national Evacuation, operations are expected to be carried out in order from south to north..."

   was released along with Baker's words, and there was also a schematic diagram of the action, which showed that 40 degrees north latitude was considered north.

  Sam watched and couldn't help being shocked by Baker's shamelessness.

   "Is this line drawn with Washington's position?"

   As we all know, the latitude of Washington is 38 degrees north latitude…

   And New York, where they are now, is stuck on the 40-degree line.

  According to the picture, this is already north.

  Brian was equally incredulous, his eyes stared like glass balls: "What does he mean, doesn't he plan to organize an evacuation in New York?"

   "So many rich people in New York..."

   "No," Brian's words were interrupted, and J.D said solemnly, "My dad said that the richest people in New York are now vacationing in Australia or South America and Africa."


   "Okay," Brian patted his forehead, never expecting this to happen.

   His knowledge is shallow.

   "We should have left long ago..." Sam said suddenly dumbfounded. All eyes were on him, but he continued to say, "My father told me to leave Washington and take refuge in Miami before."

   "But I didn't go..."

  Bryan sighed: "Now that we have been abandoned, it will not be so easy to go to Miami again."

   Laura patted Sam twice and smiled at him.

  J.D also became anxious, walking back and forth in front of the TV: "They asked us to stay where we were, but does it really work?"

   He looked at the other three. Although it was a question, he actually already knew the answer.

  Stand in place?

   In the face of a tornado like California, even a high-rise building with concrete and steel bars can be blown away by half, how can they hold on?

   Really think they are all superhumans?

  Baker's speech caused a thousand waves, and not only Sam and the others felt abandoned, but the rest of New York City and the people further north were outraged.

   When the news of the climate catastrophe spread in the country before, but Baker kept giving speeches on TV, which suppressed the idea of ​​​​most people's refuge.

   As a result, this guy didn't even apologise, he just said he gave up on them?


  Many people smashed the TV on the spot, and then started to collect supplies in panic, preparing to evacuate to the south.

   Of course, there are also some people who choose to continue listening to Baker, and choose to stick to where they are.

   And for these people, Baker also brought them good news.

   "We have just reached a cooperation with an organization. They come from parallel time and space, have the ability to open time and space tunnels, and have many super technologies far beyond our imagination."

   "Parallel Time and Space Mutual Rescue Association, please remember their flag."

  The "mutual" flag of the Mutual Rescue Association is displayed on the TV.

  Baker looked at the manuscript, sweat dripping from his forehead unconsciously.

   This scene was too embarrassing for him.

   He used to be a staunch pioneer in opposing the real existence of the Mutual Rescue Association, but now he has to tell them in front of the people of the whole country that I have now reached a cooperation with the Mutual Rescue Association...

   It's just that no matter how embarrassed it is, I have to bite the bullet and continue talking.

   "According to our agreement, the Mutual Rescue Association will send a rescue team to us to go to cities in the north to help the affected people. You can ask them for help..."

   "It doesn't make much sense."

   Zhang Tianyuan was also listening to Baker's speech on the radio at this time, but his sentence was not aimed at Baker, but to Carl.

   Just now, Carl's meeting with Baker has ended.

   In the face of Baker, who had already accepted his fate, Carl did not show the slightest remorse.

According to the negotiation results of the two, the Mutual Rescue Association will try their best to provide assistance to the people in the north in this disaster, while Baker and the others will deliver materials worth at least $80 billion to the Mutual Rescue Association after the operation is over. .

   Of course, given that after the disaster, the US knife is likely to become a piece of waste paper, so Carl quantified all these materials and turned them into the most needed things in every time and space now.

   Such as food, medicine, and various wood, ores and other raw materials.

   In addition to the directly delivered materials, there are also a lot of mining rights for minerals in the next few decades. Although the mineral reserves on Baker’s side are average, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat.

   And for a place like Wandering Time and Space, a safe spot where workers can be placed is more important than those underground mines.

  The Earth during the Ice Age may have been an ice and snow **** for other time and space, but for the wandering time and space, this place can be regarded as a holiday home.

   Being sent here to work is a kind of preferential treatment.

   It is also worth mentioning that in this rescue operation, Carl only promised that mutual rescue would do his best, and made no promises about the number of survivors rescued.

   This is because it is really too late.

   This is also the reason why Zhang Tianyuan just said "it doesn't make much sense".

   Now even if the mutual rescue meeting ends, it is impossible to save all the northern residents, and maybe even one-tenth, one-fifth of the people can't be saved.

The    Mutual Rescue Society is also composed of human beings, and he himself is not a god.

   So now I really can only do my best. As for what effect this power can have, I can only see the will of God.

   "You did a good job this time. I think many people will be interested in this reward."

   Zhang Tianyuan spoke to Carl who was still in Washington across the radio: "When are you going to come back?"

   "Well...I'm not going to avoid the refuge, President..."


   "I decided to stay here for the time being, I want to act with the rescue team that arrives next, and try to do as much as possible."

  Karl looked at the heavy rain outside the window, and there was a kind of sadness in his tone.

   Zhang Tianyuan understood that this fat man should have empathy for this time and space.

  There is no way, the acquired time and space are still very similar to "2012" to a certain extent.

   Before meeting the Mutual Rescue Club, Carl was essentially a weakened version of Baker, two groups of people from two time and space, when faced with disasters, they chose to bet on direct stud.

   Then I lost all my underwear.

  Although from the movie point of view, the endings of the two time and space are like all things competing and vigorous, but the truth is cruel.

   The end of the day after tomorrow is that the northern hemisphere is basically destroyed, and "2012" is that the entire human race is almost gone.

   Now with his interference, the ending of "2012" will definitely not be the same as before, and even a perfect clearance can be achieved.

   But the day after tomorrow...

   It can only be said that Becker turned the tide...

  Carl faced this situation, it was as if he saw the failed self in the past, and he substituted into it all at once, so he wanted to save the brother in this parallel time and space even more.

   Zhang Tianyuan shook his head, did not choose to interfere, just said to Carl to be safe and hung up the phone.

   Then, he opened the time-space tunnel again and went directly to see Sun Deyi.

   This time, it was for the rescue of North America.

   To carry out rescue in the lowest temperature of minus zero Baidu, only Wandering Time and Space can have the qualifications for this operation.

   Let several other time and space people blend into this operation, I am afraid that the rescue team will freeze into ice lollies.

   Zhang Tianyuan's communication with Sun Deyi went very smoothly. He just laid out the conditions on Baker's side, and Sun Deyi showed a smile like a spring breeze.

   "Don't worry, President, this is what our coalition government soldiers are best at. One hundred Baidu is a bit of a challenge for us, but it's not our limit!"

  Sun Deyi clapped his chest and vowed, for fear that Zhang Tianyuan would cancel the "order" because of their lack of ability.

  Yes, in Sun Deyi's view, this is a business.

  After all, Baker and the others are not even members of the Mutual Rescue Association. Without this layer of tiger skin, do they really think they belong to Kaishantang?

   Zhang Tianyuan shook his head and said nothing.

   He also knows that wandering in time and space is not easy, and neither is Sun Deyi.

Finch Time and Space and the current Acquired Time and Space have continuously mobilized a lot of manpower and material resources. Although Sun Deyi finally found an export market for his earthworms, the actions of Wandering Time and Space in these two time and space are pure losses so far. of.

   And the time to pay back is not far away, at least there is no hope in this year or two, and it will even continue to lose money predictably.

   For other time and space, the short-term effort of one or two actions may not be a big deal, but for the resource-poor like wandering time and space, it is actually very uncomfortable.

   In this case, the contradictions within the wandering time and space are rapidly intensifying, and many people have some small opinions in their hearts.

   If it weren't for the fact that the Mutual Rescue Club had indeed brought a lot of supplies to the Wandering Time and Space, which greatly improved the lives of the public, Sun Deyi would not be able to suppress those voices.

   So now this "business" is to return blood to the wandering time and space. As long as this vote is completed, the harvest will directly allow Sun Deyi and the others to return to their original capital.

   After the negotiation, everyone was happy.

   Zhang Tianyuan watched Sun Deyi mobilize around the world.

  As long as the assembly is completed, the rescue operation can be started immediately.

   At this time, the acquired time and space have ushered in unprecedented chaos.

"Da da da!!"

  The glass is broken!

   Laura let out an exclamation and hid at the base of the wall with Sam and the others, her little face turning pale with fright.

   The sound they heard just now was nothing but the sound of gunfire, and it was a series of automatic firepower. The sound sounded like an old typewriter. As soon as they heard it, they knew that the gun was usually well maintained.

   It would have been better if the glass above their heads hadn't been smashed and no one else around was screaming about being hit...

   After Baker's speech, things finally got out of hand.

   When are people most likely to go crazy?

   is when you know your time is short.

   So many people decided to come out and go crazy, so there were gunshots everywhere on the streets, it was like setting off firecrackers in the New Year.

  Sam and the four now regret coming out of the apartment.

   The four high school students of them still have too shallow understanding of human nature and society.

  J.D curled up and reminded the others in the lowest voice possible: "We should go back to the apartment right now, if we keep going out, we will be shot dead if we can't get out of New York!"

   They just wanted to leave New York, go to Washington or other cities further south, and wait for the rescue of the army.

   It’s just that I just drove out with the housekeeper, and the housekeeper is gone…

  's head exploded like a watermelon in front of the four.

   A bullet directly ended his life.

   The four of them vomited directly at the time. If the gunman hadn't gotten stuck, they would all have to explain where they were.

  Brian agreed with J.D. Laura also pulled Lasam.

  Sam forced himself to calm down and scanned the surroundings: "Does any of you remember the way back?"

  Suddenly, the other three were speechless. They had just run around and didn't even know where they went, let alone the way home.

  Sam shook his head when he saw this: "Then let's find a place where there are many people and hide. Now walking around on the streets, we will only become prey to other people."

   The four had no other choice but to listen to Sam's advice.

   On the night of thunderstorms, four young people with cats on their waists, braved the heavy rain and moved quickly in various shadows that were imperceptible to the naked eye.

  Sam and the other three felt like they were walking in a horror movie. Gunshots seemed to be ringing all around, and the screams of men and women never stopped.

   Even lightning and heavy rain cannot wash away the evil that is happening in this city at this time...

   (end of this chapter)

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