Movie Savior

Chapter 303: What an unworthy descendant (2 in 1)

   Chapter 303 Really Unworthy Descendants (2 in 1)

   Zhou Kun walked into the room and glanced at it to find that there were quite a few people in it.

   Those strange aerospace experts, the comrade president, and Yuan Heguang himself who called him over are all here.

   As soon as he came in, the eyes of these people were on him, and they all stared at him and smiled, inexplicably strange.

   Yuan Heguang came over and patted him on the shoulder: "Director Zhou, everyone is waiting for you, sit down first."

   "In these days, our domestic aerospace achievements have been very outstanding. Here I would like to express my gratitude to you for your hard work."

   "No," Zhou Kun waved his hand, "It's mainly the credit of other comrades. I didn't contribute much in this regard, but only played a little auxiliary role."

  An aerospace expert inserted a sentence: "Mr. Zhou is very supportive and cooperative in our work, which is enough."

   "You're welcome." Zhou Kun nodded, feeling a little like sitting on pins and needles.

Yuan Heguang saw his nervousness, comforted him a few words, and then talked about the business: "President Zhang told me about you a few days ago, saying that you know too little now, so the questions hidden in your heart are relatively Too much, which makes the work difficult to carry out.”

   "So I thought about it for a long time and decided to explain some things to you."

   Hearing this, Zhou Kun immediately straightened up, "I promise with my life that I will keep everything I hear next!"

  Zhang Tianyuan sat on the other side and said, "Actually, it's not a top-secret news. It's just that it's not convenient to disclose it for the time being. It will be announced to the public as soon as possible in the future."

   "Don't be too nervous."

   Yuan Heguang also said: "These days, you should be wondering how we suddenly have the ability to launch a new wormhole exploration program."

   Zhou Kun unconsciously clenched his fists, "I'm really curious. From what I know, we should only have twenty sealed solid rockets in stock now."

  Solid rockets are relatively convenient to store and launch, but the range is a problem. It is difficult to rely on it to launch the payload to Saturn.

   And the rocket that was transported from Wandering Time was a large rocket that used liquid fuel.

  This kind of rocket is difficult to save and the cost is high, and it is simply not affordable for them in this era.

   Yuan Heguang said: "You remember correctly, apart from military use, there are really only so many rockets we can use for spaceflight, so the rocket launched last time is actually not ours."

   Zhou Kun frowned.

   He didn't think about this speculation, but in this day and age, they, the whole country, can't afford a rocket. How can there be a private force that can manufacture and launch rockets?

  Yuan Heguang continued: "What I'm about to say next may be a bit magical, but it does exist, so don't be too surprised."

   Zhou Kun took a deep breath and was mentally prepared.

  Yuan Heguang smiled and spent five minutes telling everything about the Mutual Rescue Association.


After    Zhou Kun heard it, there was a long silence.

   After a while, he turned to look at the experts of the Mutual Rescue Association around him, and spit out a word with difficulty: "Parallel time and space?"

   Zhang Tianyuan and the others nodded.

   "...This, this is really..." Zhou Kun was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

   He really couldn't see that these people in front of him were actually from a parallel time and space?

   This kind of feeling is like a colleague telling you one day that he is actually an alien recognized by the state...

   He even wondered if it was possible for him to have seen aliens without him knowing.

   Maybe someday, some guy in human skin passing by him is an alien?

   Yuan Heguang laughed, interrupting Zhou Kun's thoughts.

   "Director Zhou, now you know why I didn't tell you this news before?"

   Zhou Kun nodded, his expression very stiff.

   "It really shouldn't have told me."

   "So, you haven't been able to really participate in the project before. It's not to exclude you, it's just that the organization is still researching this matter. Only after the research is done can it be disclosed to you..."

  Yuan Heguang patted Zhou Kun on the back, as if to help him smash all the mountains on his back, which made him feel a lot more relaxed.

   Zhang Tianyuan said with a smile: "Actually, parallel time and space is not an unimaginable thing, especially for you, a time and space that is disturbed by high-dimensional creatures."

   Now it was Yuan Heguang's turn to stiffen, and his eyes suddenly turned.

   Zhou Kun also looked over in astonishment.

  Only the experts of the Mutual Rescue Society knew the news long ago, and there was no fuss.

   "President Zhang, what do you mean by high-dimensional creatures?"

   "Could it be that we will become the current situation here, because of human interference?"

   "You can say that." Zhang Tianyuan never found a chance to tell Yuan Heguang about this matter. It is now basically determined that high-dimensional humans have been affected by cause and effect, which is a good opportunity.

   "Your wormhole near Saturn is not a natural occurrence, and there is no scientific theory to support its sudden appearance."

Zhou Kun said: "Indeed, the inexplicable appearance of wormholes is still a mystery. A large part of the aerospace boom in the past few decades was also trying to figure out this problem. According to President Zhang, it is the so-called high-dimensional creatures. Did you write it?"

   His heart was thumping, and he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth.

   Next second.

   Zhang Tianyuan directly proved his conjecture:

   "That's right, that wormhole was actually placed by high-dimensional creatures in the solar system for you to use."

   Yuan Heguang suddenly sank: "What about blight?"

   Zhang Tianyuan shook his head and said, "Actually, I have no evidence to prove that it was their handwriting."

   Zhou Kun said: "But they can place wormholes near Saturn, which means that they have a high probability of having such interference ability..."

   "So the root of everything is those higher-dimensional creatures?"

   "What is their purpose?"

   Yuan and light are connected to two problems.

   Zhang Tianyuan had guessed that he would ask this way:

   "I guess they are closing the causal loop."

   "Please be more specific."

   "They use blight to destroy the earth and bring mankind to an end, so that you will struggle hard, go to the stars, escape through the wormholes they gave you, and start the first interstellar colony."

   "For this reason, they even chose a treasure land for you, just opposite the wormhole."

   "Is that what President Zhang told me before, the habitable planet opposite the wormhole?"

   "Yes, the one I told you about."

  In an instant, Yuan Heguang felt a chill in his heart.

   Over the years, the entire earth is actually dancing ugly dances on their stage according to the arrangement of those high-dimensional creatures?

   How can this not be shocking!

   "In their script, in the end, with their help, you will find a way to survive, and successfully migrate the remaining population on earth, or most of the remaining people, to a new planet, and human beings will thus become a star nation."

   "And then, in the endless years, after a long development of those new human beings, I don't know how much suffering and time they have gone through, they finally detached and possessed incredible power."

   "Time is no longer a line that can't be turned back in front of them, but a mountain that can go back and forth at will..."

   "So at this time, they picked up the pen and wrote the old script."

   Zhou Kun froze in the chair, as if paralyzed.

   He gasped.

   "So they are them?"

   Yuan Heguang also reacted at this time: "Those high-dimensional creatures are us in the future?"

   "Correct, it's not the future you, but the future humans."

   Even if we follow the script of high-dimensional humans, global migration is not so easy.

   It’s been almost a hundred years since I didn’t see the end of the plot. Are humans on earth still living on the space station?

   Even Murphy, who made a huge contribution and cracked the equation of gravity, only reached the sky above Saturn with her space station.

   Therefore, it is impossible for this generation or even the next ten generations to become a high-dimensional life.

   This news is really shocking.

  Yuan Heguang held his forehead for a while before he lowered his blood pressure.

   He now has only one thought in his head—

   "What an unworthy descendant!"

   As long as they follow the "script", they will definitely become high-dimensional human beings in the future and realize the great detachment of human beings, which sounds beautiful.

   But go out and ask a random person who is suffering from hunger and see if he is willing to sacrifice himself in exchange for the happiness of his future generations.

   See if anyone is willing to starve to death voluntarily for this reason?

   Fuck the dick!

   Don't talk about the cycle of cause and effect, let alone that their sacrifice is for the happiness of the future human beings.

  The future is too futuristic!

   is so future that they can't see the future!

   People are **** starving to death!

   What is the future!

   Yuan Heguang had nowhere to shed his anger, and he was so angry that he beat the table.

   If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't touch those so-called high-dimensional humans, it is estimated that he would have released a nuclear bomb.

   When I think of this, my blood pressure rises again...

   Zhang Tianyuan asked him to slow down first, not to be too excited, but not to fall into this kind of thing, and then he continued: "But according to our current situation, the high-dimensional space-time should have changed."

"What does it mean?"

   "Well, it can be understood that in the original script, there is no mutual rescue club in this time and space. Now that we have appeared, the future has also changed, and the causal cycle will naturally go wrong."

   "The basis for the existence of those high-dimensional human beings also naturally disappeared."

   "That is, they're all 'dead'?"

   "That's understandable."

   "That's really cheap for those unworthy descendants!" Yuan Heguang gritted his teeth when he spoke, and already hated those high-dimensional humans.

  Thinking of this, he thanked Zhang Tianyuan again.

   If it wasn't for today's conversation, he really didn't know that there was such a secret hidden behind the wormhole, and it was very likely that he would never know.

   Zhou Kun was a little worried on the side.

   "Since the habitable planet opposite the wormhole was chosen by high-dimensional humans, can we still migrate there?"

   He now has a hard time believing that those high-dimensional humans who only killed their ancestors would be so kind.

   Oh, no, those who survived this big screening should be the ancestors of those high-dimensional human beings, so they can't talk about killing their ancestors.

   At most, they killed some "savages" who looked similar to their ancestors.

   But anyway, Zhou Kun now has a hard time believing them.

   Regarding this question, Zhang Tianyuan thought for a while and replied, "I haven't been to the planet over there, and I hardly know anything about it."

   "But from a logical inference, there is a high probability that there is a treasure land specially selected for you. It is precisely because you occupy there that you can achieve dimensional upgrade in the future and become them..."

   The more Zhang Tianyuan said, the more he felt that his idea was right.

  Because the new planet at the other end of the wormhole is near a huge black hole, and that black hole is also the core of a galaxy.

   And in a place like this, there are incredible livable conditions.

   So it’s not wrong to say that it is a feng shui treasure.

   You don’t have to work hard to build any large-scale instruments to study physics in that place. Just look up at the sky, and the core of the entire galaxy is there.

   Unlike Earth, which is a suburb of the Milky Way, you have to build this and that if you want to see something, and you can barely get a bit of outdated gossip at the level of cosmic scraps that happened many years ago.

  Auntie is not uncommon to say that stuff at the entrance of the village!

   In short, when we get there, human physical research can basically get rid of the limitations of instruments, and it is only a pair of eyes away from the truth of the universe.

   Zhang Tianyuan's comfort made Yuan Heguang put down his worries and decided to continue the migration plan.

   But speaking of this, Zhou Kun couldn't help but talk about Emilia and her party who just visited.

   "They have expressed a very strong willingness to cooperate with me during this time. Are we going to cooperate with them next?"

   Zhang Tianyuan said: "These people are indeed exhausting all means to find a way to save mankind, but for us, their means are too low-level."

   "We also said just now that as long as the spacecraft in space reaches the orbit of the wormhole, we can immediately send a large number of probes to the wormhole, and we don't need to be like them at all."

   Zhou Kun heard Zhang Tianyuan talk about this, and a smile naturally appeared on his lips. Now he can understand why other experts are always so relaxed.

   Open teleport and hang up!

"Cough," realizing that he was a little carried away, Zhou Kun quickly restrained his smile, "NASA's observation of wormholes is the earliest, and some of the data they have should be useful to us, so I think they have cooperation value. ."

   Zhang Tianyuan and other aerospace experts do not deny this. Decades of accumulation can always sum up a little rule.


  Thinking of this, the faces of the aerospace experts are like constipation, which is really ugly.

   Zhou Kun also sensed that the atmosphere was wrong, and subconsciously grabbed his brushed hair:

   "This... what's wrong with this?"

   (end of this chapter)

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