Movie Savior

Chapter 311: On the way home (2/2)

   Chapter 311 On the way home (22)

   "What to do, do you want to tell them this kind of thing?"

   "Forget it, let's go back and discuss first."

   "Then let's not talk about it..."

   Invisibly, Emilia and Jody had made an eye contact.

   Both of them tacitly concealed the inside story of their big change in attitude two days ago.

   Until Zhang Tianyuan came back from the inspection of the shipment, the two of them were very confused, as if they had done something bad and were afraid of being discovered, they were unsure.

   "How's the talk going?"

   "President, I have explained our current situation and our current concerns to them with Dr. Brand."

   "Well," Zhang Tianyuan nodded, "You two, please forgive me. We didn't deliberately make things difficult because of certain positions. It's just that some things faced by the previous branches made us scruples."

  By the way, he also briefly talked about various strange events that have happened in North America in other time and space, especially the tragedy in the acquired time and space.

   "For this matter, our organization is still researching and summarizing, and intends to come up with a detailed charter and powerful measures to prevent such accidents from happening again."

   After he finished speaking, his eyes swept across the faces of Emilia and the two of them, and he did not say the second half of the sentence——

   Maybe this statute and measure will be applied to you.

  Emilia and Jody didn't notice Zhang Tianyuan's strange eyes at all, and both of them were deeply immersed in the various strange events they just heard.

  It turns out...they are treated differently, or is there a historical reason?

   Both felt helpless in their hearts, and deeply felt the drag of other brothers in parallel time and space.

   But right away, they thought about it again—

   They don't seem to be much better now!

   Physically consumes its own people, intending to bomb the hungry people, expel the worthless hungry people to no-man’s land to wait for death…

   These things don’t seem to be much better, do they?

   They seem to be the drag in the eyes of other big brothers, right?

   In an instant, both of them understood the big brothers in North America from other time and space. When they heard the deeds of their own time and space, their feelings must be similar to how they felt just now...

  The third rocket was quickly delivered, and the work began on the spot. Zhang Tianyuan asked Emilia to bring the news back to China, and asked them to provide a cooperative condition that would make each branch feel at ease, and then left with Zhou Kun.

   As soon as they left, Emilia and Jody were also asked to leave the final assembly plant.

  The two of them were walking back to the visiting group's residence, thinking about what they had just heard.

   That turned their worldview upside down.

   "Are we going to tell anyone else about this?" Emilia asked Jody.

   The other party thought for a moment and said, "No, we must keep this news secret, and no one else can know it except you and me."

   The positive and cooperative attitude they showed in the past two days is the basis for Zhang Tianyuan to meet them, but the problem is that this attitude is the result of Professor Brand's own opinion.

   There is no higher-level inspiration here.

   This is just a castle in the air, a dam made of sand, it will be exposed after a long time.

   So, whoever raises the question will be the one who will solve it.

   "We're going back right away and tell the professor the news."

   "This matter can only be decided by him, we have no ability to control the progress of it..."

   "Okay," Emilia was inexplicably pessimistic, "Actually, I don't think it will go well this time."

  Jody sighed and said nothing.

   After returning to their residence, the two quickly contacted Professor Brand via satellite phone, and told him that they would go back to discuss with him if there was something important, which was inconvenient to mention on the phone.

  Professor Brand also noticed the unusualness from the cautious tone of the two. He did not explain much, but said that he would arrange preparations in the country as soon as possible, and let them pay attention to safety by the way.

hang up the phone.

  Jody proposed that they had to inform Zhou Kun about the suspension of the visit, and the airport also needed the assistance of the airport to take off.

   Emilia took the task, went out again, and came to Zhou Kun's office under the guidance of the guide.

   It’s just that there is no one inside at this time.

   Combined with what he saw today, Emilia already knew where he would be now.

   She asked the supervisor in charge of surveillance to take herself outside the office building of the Mutual Rescue Association, which was not open to the public, and knocked on the door there.

   The situation went very smoothly. The doorman who only met her at noon gave a briefing and let her in after getting permission.

   Zhou Kun and Zhang Tianyuan were still in front of the holographic desk at this time, and the holographic image had also changed back to the simulation of the solar system. It seemed that they were discussing the third rocket launch mission.

  Amelia found the translation headset at the door and put it on. According to Jody's instructions, she expressed her idea of ​​suspending the visit. Zhou Kun readily agreed, saying that she would let others arrange everything for the farewell.

   Logically speaking, we should leave.

   But Emilia looked at the wormhole on the holographic image, and walked to Zhang Tianyuan in a mysterious way:

   "Excuse me, may I join you?"

   Zhang Tianyuan turned his head, as if he didn't hear clearly.

   Emilia repeated.

   "You can wait until your North American chapter is formed and then join Mutual Rescue, and they will certainly not reject you."

   "I..." Emilia hesitated for a while. She couldn't say that she felt that the North American branch had no hope, so she wanted to skip the North American branch and go directly to the Mutual Rescue Club, right?

   Her unwillingness to speak made Zhang Tianyuan feel strange, but he didn't think much about it, he just thought it was the doctor who couldn't wait any longer.

   "If you join the Mutual Rescue Club now, then your organizational relationship can only be linked to the branch here, and you will have to transfer back to the North American branch in the future."

   "No problem!" Emilia agreed immediately, "Thank you very much!"

   Zhang Tianyuan turned his head and motioned to the staff next to him to bring a copy of the membership agreement. By the way, he explained his obligations and rights clearly, and instructed Emilia to sign it.

   Soon, Emilia successfully signed the agreement, and all the worries and melancholy in her heart disappeared at once.

   In this way, even if the establishment of the North American chapter is thwarted, she can participate in this new plan to save all mankind.

Before leaving, Emilia also hoped to establish her, or a contact channel between North America and the Mutual Rescue Association. Zhou Kun complied with her request and gave her a satellite phone, and said that she could be contacted through this phone. To yourself, you can also contact an action team captain surnamed Yin of the Mutual Rescue Association.

After   , Emilia returned to the residence of the visiting group and informed everyone about the end of the visit.

  Although the other members thought it was a little strange, everyone was very happy. Although the space base here looks quite modern, the treatment that can be provided to them in life is too far from North America.

   They have long been impatient here.

   That night.

  The delegation rushed to the airport, and the trans-ocean airliner took off in the dark and embarked on the return journey.

   (end of this chapter)

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