Movie Savior

Chapter 329: The 100,000,000 little commotion in the time and space of the day after tomorrow (2/2)

   Chapter 329 The 100,000,000 little commotion in the time and space of the day after tomorrow (22)

   The new charter is not without loopholes.

   For example, it is stipulated in the inside that after all the sub-sections will agree, the time and space of the judged party must be obtained, and the consent of all the Mutual Rescue Association sub-sections can be handed over to the processing bureau.

   The last step in this one is a loophole.

  Because there is only one branch in China on the 7th time and space.

   That is to say, in the end, as long as the domestic branch of Interstellar Space-Time agrees, it can be handed over to the processing bureau for response level assessment.

   Although this is in line with the rules, it is easy to be criticized in the future.

   This is also the reason why Zhang Tianyuan and other branches will send reminders to Emilia and others.

   At least let these guys put up the North American chapter.

   It will look better in the future.


   Are these people treasonous?

The    Mutual Rescue Association did not receive the treason notice issued by North America... The people on the opposite side did not send a note or anything. Who knows what the situation is, maybe they are still happy about the departure of Emilia and others in their country?

   After all, they are here to save all mankind, right?

   In short, it is not so particular about special circumstances now.

   The fact that a large number of hungry people were massacred on the opposite side is already a fact. In this case, there is no need to stick to so many rules and regulations.

   That's why Emilia got the notification from Jody.

   They want to set up a North American chapter, and they also need to participate in a field survey, and this survey has to send a significant person to participate.

   After all, it was their first time participating in the Mutual Rescue Society, so they had to be sensible. It would be bad if they just sent a little shrimp over there and made someone unhappy.

   The slightly politically savvy Jody is always cautious about these casual details.

  While Professor Brand thinks it's his over-cautiousness, Jody also thinks there's nothing wrong with being a little cautious about this sort of thing.

  If people are still jumping around under the eaves, then wait until they hit the ceiling.

   Emilia probably understood what Jody meant.

   "In addition to telling you that the North American branch is about to be established, I will suspend the space training here, temporarily return to our time and space, and participate in this field investigation."

   Everyone else was a little surprised.

   "Why you? Are you not participating in the next action?"

   "It's just a temporary suspension of training. After the investigation is over, I'll be back."

"Jody said that it is best for a person who has friendship with Mutual Rescue to participate in this operation. Before, only Jody and I had in-depth contact with Mutual Rescue during the visit. They are more familiar with the two of us. ."

   "And between me and Jody, I'm a better fit."

   "Jody is also responsible for receiving and deciphering information for Operation Lazarus, but I..."

   Having said that, Emilia smiled bleakly.

   "The purpose of my existence in the original plan was to ensure the smoothness of Plan B. Now Plan B has been cancelled."

   Now that there is no plan B, she, a biological doctor, does not have to get on the spaceship.

   Cooper got it too.

   "That guy is indeed the best candidate." He said bluntly.

   Although Romilly and Doyle did not nod, their expressions also showed that they were in favor of this plan.

   But Doyle still comforted Emilia.

   "Thank you, I'm just a little depressed. After the investigation is over, I may have to spend a lot of extra time to make up the course."


The news of the establishment of the    Processing Bureau spreads in all time and space, even in the acquired time and space that is still in the recovery period.


In the chaotic camp, the vehicle drove over the muddy ground and ran a deep rut. The soil on both sides was squeezed high, and the muddy water on the ground poured into the rut in a short time, turning into a rut that shrank countless times. The long river stretches forward...

   "The melting of snow water is increasing, and the impact is getting worse."

   "A large amount of melting snow has caused floods in at least 100 countries around the world. The super storm four months ago is still profoundly affecting all human beings..."

  The host on the radio was doing the show in a chatty tone.

  Jack Hall walks by the muddy road, wearing knee-high rain boots, holding an umbrella, and holding papers.

The cars of the    Mutual Rescue Society's rescue team drove past him one by one. Although they were not fast, they still splashed some mud on him.

   By his side is his son, Sam.

   Since the last time he felt that the atmosphere in the temporary camp was unsafe, Jack found his friend Liu Chunshi in the Mutual Rescue Society and joined the weather team of the Mutual Rescue Society rescue team, in exchange for the opportunity for the whole family to move into the Mutual Rescue Society camp.

   Even Laura, his son's female classmate, was brought over by him in the name of a student, and has been studying meteorology with him until now.

   Facts have proved that his actions are very wise.

   Soon after he left, he received news that there was a little bit of armed commotion in that camp, and not only that camp, but every other camp under the official control of the camp, there were hundreds of millions of armed commotions.

  300 million people's gunfight dream did not come true.

   But judging from the current development, the gunfight dream of tens of millions of people has come true.

Most people do not agree that the previous tragedy of 100 million people was caused by Baker and his superiors. Regardless of the north and the south, most people are asking to use a large amount of melted snow to launch a major cleaning operation to remove the garbage of the whole country. All cleaned.

   This kind of spirit of love for cleanliness and hygiene quickly spread across the country, which directly led to a little bit of noise in the wind in North America recently.

   But the wind didn't reach the Mutual Rescue Association camp.

  Most people have a lot of respect for the rescue teams who try their best to save them, especially since these professors are well armed.

  No one dared to make trouble in the Mutual Rescue Association camp. Whether it was cleaning or the garbage side, both parties tacitly avoided the Mutual Rescue Association.

   So Jack can safely study the weather here.

   But recently he felt that this was not a solution.

  Although he has a job and his wife has a job as a doctor, his son is dying.

  Son Sam is still a high school student. According to the normal trajectory, he should soon enter college and start further studies...

   But now in their time and space situation, there is still a fart university.

   Needless to say in their country, everyone is fulfilling a dream of a gunfight.

   While some foreign countries have started school under pressure, they no longer recruit international students.

   This kind of thing is not good for him to trouble Liu Chunshi.

   So what should my son do next?

   Recommend a beautiful manga of the heavens——

   "Meiman: Beginning to investigate the tax issue of Director SHIELD"

   What should I do if I accidentally turned Batman into a red bat of Davari's during tax inspection? Waiting online, very urgent



   (end of this chapter)

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