Movie Savior

Chapter 369: just a mere North America

   Chapter 369 is just a mere North America

  Jenny got into the guard's pickup with a cliché plan, and asked the driver to drive into the granary.

   Several ex-starved people acted as guards at the gate of the granary. It was a bit strange to see her coming alone in a car, but after Jenny rolled down the window, her car was quickly released.

   The people in the granary basically know this fierce middle-aged woman.

   All hungry people know that they are the heads of "business" with them.

  Some of the hungry people also stared at Jenny warily.

   After all, this is an officer who was ordered to destroy them. Even though the two sides have secretly cooperated now, some people feel that it is too dangerous to do so.

   But no matter what these people think.

  Jenny soon met the management in the granary, a man who looked to be in his forties, Locke.

   According to himself, he was a former engineer who worked in Washington.

  Although he has been eating and drinking in the granary for several months, Locke's body is still visibly thin, like a walking bamboo pole, and the terrifying desert has left too many things on him.

   But Jenny felt that he was at least better than when he first met her, when he was like a walking skeleton, the kind that would shake when the wind blew.

   In other words, most of the hungry people at that time looked like ghosts.

   "Did you hear the news on the radio?" Major Jenny waved and asked to put down the three barrels of gasoline that he brought as a gift.

  Locke was very calm, nodded to Jenny, and politely thanked her for bringing her gasoline, and then answered her question: "I heard, I know the news earlier than you guys."

   "Those Asians are really unusual."

  Jenny narrowed her eyes, pinched her chin, and looked behind Locke thoughtfully, as if watching the supporters behind him from a distance.

   "So what do you want to do?" Locke took a sip of the water in front of him and raised his head to face his partner, his expression always calm.

  Jenny is also used to it.

   "Can I meet them?"

   "It's not something I can arrange, they don't come here often."

   Hearing this, Jenny's hand trembled vaguely. She had been curious before, how the Asian faces who were incompatible with the hungry people broke through their defense lines and appeared in the granary.

   I was also curious as to how this group of hungry people from Nevada crossed North America from the west to the southeast.

   Time tunnel?

  Jenny remembered the information she had collected before, and her determination became stronger.

   "Locke, now the turning point has appeared. The sinful people will not tolerate the return of normal order, but what they reject is what everyone is desperate for, so the two sides who are completely separated will soon start a full-scale confrontation."

   "…I want to be like you guys and get their support."

   "They're not interested in you." Locke replied succinctly.

   "You don't ask what I can give them?" Jenny asked rhetorically.

  Locke paused and recalled the members of the Mutual Rescue Society he had met. No matter which country they were from, they all had one thing in common, that is, they had a detached mentality.

   is not arrogance or indifference.

   is very calm and insipid, as if I have seen it too much and I have become accustomed to it.

  Like a hidden monk.

   Those people are really helping themselves selflessly, without any demands at all...

   Even if he offered to donate part of the food in the granary to the Mutual Rescue Association, the members of the grassroots level did not even ask their superiors, so they shook their heads and refused.

  For such an organization, it was hard for Locke to imagine that Jenny could give anything of their interest.

"Okay," Seeing that Locke kept silent, Jenny didn't let the scene cool down, so she could only state her conditions bluntly: "If they can provide us with assistance, then they will receive the full support of the entire North America in the future, Attention, full support."

   All power?

   Locke tasted something wrong from this particularly emphasized remark. It seemed a bit like that Professor Brand?

  The radio in the granary is always on, not only receiving overseas channels, but also North American channels, so they always keep up with current affairs.

   But, so what?

  Locke didn't bother to care about Jenny's thoughts.

   He shook his head and smiled. Although he still looked polite, he always felt a bit sarcastic:

   "Did you do something wrong?"

  Locke thought that Jenny had something rare to exchange with the Mutual Rescue Association, but...

   is this?

   He remembered the information of the Mutual Rescue Association he heard before, spanning several time and space, the number of members is tens of billions...

   "It's just a mere North America... Now it has a population of 100 million at best..."

   "Why do you feel like they care?"

  Locke looked at Jenny.

   The other party is now confused.

   This middle-aged woman blinked, her fierce temperament dissipated for a while.

   After a while, she recovered from Locke's rhetorical question:

   "Why help you if they don't care?"

   Don't those Asians want to use the hands of the hungry to meddle in the affairs of North America?

  Lock suddenly remembered two sentences he had heard from the members of the Mutual Rescue Society:

   "The emperor did not **** the ground, nor did he use a **** made of gold."

   "A bug that lives only in summer cannot understand what an ice cube is."

   "You think they have ulterior motives, that's because you have ulterior motives..."

  Locke snorted coldly, and the politeness he had always maintained disappeared after hearing Jenny's doubts about the Mutual Rescue Society.

   Although he didn't have much contact with the Mutual Rescue Association, he was sure that this organization did not use his intentions at all. Instead, it helped them build a management structure, sent some necessities, and taught them some ways to defend the granary.

  Although I took a little food, the amount was not large, and it also explained that it was to support the hungry brothers in other places...

   In addition, they did not receive any special instructions, no one let them rush into the city to riot, and no one let them wander around and kill people indiscriminately.

   Organizations like this can be considered to have ulterior motives to interfere in their North American affairs?

   In a sneer, Locke revealed to Jenny what he knew about the Mutual Rescue Association.

   Jenny listened to these things that seemed "unbelievable" to her, and quickly reacted, which was completely different from what she thought before.

   What she was thinking of was to drive away the tigers and devour wolves, first use those Asians to kill all the criminals, and then turn the guns around, turn her face and deny the people, and make a move to ward off the outsiders, and they must first settle the insides.


   Now it seems that you have met a real charity? !

   (end of this chapter)

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