Movie Savior

Chapter 389: Prepare

   Chapter 389 Preparation

  Contact with the time and space of the snow country?

The idea of ​​   has just been put forward, and someone responded. It was Zhong Ruijin from Houtian Time and Space: "This is what it should be. In the past two days, we have also seen the performance of No. 8 Space Time. Except for a few areas, the overall performance is very good."

   "It's even better than what we've done before."

   "I look forward to their performance after joining the Mutual Rescue Association."

   The presidents of each branch nodded and gave unanimous praise.

   Now the atmosphere has cooled down for only two days, and the remaining reaction time is only one day.

   In such a short period of time, in addition to domestic countries, many countries have carried out extensive emergency disaster prevention and rescue work.

  The overall performance can be said to be quite good.

   Zhang Tianyuan also recognizes this very much, as far as the action of the Snow Kingdom time and space is concerned, it is the top in all time and space.

   "This should be due to the special situation on their side."

   After all, most developing countries in Snow Country Time and Space are quite powerful.

   These developing countries are not developed countries with pie hanging around their necks, and they can eat it when they turn their heads. If they want to develop well, they must eliminate the element of luck, and they still need basic action in all aspects.

   Regardless of whether you can do things beautifully or not, at least you can do things and want to do things.

   Of course, Zhang Tianyuan knows that these countries still underestimate the effect of CW-7, and their current prevention efforts are actually not enough.

   According to the normal development of the Snow Country time and space, even if precautions are taken, most people will still die, and there may even be only a few thousand people on the Snow Country train.

   But since the Mutual Rescue Association has come, naturally there will be no normal development.

   After making sure to contact the Snow Kingdom, the matter of how to contact them was quickly settled.

   Zhang Tianyuan suddenly remembered something, and turned to ask the person in charge of the information force: "In the 8th time and space, is there a super railway project called a luxury journey."

   The person in charge raised his glasses and said: "This project does exist. According to our observations and searched data, this project has built a circular route that almost spans the world, except for Oceania and Antarctica..."

   "Mmmm..." Zhang Tianyuan listened to the explanation of the person in charge, and the others also cast their gazes.

   After the person in charge finished speaking, someone asked, "What happened to this project?"

   Zhang Tianyuan touched his chin and said, "If I'm not mistaken, the person who promoted this project should be related to the emission of CW-7."

  It was said in the movie that Wilford knew that CW-7 would freeze the world.

  Although this was said by the female teacher in class, if she can say it in class to educate children, it means that this statement has been officially recognized by Wilford, and its credibility is very high.

   In addition, Wilford insists on building a luxury train roaming line, which is completely unreasonable and unprofitable railway lines.

  It is almost certain that there is a conspiracy behind this.

   Although the idea of ​​avoiding the apocalypse with a galloping train is strange in itself...

   But this is the most realistic and logical idea.

   Zhang Tianyuan has experienced so many time and space, and he is quite used to the "wonderful ideas" that will pop up from time to time in each time and space.

   At least technically, that makes more sense than pushing the Earth away, doesn't it?

   After being reminded by Zhang Tianyuan, the person in charge of the information force immediately stated that he would focus on the situation related to this project.

   Of course, the information force doesn't necessarily have much to gain.

  If it is really a plan to destroy the world, Wilford's actions must be very secretive.

   You may not be able to find any traces on the Internet.

   It is estimated that we will have to check on the spot in the future.

   So Zhang Tianyuan turned to the person in charge to learn more about the current situation of Wilford.

   When he learned that he had boarded the Snow Country train, and brought a large group of people, when he galloped freely in the land of eastern America.

   He knew the beginning of the movie had come.

According to the development of the plot, in another seventeen years, after several riots, all of Wilford's plans and means of **** failed. A man named Curtis broke through all the carriages, walked in front of him, and then Wilford's nagging put an end to Snowpiercer...

   Of course, that was seventeen years later.

   As for now…

   Now the Snow Kingdom is just chaos, the network and communication are still normal in most areas, and most people are still alive, so Wilford's previous murders and kidnappings at the station were also exposed.

  The police station also took over the case.

   It's just that the city is chaotic now, there are not enough people, and no one has time to take care of him.

   These information were obtained by the person in charge and said it.

   "2012" Time and Space's Zhou Lao made a brief evaluation: "I think this Wilford is now a terrorist who is holding a large number of people hostage and is running wildly?"

   Hearing what Elder Zhou said, everyone thought about it, and it seemed that it was right.

  This Wilford has no conspiracy spirit at all, and is more like a gangster who loses his senses and flees with the people.

   "Anyway..." Zhang Tianyuan paused, "The information force should pay more attention to the situation of the train. When we have established a relatively stable connection with the No. 8 space-time, we will try to intercept the train as soon as possible."

   The person in charge of the information unit nodded immediately.

   Zhang Tianyuan also emphasized by the way that this matter should be done as soon as possible without affecting other important matters, in order to prevent any tragedy from happening on the train.

  Because according to the situation in the original work, the people in the last car should have started to starve now, and when everyone was so hungry that they lost their minds, the people locked in it began to eat people collectively.

   This kind of tragedy must be stopped if it is capable.

   This is best resolved within a week.

Although others in the    meeting did not know that those who were carried into the car were already starving, they also felt that this kind of hostage rescue should indeed be faster.

   Everyone has no objection.


  Snow Country Time and Space.

  Wilford sneezed twice in his engine compartment, which attracted Claude's concern, and hurriedly brought the medicine to prevent colds and fed him to eat it himself.

  Wilford didn't try to be brave. He didn't know that he had been characterized as a terrorist in another time and space, so he took the water glass and took two sips.

  Although there are doctors and medicines on the train, it is best not to get sick, as the consequences may be serious.

   He knew that in the train, once he showed signs of weakness, he would become the prey of others, even if he was now standing at the top of the train.

   For example, the woman next to me may be a member of the hunters...

  Thinking of this, Wilford quickly changed the subject:

   "I looked at the surveillance camera. The person in the last car said that some visions had appeared in the sky before?"

   (end of this chapter)

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