Movie Savior

Chapter 423: Morgan's Action (2/2)

   Chapter 423 Morgan's Action (22)

  The white snow was swept up by the strong wind, and was blown all the way from the ground to the treetops, and then snapped onto the windows of the houses.

   Pedestrians on the roadside held umbrellas and carried the latest rescue supplies, walking with difficulty on the road, with thick snow on the ground.

   The snow had just been cleared in the morning, and now it is noon, and the snow has accumulated to the depth of the calf.

   In this vast white world, except for the pedestrians who had to go out to rescue supplies on the side of the road, there was no breath of life to be seen.

  The city is like dead.

  The walking people are the last living cells in the huge city.

  A large number of cars were abandoned on the side of the road, covered by ice and snow, and the doors of the shops on the roadside were also broken, and the contents inside were swept away, and only snowflakes could be seen flying in along the gap.

   on the outer wall of the shopping street.

I don't know where the pure English signboard has been blown to. Instead, it has been sprayed with various slogans, some scolding Mather, some are against CW-7, and some people are even dirty. discourse...

   This is what Morgan sees from the video.

   "This is New York?"

  The secretary replied, "Yes, sir."

   "This is what happened yesterday."

   "Tell me in detail."

   "Okay." The assistant paused, then turned to the latest data: "The impact of CW-7 is still expanding rapidly, and we did not foresee the possibility of it being contained."

   "Therefore, the temperature outside continues to drop. So far, the average temperature in the United States has dropped to -10°C, and the minimum temperature in individual areas has reached -34°C."

   "This value is no longer suitable for human habitation, so the newly appointed Mr. Matthew dispatched the National Guard to move all the residents of that area out..."

   Morgan touched his chin and asked, "Is Matthew succeeding Mather?"

  The secretary nodded.

   Mather is naturally nothing, he knows too much.

   But he's gone, it's not in the way, just change another screw and continue working, Matthew is the one to replace him.

  The secretary, who knew what the boss was worried about, immediately sent Matthew's biography, "This person didn't know our plan and was on the cleared list before."

   Morgan nodded, making no comment.

  The secretary then went on to give an update on what happened during this time.

  Under Matthew's order, the relief work in North America went quite smoothly.

   not only ensures the safety of the people to the greatest extent, but also protects the lives of most people.

   Morgan listened calmly, as if all of these were expected, but he didn't know how much surprise this situation would cause if it spread to other time and space.

   It can respond to special climate disasters covering the whole country so quickly, and it can also ensure the lives of most people, provide them with assistance, and provide water and electricity...

   This mobility has surpassed North America in most of the time and space.

   Karl of the first time and space was killed and he was unwilling to come to be the representative of the Mutual Rescue Association. Robert of the legendary time and space, and Taylor of the ring of space and time also gave up hope for the snow country time and space.

   If this situation spreads, maybe President Zhang can find a North American representative to coordinate the situation here.

   But for Morgan, this situation is not really surprising.

  Before North America's performance in the face of the threat of cooling was a mess because Mather didn't care about anything, and the reason why their big groups were hiding.

   Now that Mather is gone, and at the same time, the big groups like Morgan also realize that the doomsday plan is gone. They still have to survive in this world in the future, so naturally the population cannot be greatly reduced...

   is based on this demand, so the relief work went well.

   Whoever dares to hinder the relief work now is blocking the financial path of various large groups.

  Morgan won't let him go in the first place!

   Really want to finish North America, where can he parasitize in the future?

The    disaster relief work went smoothly, and Morgan didn't raise any questions until the secretary's report was over.

  Then the secretary talked about the weather.

   The weather is getting worse and worse, and the Mutual Rescue Society has not taken any measures to turn the whole situation around.

   This situation makes many people feel uneasy.

"The effect of the high-temperature plasma jet is rapidly weakening, the speed and magnitude of the temperature drop are getting faster and larger, the cold air mass is getting bigger and colder, and the effect it can play is getting smaller and smaller... "

   When talking about this, even the secretary was worried.

   Old Morgan's eyes showed a hint of helpless worry.

   "Haven't they announced how to deal with climate change yet?"

   "Didn't they claim to be here to rescue us? Why haven't they come up with a plan?"

  Morgan was puzzled.

The secretary    said that they have put pressure on the Mutual Rescue Association through public opinion, asking them to announce the solution to the global cooling as soon as possible.

   "At present this plan may only be known by Mr. Cheng on the opposite side."

   Hearing this, Old Morgan was also helpless.


   "Already recruited!" The secretary said immediately, hearing the name, he knew what the boss was asking.

   "According to the information just received, he was recruited as soon as he was interrogated, and now the relevant situation may have been transferred to Matthew for handling."

  Morgan felt a headache.

   He thought of countless ways, including dozens of ways to assassinate, but unfortunately none of them were successful.

  Wilford is well protected.

  Cheng Wanli let it go, he must die, but not now.

   This semi-public statement was easily overheard by Morgan's secretary, and when he said it now, it made Old Morgan feel a little hot in his neck, as if something rough was rubbing against it...

   "Where's Matthew? Did he say anything?"

The secretary    said: "He's not one of ours...I haven't been able to find out too much information, but he acted as if he didn't know anything about it and didn't tell anyone about it...sorry..."

   The secretary lowered his head.

   Matthew was clearing the list of people before, a person who could take Mather's position, but didn't even have a chance to get in the car, was naturally their enemy.

   was originally different from their position, and now he is still trying to guard against him, so naturally he couldn't inquire about anything.

   Morgan was silent.

   He thought a little deeper.

   If you can't even inquire about the news, it must be a precaution against them.

   Maybe, now Matthew is secretly planning to launch an action against them? !

   As soon as this possibility appeared, Old Morgan was startled in a cold sweat, and he immediately turned his head and told the secretary to investigate the movements of various units.

   Especially the tax office.

  For a hard rock like them, Matthew would definitely not be able to bite it with ordinary means, but if he really wanted to bite it, he would most likely resort to the tax bureau's trick.

   And he himself immediately convened all the main leaders who participated in the doomsday plan, and held the first meeting after the plan failed on the confidential network.

   separated by a long distance, Morgan repeated the situation to everyone, and quickly caused a stir in the meeting.

   Everyone was a little panicked.

   They are not the kind of people who can destroy the world without changing their faces.

   is now likely to face reckoning, even more panicked.

   "How far have they investigated now?"

"do not know."

   "Don't know? How could this be? Matthew's secrecy is so well done?"

   "He's been on guard..."

   "I haven't been able to find any useful information here."

  Morgan exchanged ideas with everyone, and soon discovered that none of them had any useful information at the moment.

  Willford, or CW-7, all this seems to have been deliberately forgotten, and only some people say that the abnormal temperature is caused by CW-7.

   If they were not the planners of the whole plan, they would probably think that nothing happened, all countries and various international organizations have stopped investigating, and the wind has passed...

   But is it possible?

   This is clearly because they have completely locked their power, so they can block the news against them and make them deaf and blind!

  Thinking of this moment, Morgan felt a rare fear.

   This completely unknown situation, he has not experienced since he was born.

   No matter what time or field, as long as he activates his power, he can receive a lot of reliable inside information, and no matter what he does, it is like opening the vision of God.

  Only now, he feels that he is in the deep sea, can't see anything, and can't receive feedback on any actions he makes.

   "We must take the initiative to attack, and can no longer execute defensive strategies!"

   Someone suggested this and quickly gained the approval of others.

   "They are weaving fishing nets for us, we must escape their traps in advance!"

   Morgan agrees.

   "What do you think we should do now?"

  An old man said in a low voice: "We should take the initiative to disclose the doomsday plan!"

   Morgan was silent, not showing much surprise.

   The others listened quietly, even if it sounded a bit like asking them to turn themselves in.

  The old man quickly continued:

   "We have destroyed all evidence against us before, and transferred the suspects to Wilford and Mather."

  Someone said: "This was supposed to be an investigation, but now they refuse to step into our carefully prepared trap."

   "Humph!" The old man said indifferently, "So we should take the initiative to show everyone what is in this trap!"

   "Although a little impatient, as long as we convict Wilford and Mather, let everyone know, and let them all believe that this plan was designed and implemented by the two lunatics, then it will be fine!"

   Doing this before may take the initiative to attract other people's attention, which is not conducive to their hiding.

   But now that they have been exposed, there is no need to hide them.

   "The most important thing now is not to let them know that the doomsday plan has nothing to do with us, but to not let them put us on the charge of 'causing the end of the world'."

  Morgan coughed and said, "I see what you mean."

   Others also expressed their understanding.

   As long as no specific charges are placed on them.

   What if all countries know that the doomsday plan is what they did?

  Without the crime, there is no legitimate reason to strike them, which is illegal.

   Then their counterattack was justified.

   With their current capabilities, they can easily bring the economy of any small and medium-sized country to a complete collapse, even a large country, as long as they operate well, they can do a heavy blow.

   Of course, the main reason why they are so awesome is that the economy is about to collapse due to the climate now...

   In the end, they just have the ability to move the boat with the current.

   But whatever the reason, they have that kind of power now.

   And with such strength, do you still need to be afraid?

   What if everyone knew that they were secretly planning the doomsday?

   Does the domestic economy not want it?

   There are so many people, don’t you need to eat?

  The fact that they were able to hand over Wilford and Mather as scapegoats was considered an explanation to the countries.

   They have all backed down to this point, what else do you want?

   As long as they are willing to compromise, they can even take the initiative to give up a little benefit.

  In this way, the countries have not only caught the mastermind behind the doomsday plan, but also obtained the benefits they gave, so they have both face and insides, aren’t you happy?

   Old Morgan thought the plan was feasible.

   As long as it is successful, even if the countries settle their accounts after the fall, they can carry it over.

   As long as Wilford is dead and no one is left, it will be over if I don't even recognize it.

"That's all!"


the next day.

   A news that shocked the world was revealed.

   A world-renowned major newspaper published a survey material called "The Doomsday Cooling Plan".

   This information is said to come from a classified investigation team of the FBI.

  The above explains in detail the real reason for the current global cooling, and the real mastermind behind it!

  The dead Mather and Wilford suddenly became popular and became global celebrities again.

   Especially Mather, some memorials were set on fire by angry people.

   Even the corpse that was just buried was not spared, it was dug up, and then various operations were performed, which was horrible...

   The storm of this matter, more precisely, should be a storm.

   The storm quickly swept across the globe, causing a tsunami-like tremor.

   No one would have thought that there would be such anti-human elements, who would destroy the world just because of some crazy ideals...

  For example, Wilford, just because he wanted to live on a train all the time, decided to create a world where only trains can live...

Is that human being?

   At a time when people all over the world are condemning it.

  The FBI is a bit confused.

   Where did this document come from?

   They don't have this survey project!

   They issued a clarification statement for the first time, but it had no effect at all, and no one believed it at all.

Even when some of their internal staff were interviewed, they secretly said that there may or may not be such a thing. …

The attitude of    this riddleman made everyone convinced that this was a real investigation.

   Also convinced that Wilford is really an anti-human...

   (end of this chapter)

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