Movie Witcher

Chapter 195: Power of Legend!

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Regardless of the fact that the No. 8 holy water only improves three points of physical attributes, it is the improvement of these three points of physical attributes that makes Luo Ning's strength a qualitative leap.

Luo Ning's physique attribute is 25.5 in the naked state, and 30 in the equipment bonus. After calculating the style bonus of the royal guard and the attribute improvement of the eighth holy water, the final value is 35.5.

A physique attribute of 35.5, which is the third-order median, is basically useless in a battle of this level.

But don't forget, Luo Ning is also equipped with dragon tooth gloves!

With a physique attribute of 35.5 plus the 5-point strength judgment of Dragon Tooth Gauntlet, Luo Ning's physical strength has now reached a terrifying value——40.25!

This is a number that breaks through the limit. It represents that Luo Ning's physical strength has surpassed the limit of the third level and stepped into the realm of the fourth level legend.

Although this breakthrough is very small, after calculating the equal-order reduction, it is only a pitiful 0.25, but a breakthrough of 0.25 is also a breakthrough.

No matter how insignificant this bit of power is in the legendary field, it is still legendary, a qualitative improvement and a qualitative leap compared to the third level.

This was shown in the battle just now. Except for Ni Lin, no matter how Luo Ning attacked before, he couldn't shake Vlad at all, because most of his attack power was absorbed by the scarlet armor.

Armored with divine power, which is equivalent to equipment of the legendary rank and legendary quality. Before, Ronin's attack strength was only at the third rank, and he couldn't even break through the upper limit of the scarlet armor's power absorption. How could he shake Vlad.

It's different now. After taking No. 8 holy water, Luo Ning's attributes broke through the limit of the third order, and Luo Ning, who gained a trace of legendary power, already has the capital to shake the scarlet armor.

Although shaking does not mean breaking, Ronin still couldn't smash Vlad's scarlet armor, but facing his attack, Vlad could no longer be indifferent and calm.

Finally got it back!

Vlad's body flew out and fell to the ground, smashing a terrifying dent in the metal bottom of the pool of blood.

But he didn't care about it, stood up, looked at the wound on his chest that had broken through the scarlet armor, then raised his head to look at Luo Ning who hadn't pursued, and said with a grim smile, "It's a pity!"

Luo Ning didn't speak, just shook his right hand, and the bright red blood seeped from the gap of the gauntlet, dripping onto the ground.

he is injured!

Not everyone can bear the power of legend. The Dragon Tooth Gauntlet only provides five points of strength determination, but does not strengthen Luo Ning's body. Now his physical attribute is still 35.5, which is the middle level of the third order.

One can imagine the consequences if the body strength of the third-level median is to withstand the explosion of the fourth-level legendary power. Even if the Dragon Tooth Gauntlet reduces some of the damage, Luo Ning's right hand still cannot bear it.

Not only his right hand, but also his arm and his body couldn't withstand the burst of legendary power, and suffered varying degrees of damage.

That's why, after knocking Vlad into the air, Ronin didn't seize the opportunity to pursue him. It wasn't that he let Vlad go on purpose, but that his body couldn't bear it and didn't allow him to continue to act.

The most intuitive manifestation is the loss of health. Luo Ning's total health has dropped to 500 points, which is more than half of the loss.

One round of attack, the loss of more than half of his health, just knocked Vlad into the air.

is it worth it

It's definitely not worth it, kill eight hundred enemies, and lose one thousand. If the fight continues like this, Luo Ning doesn't know if the scarlet armor will be broken, but his body will definitely be broken, or the kind that will be smashed to pieces.

Not only Luo Ning knew this, but Vlad and Tria also saw it clearly, which is why they sighed "It's a pity".

Tria drove the light wings, landed beside Ronin, and injected a beam of holy light into his body to heal his damaged body, while asking, "How is it?"

"never mind!"

The healing effect of this holy light was good, and it pulled Ronin's health from 500 points to nearly 900 points in a blink of an eye.

The pain and numbness in his right arm also dissipated a lot. Luo Ning twisted his arm, and then said, "Is there a way to restrict his movements?"

Tria frowned, guessing her thoughts faintly. She wanted to persuade him not to be impulsive, but the words changed to: "Yes, but it will take time!"

Luo Ning nodded and asked, "How long?"

Hearing this, Tria suppressed her last hesitation, and said in a deep voice, "One minute!"

"Then let's get started!"

Luo Ning didn't say much, left a word, and then walked towards Vlad with his sword.

Looking at his back, Triya's eyes narrowed, and then she spread her wings of light, flew into the air, and sang loudly, the bright holy light condensed, exuding an extremely dangerous aura.

And Vlad, who had a panoramic view of all this, was not in a hurry when facing Luo Ning who was walking towards him with his sword in hand, and even had the mood to ask, "Are you all so confident?"

Luo Ning smiled, noncommittal, only said: "There is still time to escape."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Vlad laughed loudly, scarlet blood radiated from his body, quickly healed the wound pierced by Ronin's sword just now, and strengthened the scarlet armor at the same time.

Vlad was crazy, but not stupid. He allowed Rhonin and Tria to formulate tactics in front of him because he also needed time to stimulate the true power of the scarlet armed forces.

Scarlet blood flickered, and the space seemed to be distorted. Vlad stepped forward, walked towards Luo Ning, and said in a cold voice, "I'll give you this chance!"

Before the words were finished, scarlet blood swept across Luo Ning's body like a storm, engulfing his body in an instant.

Compared to Tria, Ronin, who can burst out with legendary power, is a greater threat, so Vlad did not interrupt Tria, who was accumulating strength, but planned to forcibly kill Ronin.

Vlad's choice was wise. With Ronin's obstruction, it was difficult for him to interrupt Tria's energy accumulation. Instead of seeking distance, he might as well concentrate his strength and kill Ronin.

The bloody storm engulfed Luo Ning, and the sword lights intersected and slashed. The power carried by each sword was stronger than before, and it had reached the limit of the third level, which was also the limit of the scarlet armed.

Although he didn't break through to the third rank and become a legend, such power is not something that can be resisted by ordinary means. Even if Ronin launched a defensive posture like before, Vlad is sure to defeat it quickly.

But Rhonin didn't, because he continued to retain his magic power, making the final blow.

Therefore, facing the sword light that slashed down in the storm, he chose to attack instead of defending.


The dark red light exploded, and the power of the Star of Wrath exploded, further strengthening Luo Ning's body, increasing his strength, and speeding up his speed. The Holy Prison then slashed and faced the scarlet blood-like sword light.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Swords and lights collided, forces collided, and the terrifying legendary power shredded the storm, knocking out Vlad's figure alive.

Then, regardless of the wailing and pain of his body, Luo Ning held the sword in both hands and slashed again, like a baseball player swinging a bat, hitting Vlad heavily.


Vlad suffered a heavy blow. Even the scarlet armor couldn't fully absorb and counteract the terrifying legendary power. His body was directly thrown out, smashing into the metal wall of the blood pool like a fired shell.

But in the next moment, he rushed out unscathed, and with an extremely ferocious instant slash, he slashed straight in front of Luo Ning.


The scarlet sword slashed down, knocking the holy prison in Luo Ning's hand into the air. He couldn't continuously burst out the legendary power, and he couldn't stop Vlad's counterattack at all.

After Luo Ning's weapon was released, Vlad's second attack immediately struck, and the scarlet blood-like sword edge pierced through the air, directly hitting Luo Ning's chest.

Fortunately, at this time, Luo Ning had recovered from the explosive damage caused by the legendary power, his defensive posture was unfolded, and the magic power barrier was raised, blocking the fatal blow at the cost of consuming a lot of magic power.

At the same time, in the midair, a radiant holy light bloomed, and a mountain-like figure appeared, with six pairs of wings spread out behind it, pointing at Vlad in the battlefield.

"Truth, Judgment!"

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