Movie Witcher

Chapter 219: Teleportation (2 in 1)

Royal Guard·Hell's Bliss Fall

Effect: Use magic power to strengthen the body, grab the opponent with an unstoppable posture, launch continuous throwing blows, and each throw will shock part of the force into the target's body, penetrate deep into the internal organs, erode the meridian bones, and finally destroy it Detonates, dealing devastating damage.

Consumption: 200 points of mana, Wrath Star X1

Note 1: When this skill is activated, the user's body will enter a state of supremacy under the strengthening of magic power and anger star, gaining a 15% bonus to physical attributes, which lasts until the end of the skill effect.

Note 2: If you use this skill in the burst state of the star of anger, the power of the star of anger will strengthen the skill, making it promoted to Boom·Hell Bliss Fall, and the bonus of the physique attribute in the overlord state is increased to 30%, while greatly enhancing the shock and detonation effects of strength.


Hell Bliss Fall, the new ultimate skill of the Royal Guard, is also the first throwing strike skill owned by Luo Ning.

The system has already introduced the effect of this skill very clearly, so there is no need to repeat it.

Facing the trigger of the curse mechanism, and it was Kayako who finally crawled out of the haunted house, Luo Ning switched styles without hesitation and launched an offensive first.

Switching styles, the Juggernaut became the Royal Guard, and the Fighting Stars accumulated by beheading the two black cats just now transformed into the Angry Stars needed by the Royal Guards.

Relying on this star of anger, Luo Ning rushed in front of Jiaye with explosive speed, grabbed her with both hands equipped with Dragon Tooth Gauntlets, and launched this ferocious throwing technique with an extremely violent posture.


Gayoko's thin body was thrown heavily by Luo Ning who was equipped with the dragon tooth gauntlet, and he fell to the ground with a bang. There was a loud noise in an instant, and the floor tiles cracked and shattered, forming a shocking concave mark.

This was just the beginning, after a beating, Luo Ning still didn't stop, grabbed the body of Kayako with both hands, threw it out again, and hit the ground on the other side heavily.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In this way, Luo Ning grabbed Jiaye's pale body with both hands, like grabbing a tattered rag doll, and beat it back and forth frantically, the floor tiles on the left and right sides were all smashed into powder by him.

Throwing, also known as wrestling, is a very aggressive and lethal close combat skill.

As a leader in throwing skills, Hell Bliss Fall is even more extraordinary. Every throw is filled with an unparalleled sense of power, as if it wants to beat the person in his hand into a rotten flesh.

No, not as if!

The improvement of character level and body forging has brought a lot of attribute growth to Luo Ning. Now under the royal guard style, his physique attribute is 36.75.

With a physique attribute of 36.75, calculating the 15% super body bonus of Hell Bliss Fall, and the 5-point strength judgment of the Dragon Tooth Gauntlet, Luo Ning's physical strength once again crossed the boundary between the third and fourth ranks, stepping into the ranks of legends. field.

Although it was the same as against Vlad last time, because of the skill level, these bonuses had to be reduced, and in the end he could break through the third level and reach the legendary power, only a negligible trace.

But a trace is also legendary!

The power of legend, coupled with the explosive beating of this throwing skill, let alone an ordinary person, even an extraordinary person with the limit of the third level, will be smashed into a puddle of mud by Luo Ning.

That kind of mud made of internal organs, bones, and muscles after being crushed!

Although Jiaye is not a human being and cannot be compared and converted in this way, the level of this legendary power is not lower than her curse, on the contrary, it is even higher.

Therefore, even an existence like Gayako cannot be exempted from the damage caused by this power.

Dust and smoke filled the air, and the ground trembled. Luo Ning grabbed Kayako's body and beat it back and forth. A large amount of blood spurted out, staining the shattered ground scarlet, and the blood flowed horizontally, which was shocking.

Blood gushed out, flesh and blood shattered, and the pale body made of curses couldn't bear such a violent beating, showing a tendency to collapse and dissipate.

At this time, Luo Ning threw wildly, just coming to an end.

The epilogue is not the end, but the final climax and the most violent outburst!


Luo Ning stomped on the ground with one step, and with all his strength, he threw the muddy body of Kayako into the sky.

When Kayako's body, which had been beaten into mud, fell from the air, what greeted her was Luo Ning's final outburst, which was also the essence of this hell's blissful fall.


When hell bliss falls on the enemy, it can use a special method to shock part of the strength into the enemy's body, penetrate the internal organs, meridians and bones, and finally burst out to cause devastating damage.

This special way of vibrating with force is called the thunder shake, and the explosion of the thunder shake is the finishing move of Hell's Bliss Fall.

I saw that Gayako's body was thrown into the sky by Luo Ning. Because of the violent beating and violent shock of legendary power, he couldn't help himself, so he could only fall down with the force of gravity and hit the ground.

Just as her body fell and was about to touch the ground, Luo Ning...


Another kick, stomping on the ground, the violent strength was shaken out in a special way, quickly traveling through the ground, rushing to the place where the coconut fell, bursting loudly, and breaking out of the ground.


Jiaye's body fell, and just when he touched the ground, he was hit by the force of the explosion, and was directly blasted into the air by this force, making violent noises like thunder and roaring.

The power accumulated in her body, guided by the Ronin's thunderstorm, exploded one after another, destroying her body from the inside.

This kind of attack, for an ordinary person, would have killed ten lives. After all, Kejia coconut is not an ordinary person, not even a living person, so she did not die, but was severely injured.

The pale body was blasted apart by the explosive force, spattering out a large amount of blood, some limbs were shattered, collapsed, illusory, as if they would annihilate into nothingness at any time.

Blood spewed out, limbs collapsed, the power of the curse couldn't bear the damage of the legendary power, it began to disintegrate and dissipate, evaporated and annihilated, Kayako also became illusory, and was about to disappear.

But Luo Ning did not stop there!

He didn't think that this round of his attack could completely destroy such a difficult and dangerous existence as the Grudge, so he launched the second round of offensive without hesitation.

Switching styles, jumping up violently, Luo Ning pulled out the holy prison, rushed in and out, and rushed towards the falling Kayako like a flying swallow.

With his actions, drops of blood fell down.

It was his blood, the skin and muscles of his body were oozing bright red blood at this moment.

The legendary power that exploded with the addition of the dragon tooth gauntlet was still too strong for Luo Ning's body that had not yet reached the legendary strength.

Although he barely endured it and fully displayed this Hell Bliss Fall, his body was still inevitably injured.

Fortunately, Hell Bliss Fall is a throwing technique, and the force recoil caused is relatively small. If it is replaced with a striking technique such as Zhenlong Fist, the force of the recoil is enough to severely injure Luo Ning.

At that time, it won't be as simple as blood oozing from the skin and flesh. The meridians, bones, and internal organs may all be shattered. Unless a No. 8 holy water is used, there is no way to restore it in a short time.

Although the current injury is relatively minor and there is nothing serious, but Luo Ning's outbreak again has caused a great burden on the body.

So, Luo Ning still didn't care, Feiyan rushed into the air, piercing Kayako's pale body with a sword.


The holy prison penetrated the body, and the damage deepened, and Kayako's body became even more illusory, as if it would collapse at any time.

But Luo Ning still didn't dare to relax, and regardless of the burden on his body, he switched styles again, stepped on the star in the sky, and while using his strength to stay in the air, he pulled out the Holy Prison from Kayako's body, and slashed wildly with his sword.

"Puff puff puff!"

The frenzied sword light intertwined, forming a large net, covering the body of Jia coconut, smashing and separating it.

In this way, Luo Ning just took back the Holy Prison, turned over and fell to the ground,

Luo Ning turned over and fell to the ground, ignoring the wet body soaked in blood, he directly pulled out the ebony wood and white ivory, locked the muzzle of the gun on the pale body that was broken in the void, and squeezed the trigger to shoot.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Dark red rays of light burst out of the air, and the bullets blessed by light energy and dark energy completely shattered the pale limbs dismembered by the blade.

The limbs were shattered and disappeared with the wind, and the terrifying figure was never seen again.

But Luo Ning's brows were still furrowed, and they didn't relax.

He didn't receive the kill prompt!

Kayako, no, it should be said that the curse has not been eliminated!

Regarding this, Luo Ning didn't say a word, and retracted the two guns with his backhand, and then took out two No. 9 holy water from the flame space, and drank it with his mouth open.

One No. 9 holy water can restore 350 points of health and mana, and two can restore 700 points. Coupled with Ronin's own recovery ability, it is enough to fill up the lost life points due to the recoil of legendary power.

Luo Ning used the holy water to replenish his physical strength, restore his state, and prepare for the final counterattack of the Grudge.


Christine trotted to Luo Ning's side, looked at the unmoving haunted house in surprise, and asked tentatively, "Is it over?"

Luo Ning shook his head and said, "It's just the beginning!"

Although she had been psychologically prepared, Christine couldn't help being a little shocked when she heard what Luo Ning said, and asked, "There's no way to destroy her like this?"

Luo Ning smiled and said, "It can be solved so easily, so what's the curse?"

Christine couldn't laugh like Ronin, and stood behind him nervously, asking, "Now what...behind!"

In the middle of what Christine said, it turned into a horrified scream. He looked behind Ronin with a horrified expression, and there was something extremely terrifying there just now.

Luo Ning's eyes were fixed, and he didn't turn his head. Instead, he directly launched Shunpo, hugging the horrified Christine and moving forward.

But he didn't expect that a dark water vortex suddenly appeared at the landing point of Luo Ning's Shunbu.

A pitch-black vortex, but what is pitch-black is not the water, but the strands of hair in the vortex. A large number of black hairs swirl in the vortex, forming a vortex leading to the abyss of death.

Luo Ning launched Shunpo, hugged Christine and moved forward, just falling into the dark vortex.


The two fell into the water vortex, and their field of vision was instantly filled with terrifying darkness, and the jet-black hair entangled, trying to swallow them up.

Luo Ning's eyes were fixed, he wrapped around Christine's waist with one hand, and forced her into his arms when she was at a loss. With the other hand, he pulled out the white ivory and shot a shining bullet.


In the cold water vortex, dazzling rays of light burst out, piercing through and smashing the turbulent strands of hair, but there were too many strands of hair, and only a small gap was opened, which was useless at all.

This small gap didn't last long, and was quickly refilled by the spreading and tangled strands of hair.

In the vortex, the black hair was entangled, even Luo Ning couldn't get out of the predicament.

No, it can't be said that there is no way. There are still five No. 8 holy water in the flame space. As long as Luo Ning takes them out and breaks through this weird vortex, it will definitely not be a problem.

But the grudge didn't give him this time!

"Gulu Gulu!"

With the sound of water, Luo Ning, who was in the whirlpool, suddenly stepped on the ground with both feet, and fell downward involuntarily.


I didn't expect this fall to fall into a vortex, but this is not a good thing, because after Luo Ning fell, he found himself here...

Under the dim light, Luo Ning stood at the entrance with Christine in his arms, looking at the gloomy and weird Japanese-style house in front of him, feeling very helpless in his heart.

He still came in!

This haunted house, the origin of the grudge, is also the home of the grudge.

The vortex did not hurt Ronin, but sent him and Christine into the haunted house, to the place where the curse was most powerful.

Although Luo Ning was a little surprised by this, he was not too surprised.

Among other things, in the movie, Kayako has shown the ability of space more than once. She once appeared in a victim's quilt, took the victim away, and also used the pocket of a sweater. cap, from which it reaches to pull the victim away.

These are the manifestations of space ability, the rule of curse is launched, endowing Kayako with such power to kill or take people away.

Originally, Kayako had no way to use this power against Luo Ning, because Luo Ning was outside the rules and did not touch the rule mechanism of the Grudge, and the Grudge could not take him away.

But just now, Luo Ning launched a round of brutal attacks on Kayako, and finally chopped her body into pieces with the Holy Prison.

This further touched the rule mechanism of the curse, because Kayako died in this way, was killed by her husband Saeki Takeo, and was brutally dismembered.

Luo Ning repeated this scene, which triggered the rule mechanism of the grudge, further deepened the power of the grudge, and gave Kayako the ability to transfer space, bringing him and Christine into the haunted house.

In fact, there is nothing about Christine here. The only person who touched the heavy mechanism of curse and grudge was Luo Ning, and Christine was not among them.

It's just that when Luo Ning launched Shunpo just now, he took advantage of the situation and hugged her, so he brought her in as well.

Entering the haunted house and coming to the home field of the Grudge, even Luo Ning felt a little cold.

The activated!

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