Movie Witcher

Chapter 244: Conceptual Poison

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A deafening roar rang out, and almost substantial sound waves swept across. Ripples visible to the naked eye rolled and spread in the void, impacting everything that touched it.

Dragon chant!

The dragon chant of the real dragon!

Luo Ning, who had just turned around, paused, turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound of the dragon's chant, his gaze passed through the dark and dense forest, and he locked on to a huge, illusory beast.

The illusory body and the green scales, even though the body size has shrunk a lot, still has the power to cover the sky and the sun, and the wings spread out on the back cover all the moonlight, casting a terrifying shadow.

The green dragon, one of the legendary five-color true dragons, is a more powerful character among the five-color dragons. It has green scales, a strong body, outstanding hand-to-hand combat ability, and masters terrible dragon language magic.

Dragon language magic is standard for true dragons. Basically all true dragons can release spells through dragon language, and green dragons are no exception. They can use dragon language to release powerful spells of poisonous nature.

Toxins are exclusive to green dragons. Its toxins are divided into three types, namely biological toxins erupted by breath, energy toxins released by dragon language, and conceptual toxins imposed by the soul.

The most terrifying of these is the conceptual toxin. This toxin is similar to a curse, and it is a conceptual and regular existence. Even the legendary powerhouses must be careful to deal with it.

Now, the phantom that condensed outside the forest is the image of a green dragon.

Although this is definitely not a real green dragon, the aura it emits is still extremely terrifying and extremely dangerous. Just as Luo Ning's gaze touched it, a strong sense of crisis arose in his heart.

Dangerous, extremely dangerous!

This is true of Luo Ning, and so is Ino. The power of the sun in her blood has endowed her with a strong and sharp spiritual perception, which is not much inferior to that of Luo Ning, so she can naturally perceive the danger.

There was a warning sign in her heart, and she had to dodge instinctively, but she didn't want to be dragged down by the injury of her right foot, which made her move a step slower.

At this moment, the green dragon in the void opened its mouth and spit out a pathetic green light.


The light appeared and disappeared instantly, and Yinuo's body trembled. He lowered his head and looked at his lower abdomen in disbelief, looking at the miserable green light spreading out of the golden light under the leather armor.

The golden light gathered in her body is a concrete manifestation of the power of the sun, which is equivalent to the divine power of Tria Vlad. The power under the legend cannot pass through the barrier of the power of the sun and cause substantial damage to her.

But now, there is a miserable green light spreading in her body, which even the power of the sun can't isolate.

There is no doubt that this is legendary power.

Concept poison!

Green Dragon's Conceptual Poison!

The miserable green light spread and penetrated, constantly eroding her body. Although the power of the sun was struggling to resist, but the quality and quantity were not as good as the opponent's, so it couldn't resist at all.

In a blink of an eye, the power of the sun was on the decline, the original bright golden light quickly dimmed, and then the miserable green light flourished, intensifying the penetration and erosion of Ino's body.

The poison eroded, the curse deepened, the strength in her body drained rapidly, and even standing became difficult, but she still supported her body and shouted to the startled elf rangers: "Go...!"

Before he could finish speaking, his vision twisted for a while, and the last supporting force in his body collapsed and disappeared, feeling like the world was spinning, and he fell forward powerlessly.


The fallen body did not touch the icy ground, but instead fell into a somewhat hot embrace. Yinuo raised his head with difficulty, looked at the face whose outline had become blurred, and struggled to say: "You... !"

As soon as the word was uttered, darkness swept in like a tide, completely engulfing her consciousness.

"Your Highness!"

Seeing this scene, the three elven rangers at the back couldn't care about anything else. They drew their longbows with a scream, pointed at Luo Ning and said, "Shameless human, let go of Your Highness immediately!"

Ronin ignored them,

He didn't even have the intention to turn his head back. Looking at the dragon shadow slowly disappearing outside the woods, and then at the unconscious Yinuo in his arms, his eyes gradually turned cold.

Concept poison!

The green dragon just now was not a real green dragon, but a phantom manifested by a certain extraordinary item.

Luo Ning didn't know what this transcendent item was, but presumably it should have a great connection with the green dragon, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to release this concept poison, which is the privilege of an adult green dragon.

True dragons are legends when they reach adulthood, and the green dragon is no exception. As a legendary true dragon, the conceptual toxin it releases can even kill legend-level powerhouses.

Although Ino is a sun elf, she is not yet an adult, and the power of the sun in her body can't resist this conceptual toxin that can kill even legendary powerhouses. At most, it can only delay her life.

How long can it be delayed?

Luo Ning didn't know either, so he had to find a way to detoxify as soon as possible, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain what happened to her in the future.

Although this conceptual toxin is tricky, there are many ways to get rid of it. For example, Holy Church No. 7 Holy Water can effectively remove this conceptual toxin and other legendary curses.

But this method is not suitable for the current situation, and Luo Ning is not the pope of the Church of the Holy Church, where can he get holy water number seven.

The other methods are the same, either it is impossible, or time is not allowed. If Luo Ning wants to save people, there is only one way.

Find those bastards from the Dragon Blood Family!

The person who tied the bell had to be untied. If these guys can poison, they can also detoxify them. If you find them, the matter will be solved.

No, there was no need for Luo Ning to look for them, they had already delivered them to their door.


"What a wonderful battle!"

In the dark woods, there was sudden applause. Luo Ning looked up and saw a pair of young men and women walking out of the darkness, with blond hair and golden pupils, and distinctive features.

It is the core members of the Dragon Blood family, Lester, the son of the Golden Dragon, and his sister Carol.

Lester strolled out, looked at the comatose Eno in Luo Ning's arms, clapped his hands with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "It really didn't disappoint me."

Luo Ning glanced at him, ignored him, and turned his gaze directly to Carol who was beside him.

To be precise, it was transferred to the thing in Carol's hand.

It was a piece of palm-sized, emerald green, transparent like jade, but extremely clear in texture, engraved with many runes on the dragon scale.

The dragon scale of the green dragon!

The phantom of the green dragon just now, as well as the conceptual poison inspired by the phantom, are obviously the masterpiece of this dragon scale, an extraordinary item with an effect similar to a magic scroll.

Noticing Ronin's gaze, Lester smiled again and said, "Your task has been completed very well. The guild and the Federation thank you for your contribution. Now we will take over this matter, and we will deal with this criminal." Bar."

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