Movie Witcher

Chapter 324: Recasting

After the decomposition furnace is upgraded to the second level, it can cooperate with the weapon workshop to manufacture various equipment.

However, limited by materials and technology, Luo Ning has never produced any serious extraordinary equipment. The batch of crossbow arrows and bullets that were auctioned off in the black market last time were all his handmade works.

This is the first time that Luo Ning has used the calciner to forge weapons for himself.

So that success rate can be impressive.

Fortunately, Luo Ning didn't have to fix the Holy Prison. His idea was very simple. If there is hope, he will fight for it. If there is no hope, then forget it. Don't force it.


Luo Ning threw the barely complete hilt into the nebula vortex, and after a while, a reminder came from the decomposition furnace.

Item Detected: Blade of Hell (broken)

This item is a weapon wreck and does not belong to the category of loot. It cannot be disassembled to produce new weapons or item skills, but it can perform the following three operations.

Decomposition: Decompose the wreckage of this weapon (weapon materials can be obtained, there is a certain chance of failure)

Repair: Repair the wreckage of this weapon (repair materials need to be provided, there is a certain chance of failure)

Recast: Recast the wreckage of this weapon (need to provide recast materials, there is a certain chance of failure)

Disassemble, repair, reforge!

The three directions are different, but all have a certain chance of failure.

How to choose?

Decomposition, as the name suggests, is to decompose the hilt to obtain raw materials, such as the devil's spine and angel's tears that were used in the casting of the holy prison, which can be regarded as waste utilization to create value.

But Luo Ning is not inclined to this choice, not only because of emotional factors, but also because of the success rate and cost performance.

For a piece of material, casting is a heavy consumption, and decomposition is a heavy consumption. Even if it succeeds in the end, how much material will be decomposed?

At most, it would be to give Ronin half a devil's bone, which was of no value at all.

Therefore, when he disassembled this option, he directly denied it to Luo Ning. Now he is considering the issue of repair and recasting.

Both of these require materials from Ronin, but one is for restoration and the other is for recasting.

What's the difference?

Luo Ning is not sure, but it can be roughly guessed.

Repair, as the name suggests, is to repair the weapon on the original basis. It needs less materials and has a higher success rate, but the result is unsatisfactory, and there is a high probability that the quality of the weapon will be reduced, especially the strength and durability. aspect.

There is no way, repairing is repairing after all, it is enough to patch up worn-out clothes so that they can be worn, and it is impossible to require them to be durable and beautiful at the same time.

Therefore, repairing this option is not in line with Luo Ning's wishes. He can only set his sights on the final recasting.

The meaning of recasting is also easy to understand. It is to recast this weapon, use the original wreckage, and add new materials. If it is operated properly, it may even be out of the blue.

Of course, the possibility of failure is also very high, and the requirements for materials are also very high. Once it fails, it will lose everything.

This made Ronin very tangled.

It's a gamble,

Or give up?

Gambling, the possibility of losing is very high, and the loss is also very serious.

Giving up means that there will be no loss, but those few trophies may not be able to disassemble a new great sword. Luo Ning, who lacks the main battle weapon, will definitely be weakened to a certain extent.

How about taking a gamble?

The product produced by the system must be a high-quality product, and the attribute column can even withstand the power of hell. Isn't it easy to recast a silver-quality weapon in this newly upgraded decomposition furnace?

Take a gamble!

Luo Ning is not the kind of person who drags his feet. He made a decision immediately and began to select the materials needed for recasting.

Since it is recasting, it is necessary to consider the compatibility between the weapon itself and the recasting material.

The holy prison uses the devil's spine as the main body, and adds angel tears to check and balance the powerful and violent power of the devil's spine, and finally casts this excellent weapon.

Therefore, if you want to recast the Holy Prison, you must use materials that are compatible with the devil.

Ronin thought about it for a while, and finally took out three things from the storage space.

The first is the fragment of divine power crystallization, derived from the abomination that Vlad mutated after accepting the blood of Belial Satan, the quality is considered legendary.

The second is a blue-black demon horn, derived from the Witch Heart Demon who absorbs evil spirits to restore legendary power, and its quality is legendary high.

The third is a sheepskin scroll, not Belial's. That thing was already burned to ashes by Ronin with the fire of hell.

These three things are all related to the devil, their compatibility is very compatible, and their quality is extremely high. They are not inferior to the devil's spine and the angel's tears. Using them to recast the holy prison will definitely greatly improve the quality of the holy prison.

Of course, the premise is that the recasting can be successful, if it fails... then Luo Ning will have to cry.

The risk is great, but Luo Ning has already made a decision, so he will not back down halfway, and now it is only the last choice.

Looking at the three materials, Luo Ning considered for a while, and finally put away the San Van Gonzal contract.

The power of this contract is too powerful. After the Witch Heart Demon obtains it, its strength will directly return to the peak of the legendary demon. The third-order decomposition furnace may not be able to control it. To be on the safe side, let's exclude it.

Luo Ning put away the St. Van Gonzal contract, and then threw several fragments of divine power crystals, as well as the devil's horn, into the decomposition furnace.

Material detected: Divinity crystal shards.

Material Detected: Demon horns.

Material detected: Hellblade (broken)

You can do the following:  …


Luo Ning didn't talk nonsense, and directly chose to recast.


That is, the moment Luo Ning made a decision, the nebula vortex shook loudly, bright starlight bloomed, and surged like liquid, covering the sword hilt, demon horns, and the few fragments of divine power crystals.

The starlight envelops the material, melting it like a liquid flame, and soon several pieces of material lose their original form, turning into three different streams of stars.

Among the three streams of stars, there are lights and shadows flickering.

One is an unknown creature with pitch-black scales and a hideous face, and there is a looming shadow of an angel beside him in a prayer gesture.

One is a terrifying demon with a strong body and outstretched demon wings, and the power of death is surging all over his body.

A huge mass of dark golden meat with many tentacles, exuding an aura of chaos, disorder, and tyranny.

Three lights and shadows flickered in the three streams of stars, and three streams of stars wandered in the vortex of the nebula.

The decomposition furnace roared and vibrated violently. It tried its best to pull the three streams of stars, trying to fuse them into one and forge them into a brand new weapon.

But these three streams of stars, representing three different powerful forces, are not so easy to fuse. Even if the decomposition furnace is running at full capacity, and even the nebula vortex is distorted, these three streams of stars still have no tendency to merge.

The forcible operation of the decomposition furnace not only failed to fuse the three streams of stars, but caused them to clash.


Under the forcible pull of the decomposition furnace, three streams of stars crashed into each other. The roars of demons and gods roared, and the terrifying power raged. The distorted nebula vortex could not stand it, and some areas were There is a tendency to disillusionment.

If the nebula vortex collapses, not only will the recasting of the Holy Prison fail, but the decomposition furnace that Luo Ning just upgraded to complete will also be destroyed, and the real blood will be lost.

Seeing this, Luo Ning didn't panic at all, he directly stretched out his right hand, and probed towards the nebula vortex very calmly.


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