Movie Witcher

Chapter 477: 2nd Degree Awakening!

"Why don't we forget about the exhibition?"

Looking at the demon sheep's head in his hand, Luo Ning felt a little tangled in his heart.

During the Silent Hill trip, after deducting the consumption of soul power, Luo Ning gained almost 20 million experience points.

With the 20 million plus the 3 million mission rewards, Luo Ning now has a total of 23 million experience points at his disposal.

Although 23 million experience points are a lot, Luo Ning still feels a little nervous about the current upgrade plan.

After all, there are too many places for him to upgrade. The character level and skill level all require a lot of experience investment, and 23 million experience may not be enough. If you give the system another wave...

That will definitely affect Ronin's development plan.

But if you give up this opportunity, it would be a pity to use this demon sheep head exhibition to gain experience, or put it into a decomposition furnace for decomposition...

"Whatever it is, try it first, and then talk about it if it doesn't work."

Luo Ning struggled for a long time, but in the end, the gambler's mentality prevailed. Holding the demon sheep's head, his mind connected with the system: "Absorb!"


In a moment of thought, the reaction stood up, and the dark red fire spewed out, spreading and galloping among Luo Ning's limbs and bones, igniting all the blood and flesh, but it did not bring him the slightest pain.


Awakening of magic power!

Luo Ning entered the state of magical awakening without realizing it.

After turning on the awakening of magic power, Luo Ning suddenly realized, and looked down at the demon sheep's head in his hand.

As his gaze fell, the dark red flames of hell rushed and spread, directly wrapping the ominous demon sheep's head, burning, refining, and absorbing bit by bit.

Under the influence of the fire of hell, the head of the demon sheep, which was so hard that even the Ultimate Dragon Fist could not be completely destroyed, began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally only a cluster of pitch-black flames remained, floating in the air of Luo Ning. in the palm of your hand.


Samael's hellfire!


The pitch-black flames of hell were burning, and a spooky shadow was faintly visible in it.

The sharp black horns pierced the sky, the ominous sheep's head roared furiously, and the three pairs of devil bat wings behind it also spread out angrily, casting a terrifying shadow, trying to cover the world.


This hell fire, this hell power, belongs to hell Satan, Samael, the angry demon king.

If Luo Ning wanted to seize this power, he would naturally meet with strong resistance and fight back angrily.

I saw the terrifying specter roaring up to the sky, and the flame formed by the power of hell expanded rapidly, rising from a small cluster of flames to a huge torch, and the pitch-black flame spewed out from the torch, burning along the void Spread, the reverse ronin erodes away.

Seeing this, Luo Ning was not in a hurry. He raised his right hand horizontally and held his five fingers empty. The dark red hellfire gradually strengthened, suppressing the pitch-black hellfire, and penetrating into it little by little, driving away and purifying Samael's power.


The fire of hell was eroded, turning from pitch black to dark red, and the spooky shadow entrenched in it was startled and angry, trying to resist the erosion of Ronin, but it had no effect at all.

After a while, all the pitch-black hellfires turned dark red, and the spooky figure roared angrily in it, but it still couldn't change its own destiny. It was wrapped and burned by the dark red hellfire, and its body collapsed every inch of it, finally disappearing into nothingness. .

As hell Satan, a powerful existence at the level of the main god, Samael's strength is beyond doubt.

If it wasn't for him being in hell and being isolated by the barriers of the world, it would be almost impossible for Ronin to refine his hellfire.

After all, Ronin's power of judgment is still in the initial stage. According to the system of hell, he is at most a legendary-level two-winged demon, and he is not sure how many ranks behind a six-winged Satan of the main god level like Samael. To take away His authority and strength is simply whimsical.

Fortunately, this is the world, not hell. No matter how strong Samael is, he cannot break through the barriers of the world. His authority and power are left to the world.

In the hands of Luo Ning, it is water without a source, a technique without roots, destined to be captured, refined, and absorbed by Luo Ning.

Samael's phantom was annihilated, and the dark red hellfire condensed extremely quickly, changing from a torch to a fire cluster, from a fire cluster to a flame, and then from a flame to a burning flame...

In the end, Luo Ning grasped it with five fingers, took this little flame into his palm, and completely absorbed this power.

Just at this time……


The void suddenly vibrated, and an incomparably huge force descended through the barrier of time and space and entered this small office.

The void oscillated and rippled, and the scene in the lobby of the office was also distorting and changing rapidly, turning into a huge abyss. Ronin stood in this abyss and fell downward at an alarming speed.

Falling into the abyss, going down layer by layer, you can only see the dark flames of hell burning and gushing along the way, and countless painful and desperate souls are embedded in the rock wall, howling mournfully, like a hell-like scene.



Luo Ning fell to the bottom of the abyss, and a vast and boundless doomsday world was presented in front of him.

In the sky here, there is no sun, no light, and layers of blood-colored gunpowder smoke are piled up, forming a haze that covers the sky and the sun.

The land here has no vegetation, no vitality, ferocious cracks occupy the land, and blood-red magma gushes out.

In the doomsday-like hell world, there is only one place to survive, and that is the giant golden city standing in the center of the world.

It was a huge city made of gold, with golden architraves flying over the main pillars in the Dorian style, cornices or friezes inlaid with reliefs, everything that one expects to find, and gold palindrome decorations on the top of the building. There are statues of angels and demons.

Pandi Manninan!

The moment he saw this giant golden city, a name came to Luo Ning's mind.

That is Pandimaninan, the city of gold, the city of no return, located in the deepest part of the endless abyss, the bottom of the dark hell, the core of the hell world, the palace of Satan, the holy place of demons.

Every demon must entrust his real name in this city in order to obtain the approval and gift of hell and become a real hell demon.

Why did Ronin come to this place?



The dark red flames of hell spewed out, and the real flames condensed and shaped around Luo Ning's body, mimicking the shape, covering his body like a shell.

At this time, he can no longer be called a human being. The two foreheads and the central bones protrude, forming three raised sharp corners. A large number of dark red scales and horniness grow on the surface of the skin, covering the entire body. The shoulders , Elbows, and wrists have lava-like spikes growing, and the legs and feet are deformed into limbs combined with goats and insects...


Now he is more like a demon.

That's why he's here.

Every demon, when he grows up, must entrust his real name and imprint on Pandimaninan, so as to obtain the approval and gift of hell, and become a real hell demon.

Although Luo Ning is not a demon, he who has the power of judgment has to imprint his real name like a demon. This is a necessary ceremony to further obtain the power of hell and the power of judgment.

To put it simply, it is an entry procedure. Luo Ning must complete this procedure before he can become an official employee of hell, get the approval and gift of hell, and master a more powerful judgment power.

In this regard, Luo Ning did not resist.

Although he has no plans to join the god system for the time being, hell is hell, and the hell god system is the hell god system.

Hell is a part of this world, its judgment house.

And Satan, demons, and fallen angels in the Hell pantheon are just members of the Judgment House.

Ronin's joining hell does not mean joining the gods of hell, joining the camp of Satan and demons.

In Eastern terms, hell is the "way", and the gods of hell are the sects that practice the "way of hell".

The way of hell belongs to heaven and earth, and Luo Ning's practice of "the way of hell" has nothing to do with his joining the sect of "hell gods".

Not to mention Ronin, it is the temple pantheon that is opposed to the hell pantheon, and there are many characters who control the power of hell.

Like the king of heaven in the temple, Michael, the prince of light, he also serves as the judge angel, which is also the power that belongs to hell.

Michael possesses the power of judgment in hell, but can you say that he is a god of the hell pantheon?

No, he is still the archangel of the temple, and the mortal enemy of many Satans and demon kings in the hell pantheon.

In the same way, if Luo Ning joins hell, it will not change his camp identity. In essence, he is still a human being, a human being with the power of hell, nothing more.

Now his demon image is not really a demon, but a higher level of representation and expression of the power of hell, just like the hellfire that emerged from his body when he awakened his magic power before.

The fire of hell is the embodiment and manifestation of the power of hell, and the form of the devil is also the embodiment and expression of the power of hell. There is no difference between the two. Ronin's life form has not changed, but on the basis of the original human body, a set of It's just a "demon" coat.

This is the same as COS, nothing bad to accept.

Ronin in the form of a demon, stood in front of Pandaymaninan, and branded his real name to this golden city, the city of no return, and the city of hell.

The so-called real name is actually the imprint of the soul. Imprinting the real name on Pandi Manninan can help Ronin better grasp the power of hell's judgment.

This is like the "primordial spirit entrusting the void" in the oriental practice system, which can help practitioners better understand the great way of heaven and earth and master the great power of the great way.

Although Luo Ning has not yet reached this level, the principles of the two are the same.

Now, Luo Ning can only imprint his real name on Pandymaninan. After becoming a god, he can get a residence in Pandymaninan. If he becomes a god, he can go one step further and become a Satan like Belial Samuel Demon King, then he can even enter the pantheon of demons at the highest level in Pandaymaninan.

That is the most glorious and noble palace in Pandaymaninan, where the Seven Lords of Hell represented by Lucifer, and the original Hell Satan such as Mephisto all have a place in it.

The current Luo Ning does not have this qualification, and cannot even easily enter this hellish city of no return.

But Luo Ning, who was not qualified to enter Pandimanianan, caused a shock in Pandimanianan at this moment.

"Despicable thief!"

An extremely angry roar sounded from the Temple of Demons, and a specter that made countless demons tremble, flew out from the golden and emerald Pandey Manny, its giant claws tore open the hazy sky, and went straight to Luo Ning outside the city. catch.


Samuel himself!

He who was in the Temple of Demons immediately sensed Ronin's aura.

This insignificant human being despicably stole his power in the world, and even dared to enter hell, using his power, his authority, to brand his real name on Pandi Manninan.

Who can bear this kind of thing?

Samuel couldn't, anyway.

Therefore, He killed the Temple of Demons immediately, without even caring about the reactions of other Satans and other demon kings.

Seeing this, Luo Ning simply stood there, not dodging or avoiding, and let Samuel kill him.


The giant claws tore down the sky, and Luo Ning's figure was shattered in an instant, but Samael did not have any pleasure of revenge. Instead, he roared angrily, shaking the whole hell world.



In the office, a dark red fire flashed, and everything returned to normal. Luo Ning stood in the hall without any damage, and returned to his original human image.

Unscathed, is a matter of course.

The world and hell are separated by barriers condensed by the elements of the world. Even a satanic demon king like Samuel, who is at the level of a god, cannot pass through the barrier and enter the world. How can Ronin cross from the world to hell.

Just now, he was only pulled by the power of hell to separate part of his spiritual power to complete the branding of his real name. His body and soul are still in the human world and in the office.

What Samael shattered was just one of his thoughts, a negligible amount of spiritual power, and it didn't hurt at all.

Now, the real name branding has been completed, and the system's prompt sound echoed in due course.

"Absorption complete!"

"Your power of hell has been improved."

"Your Magic Awakening Hell Judgment Stance has been enhanced."

"The upper limit of your soul power gauge has been increased to 300 points"

"Your soul power utilization rate is enhanced, and the absorption and conversion efficiency is improved."

"You have activated the second awakening stance of Magic Awakening Hell Judgment—Hell Judgment Demonized Awakening!"

Hell Judgment Demonic Awakening

Introduction: The second awakening posture, after opening the magic power awakening hell judgment, further enhance the power of hell judgment, and enter the semi-demonic second awakening posture, which has more powerful power than the first awakening posture.

Effect 1: After the magic power is awakened, physical attributes will be fully increased, strength +5 (+10), agility +5 (+10), spirit +5 (+10) (the increase is not subject to any level restrictions and reductions)

Effect 2: After the magic power is awakened, the life force is fully improved, the life value increases by %), the mana value increases by %), the life recovery speed increases by %), and the magic power recovery speed increases by %)

Effect 3: After the magic power is awakened, the magic power circuit is fully strengthened, the magic power consumption of all skills is reduced to 10% (5%), the cooling time is cancelled, the power storage time is canceled, and the skill effect is strengthened by the corresponding law.

(Outside the brackets is the bonus value of the first awakening, and inside the brackets is the bonus value of the second awakening)

Hell Judgment·Magic Awakening new effect: Demonic (the power of hell condenses into a mimetic demon body, obtains extremely powerful physical strength, greatly improves attack and defense capabilities, and has corresponding law effects)

Soul power value: (soul power value is the necessary energy to activate magic awakening and hell judgment, the first awakening posture consumes 1 soul power value per second, and the second awakening posture consumes 3 soul power points per second)


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