Movie Witcher

Chapter 579: Corruption

Although he had prepared for the worst, the development of the matter caught Luo Ning by surprise.

He underestimated the high-level artifact of the Gate of Hell, and he underestimated a hellish Satan like Belial.

It is true that He cannot come to the world, but he can transmit part of his power through opening the gate of hell to a certain extent.

This part of power stretches like a tentacle, temporarily controlling the gate of hell, causing this high-level artifact to burst out with terrifying power, pulling Luo Ning into the space vortex it created.

Although Belial also paid the price for this, and the gate of hell was severely damaged, his goal was achieved after all.

Ronin was swallowed by the space vortex!

What is this space vortex?

It is the space channel opened by the gate of hell, the space channel connecting the world and hell.

Although under the heavy pressure of Luo Ning's sword attack and the elemental barrier, the space channel finally collapsed.

But Belial made a timely move, using the residual energy after the collapse of the space channel, combined with the effect of the gate of hell itself, to create a one-time space vortex to swallow Ronin.

Disposable, sometimes means cheap, sometimes means powerful.

This space vortex belongs to the latter.

It is a desperate eruption of the gates of hell, an eruption that does not hesitate to shatter itself and squeeze power.

The power of the high-level artifact was fully displayed, and even the double-awakened Luo Ning couldn't resist it. He was swallowed by the space vortex and disappeared.

I really don't know where to go.

Even Luo Ning didn't know where he was now.

The space vortex was like a giant whale, which swallowed him with its bloody mouth before sinking into the boundless ocean.

Luo Ning was trapped in the vortex of space, unable to perceive the changes in the outside world at all, and tried to leave after several flashes, but was blocked by the powerful space-time force, and even the Holy Prison could not be forcibly broken through.

The situation is not good.

Belial made a move, controlled the gate of hell, and pulled him into the space-time vortex with explosive power at any cost. Could it be that he wanted to experience the space shuttle like a pirate ship?

Certainly not!

Due to the characteristics of the gate of hell, there will only be two outcomes for Rhonin.

Either exiled or corrupted.

Exile is to exile him from the human world or even the world, into extremely dangerous death Jedi such as black holes in time and space, or the endless chaos that even gods cannot escape.

Falling means taking him to hell, even directly to Belial's lair, allowing him to have face-to-face contact with this lazy demon king.

The former is close to death!

The latter is ten dead but not alive!

Nine deaths and one life, ten deaths and no life, are not the results that Luo Ning wants.

He must resist, must struggle, and must not be the fish on the board and let others slaughter him.



The substantive hellfire spews out, matching the awakened holy prison,

It stirred frantically in the space vortex.

He wants to weaken the power of this space vortex and escape from heaven before falling into hell.


The dark red flames of hell erupted fiercely in the vortex, and the violent sword energy turned the vortex into a burning meteorite.

This meteorite shuttled rapidly through the unknown and difficult-to-observe levels. It had already left the spirit world and the human world, penetrated the closed elemental barrier, and flew towards the hell below the human world.

Why is the church called the kingdom of heaven?

Why is hell called the abyss?

Is it just because of the visualization of good and evil, good and evil, light and darkness?

Not all, the main reason is their geographical location.

The holy kingdom of heaven, the abyss of hell, and the human world where mortals live are actually in the same world, or the same universe.

Among them, the human world is the core of the whole world, located in the center of the entire universe, the sanctuary is on the upper left of the human world, so it is called the kingdom of heaven, and hell is located on the lower left of the human world, so it is called the abyss.

Why are church and hell on the left?

This is the geographical distribution divided into major forces.

The holy hall is the top god system in the west, so their holy temple heaven can occupy the position of the upper left sky, and the corresponding upper right sky belongs to the eastern power headed by the Chinese god system. The two sides can be said to be very different from each other.

The heavens are like this, and the earth is the same. The left and right belong to the east and west, the lower left is the hell in the west, and the lower right is the hell in the east.

Let’s not talk about the east side for the time being, let’s just talk about the western hell, the western hell, and the endless abyss, which are divided up by the major gods. There is not only the hell corresponding to the temple gods, but also the Hades Hades corresponding to the Olympics, and the Asgard. Germany's Helm Underworld.

All in all, Western Hell is a very complicated place. Although hell demons occupy a large proportion, they are not absolute overlords, and it is impossible to control all abysses and all hells.

But Ronin didn't care about that.

No matter Hell, Hades, or Heim's Underworld, it is not a good place for him now.

No one wants to go to hell except demons and their followers.

Ronin is no exception.

He just wanted to break through the blockade and escape before this space vortex dragged him into the endless abyss.

However, the heavens failed to fulfill people's wishes, and the power of the high-level artifact was too powerful. Even if Luo Ning tried his best to destroy it, he could not break the space vortex before falling into hell.


The space vortex burning with the fire of hell is like a dark red meteor, wrapping Ronin through the elemental barrier, falling unstoppably towards hell, and there is a loud noise, and the first few layers of the abyss have slight vibrations.

The space shuttle should not be presented in such a rough way, but this space shuttle is not a normal space shuttle. The final eruption of the gate of hell is out of control. The impact of space inevitably made such a commotion.

But such a rough impact is also good for Ronin. Now this space vortex is like a manned rocket, which is about to return to the landing, and the space-time power in the outer layer rubs against the stable space-time structure of the abyss of hell, collides, conflicts, and burns layer by layer. , wear away layer by layer...

According to this momentum, it won't be long before the space-time vortex will collapse on its own.

But Luo Ning still didn't relax, and still wreaked havoc in the space vortex.

Just kidding, this is his first time here, he is not familiar with the place, how would he know where Belial lives.

If the "floor" where Belial lives is relatively forward, before the space-time vortex collapses and takes him to the hell where he is, wouldn't it be the end of the calf?

Before landing, you must not relax, no, you cannot relax even after landing.

The monarchs of all levels in the endless abyss are not necessarily kinder than Belial, the lazy demon king. Ronin does not want to fall into the hands of Belial, nor does he want to be captured by other abyssal monarchs, the demon king of hell.

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