Movie Witcher

Chapter 596: Stormy Storm

What is a black hole?

It is a celestial body with infinite density and infinite volume produced by the gravitational collapse of a star with sufficient mass after the fuel of the nuclear fusion reaction is exhausted and dies.

The gravitational force of a black hole is so strong that everything that touches or approaches it will be ruthlessly swallowed by it, and even light cannot escape from its event horizon.

If Luo Ning could create a real black hole, let alone a mere low-level destroying demon, even a mid-level high-level demon lord, he would be shy away from him to avoid being swallowed by the black hole.

It's a pity that if this is not true, the black hole created by the judge of hell is not a black hole in the true sense, but a pseudo black hole simulated according to the principle of black hole, and its power is far less than that of a real black hole.

In a real black hole, even the high-ranking lords are not sure to escape, and the middle-ranking lords are sure to die if they fall into it. Only the demon king of the main god level can shuttle and walk in it, coming and going freely.

Pseudo-black holes obviously do not have such power. Although they can easily kill legends, they can only severely injure the existences above legends, but cannot kill them.

Even so, it's not a good feeling for Destroyer.

He is like a fresh and juicy apple, thrown into a juicer operating at the highest power, instantly blood and blood splatter, demonstrating its power in the most stern way.

The body of the demon at the same level as the lower god was shattered and annihilated in the black holes that were compressed and collapsed layer by layer, and even the invisible soul was ignited by the entrained hellfire...

Painful, indescribable, indescribable pain, the body seems to be broken down into countless particles, the soul loses the protection of the body, and is ruthlessly burned by the hell flames that are the embodiment of the power of judgment, until the destruction demon gives birth to a kind of near death , the feeling of being touched by death.

Even for a lord-level demon of destruction, this feeling, this experience is extremely terrifying.

He lives on destruction and feeds on killing, and he has never come into contact with death so closely.

He even had a feeling that he would really die if the black hole kept running.

This premonition is correct. If the black hole never stops and continues to run, even a lord-level destruction demon will not be able to escape the fate of being wiped out and leaving no bones.

But if this is not true, the black hole that runs forever, even if it is a pseudo black hole, its level is far beyond the legend, and the judge of hell is only a legend, how can it be possible to master such power?

Three seconds!

The trial black hole can only last for three seconds at most.

This is still in the case of Ronin's support.

Without the support of Ronin, the black hole can only last for at most one second relying on the Hell Judge's own output.

Although the black hole in this second is enough to kill most legends, it cannot cause fundamental damage to the existence above legends.

Now it has been extended to three seconds, and there is no qualitative change. It is still impossible to completely kill the existence of the god level, at most... it can only be severely injured!


There was only a dull cracking sound, the viscous blood exploded in the air, the black hole of judgment that devoured everything collapsed, a piece of rotten meat fell out of it, and fell to the ground along with the splashed blood.

This piece of "rotten meat" is the demon of destruction,

A Destroyer Demon that is no longer human!

This is how the trial black hole hurt him.

Three seconds, just three seconds, although the judgment black hole could not completely obliterate the god-level demon body, it was not difficult to injure him severely.

The current trial demon is equivalent to the fruit residue left in the juicer. Although it has not been completely smashed and smashed, it does not look like it.

If such an injury were placed on a mortal, even a powerful extraordinary person at the legendary level would undoubtedly die.

But he is not a mortal, but a demon, a lord-level destroying demon, an existence on the same level as a god, and the level of power in his life is simply beyond the comprehension and reach of mortals.

"Gulu Gulu!"

The moment he fell out of the black hole, his body repaired itself and healed and regenerated at an astonishing speed. The injury that the legendary superhuman could not bear was easily smoothed and eliminated by him.

This is the demon lord, the existence of the same level as the gods.

Worthy of the title and personality of "God"!

If there were no accidental effects, he would be able to recover more than half of his injuries and combat power in just a few breaths.

Unfortunately, if this is also not true.

Luo Ning is not dead, how could he be given time to recover.

Just as the black hole of judgment disintegrated and the demon of destruction fell out, crystal clear frost appeared in the void.

The chill, the bone-piercing chill, spread instantly, and the crystal frost rolled into a violent vortex with the strong wind, instantly devouring the Destruction Demon who was severely injured and unable to dodge.

Cerberus - Froststorm!

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"

In the extremely cold and freezing frost storm, the Destroying Demon fell into a desperate rigidity. The tall and strong demon's body was gradually covered by the frost, and his resilience was greatly suppressed. Not to mention, he also lost his precious mobility and initiative.

He could only watch helplessly, watching a person coming with the storm, approaching him with the most ferocious posture, and the three-section stick made of frost in his hand danced along with it, setting off a dazzling phantom of frost, as if the doomsday severe cold Attack him mercilessly.

Cerberus - Frost Three-section Stick!

This three-section stick is not the traditional three-section stick.

The traditional three-section stick is connected in a line, and it consists of three short sticks of equal length connected to each other. After being opened, it is in a straight line.

The three-section stick in Luo Ning's hand is triangular in shape, and the three short sticks made of frost are connected by a hollow iron ring. , with more hits and higher hit damage.

Of course, due to the characteristics of Cerberus, the shape of this weapon can be changed at will under the basic framework, and if necessary, Ronin can also turn it into a traditional three-section stick.

But there is no such demand now. What Luo Ning wants is close-quarters bunt, close-quarter suppression, and double cut and three sticks are more suitable.

I saw Luo Ning stepping closer, Cerberus in his hand dancing wildly, and countless frost stick shadows filled the space, slamming heavily on the Destroyer Demon, and the freshly frozen ice burst and flew.

After freezing, smash it again.

What's the point?

Of course, because not only the ice was crushed, but also the flesh and blood frozen by the cold winter!

The body of the Destroyer Demon was being shattered by the frost storm that Ronin set off.

Scales, flesh and blood, bones, internal organs, the destruction demon frozen by the ice, can only watch helplessly, watching his body explode with the ice, shattering into countless crystal ice flakes.

The death that just passed away with the disintegration of the black hole is approaching again.

He still has nothing to do.

Although Cerberus is only a legendary weapon, the strength of its frost storm does not exceed the legendary limit, but it does not exceed the legendary limit, which does not mean that it cannot cause damage to the gods.

In the final analysis, the body of a god is just a higher-level body of law. As long as it is an attack with the power of law, it can cause a certain amount of damage, but the degree is different.

The body of a god can reduce the damage of the law to a certain extent, but the reduction does not mean immunity, otherwise there is no such thing as a legend of rebelling against the gods with the title of legend, how can those gods who are shy in their pockets and do not have divine weapons widely use legendary weapons? ?

The body of the god is not immune to legal damage unless the power levels of the two parties are separated by two levels.

As a legendary weapon, Cerberus definitely has the capital to cause effective damage to lower-level destroying demons.

Not to mention just the lower-ranking Destroyer Demon, even the middle-ranked lord one level higher than him, Cerberus can also cause some damage. Only high-ranked lords can be completely immune to legendary-level legal damage.

Therefore, in the frost storm set off by Cerberus, the Destroyer Demon couldn't get rid of the fate of being frozen by ice.

If he is in full power, he can naturally resist the frost storm, and even shatter it with the powerful power of the demon lord.

But he didn't. He was severely injured after being tortured by the trial black hole just now, and he had no way to resist the frost storm.

He could only watch helplessly as his body was frozen by frost, shattered by blows, and turned into crystal ice flakes, slag, and even dust.

Death is approaching again and will swallow him up.

"Do not!"

In the moment of life and death, the potential in the body seemed to be stimulated. With a stern roar, the extremely violent destructive power rushed out, and it was about to help destroy the demon to break the frost on his body and regain the freedom of life.



I saw the Frost three-section stick sweeping towards the afterimage, and slapped heavily on the roaring head of the destroying demon. There was a loud clang, and the ferocious demon's head immediately burst with the frost, and the burst of destructive power came suddenly. All that was left was a headless corpse frozen in frost.

target death

the battle is over

Experience gained: 125000000+87500000 (additional increase of 70%)

Acquired reputation: 125000000+87500000 (additional increase of 70%)

Combat Rating: S

Combat evaluation: Order and chaos are eternal conflicts.


Facts have proved that things like breaking out in front of battle and breaking through life and death are not reliable.

Even though the powerful potential of life was forced out by death, the destruction of demons could not reverse such a bad situation. I still gave Ronin a blow to crush the head, and even the demon soul of the lord level was turned into frost and burned by the flames of hell Exhausted.

The flames of hell that turned into frost?

Sound contradictory?

It is a contradiction, but it does not affect its existence.

The so-called hellfire is not a real flame, but the embodiment of the power of judgment. Flame is not its essence, but judgment is. As long as it has the nature of judgment, no matter what form or substance it is, it is the fire of hell.

Therefore, the frosty hellfire is not something unbelievable, on the contrary, it is normal, and there is no attribute conflict with the ice form of Cerberus, and it can also be attached to increase its power.

It is also because of the increased power of the fire of hell that Cerberus was able to smash the head of the Destroyer Demon with one blow and end his life.

Of the four factions in hell, the most powerful is definitely the Destruction Demon, followed by the Order Demon, Fallen Angel, and Chaos Demon.

But strong strength does not mean invincibility. As the judge of hell, the demon of order is extremely restrained against the countless destructive demons who have committed countless crimes. He can even open the gap in the opposite direction and completely burn the souls of those demons full of evil with the fire of hell.

Without the hellfire against the sinful demon soul, the pure combat power competition, the demon of order is definitely not an opponent to destroy the demon.

But this assumption is not true. The power of judgment and the fire of hell are the innate powers of the demons of order, just like destruction and killing are the talents of destroying demons. If such powers are removed, the destroying demons will also become waste.


Leaving aside the past disputes between hell factions, Luo Ning, who received the kill prompt, didn't waste any time, directly put the corpse of the destroying demon into the storage space, turned around and rushed towards the azure blue beam of light.

Good start!

This destroying demon is the best among the lower lords. Although it is not comparable to the overlord existence of the Proud Angel Hell Demon Dragon, it is not inferior to the Adverse Wing Demon and the Angel of Greed. He contributed 200 million experience points to Luo Ning at once. , and the corpse of a demon lord.

The experience gain is twice as high as that of the rookie Rebel Demon before, and the value of this corpse as a trophy must be much higher. Taking it back might disassemble a secondary artifact.

What is a secondary artifact?

You can refer to the three artifacts of luck that still lacked the final process during the last battle of the Lord of the Rings.

The artifact is not an artifact, but a secondary artifact!

There are such gains at the beginning, and the next development will undoubtedly make people look forward to it even more.

Just like what the destroying demon said just now, this secret realm has become a hunting ground. As long as you have enough strength, then everyone is your prey, you can plunder and kill as much as you want, and enrich yourself.

Ronin loves that statement!


The battle between Ronin and the Destroyer Demon can only be regarded as a small episode. At this moment, the focus of the secret realm is still on the azure blue beam of light that soars into the sky.

"This is……"

"The power of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!"

"This level... at least two-thirds of the Rubik's Cube fragments have been assembled!"

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is the core and key of this secret realm, and it must not fall into the hands of others."


As the azure blue light column soared into the sky, the demons scattered in various areas took action one after another, and powerful and terrifying auras emerged, aggressively pressing towards the azure blue light column.

There are many powerful beings at the overlord level among them, and even the hell dragon Otos, who was fled in embarrassment by the torso of the fallen angel before, turned his head back with a howl.

Cosmic Rubik's Cube!

The secret treasure of the Anslant family, a high-level space artifact that does not enter the gate of hell, is the most valuable treasure in this secret realm.

Most of the overlord-level demons who entered the secret realm this time came for this secret treasure.

Only this secret treasure can allow several high-ranking lords who are proficient in the laws of space to join forces and lock this secret realm at any cost.

Those overlord-level demons are all their direct bloodlines, powerful warriors, who were sent into the secret realm by them to participate in the competition for the Rubik's Cube in the universe.

Now that Morika is making such a big commotion, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which gathers most of the fragments, inspires power and directly attracts these overlord-level demons, like sharks smelling blood.

Because of a small accident, the secret realm that was just opened was instantly turbulent!

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