Movie Witcher

Chapter 712: The truth, the trial, the end, the curtain!

Anointed, Messiah, Savior!

This is the title of the Son.

And the Holy Son of the church has always been only one person, and there can only be one person, that is, the Holy Father, the Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, the only true God, the supreme God!

At this moment the truth has actually been revealed.

All of this, everything, is the arrangement of the Supreme God.

He personally planned his own downfall, even the angelic war a long time ago, the betrayal of Lucifer and the six archangels, the appearance of the seven kings of hell and the fallen angels, he also led and arranged with one hand.

It's all just part of His plan.

In addition, He also used the authority and power of the Supreme Councilor to secretly tamper with the operating rules and trigger mechanism of the Scorching Council, so as to frame the war, introduce the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse into the world, and complete the "Horror" ruled by the Supreme Bible. "Apocalypse" came to meet the conditions for Michael and Lucifer to come.

Only He can do this, and no other Supreme Councilor can do it, at least he can't do it so tightly.

Only He, the only true God of the temple, the Supreme God, the strongest in the Western God Realm, has this strength!

He framed the war and directed the apocalypse.

Even the Apocalypse Knights, the Apocalypse Knights who are loyal to the Scorched Council, are the result of His long-ago layout.

The Scorched Council, the Knight of the Apocalypse, is the only Nephilim in the world.

What was the origin of the Nephilim?



A hybrid of church and hell?

That's good, but have you ever thought about why angels and demons combined, and why they gave birth to such powerful and terrifying descendants as the Nephilim?

Is it just the power of the mixed race?

Or is there a pusher behind this, an extremely powerful pusher, who secretly pushed all this?

The birth of the Nephilim, just like Lucifer's betrayal, was his plan, his plan!

From the first war of angels, the fall of Lucifer, the formation of the seven kings of hell and the fallen angels, to the birth of the Nephilim, the destruction of the Nephilim, death, rage, disputes, the war's allegiance to the Scorched Council...

All of this is His layout, spanning dozens of epochs, dozens of god battles, billions of years, and billions of time.

Although time doesn't mean much to a god, especially to a supreme and immortal true god like him, such a long time and such a long-term layout still shows his deliberation.

What is the purpose of all this that He has arranged so carefully?

He has already told Ronin the answer.

for a chance!

An opportunity to move to the next level!

Just for this?

Just for this!

For an existence like Him, this reason is enough.

Therefore, He planned all this carefully and arranged all this at any cost.

We have now reached the final step.

He is about to reap the fruit of his cultivation.

But no one knows about all this, and no one can stop it.

Scorched Parliament, Supreme Councilor?

They simply don't know.

The Knights of the Apocalypse were deceived, and the information was never passed on to the Scorched Council, and the prophecy of their fate given by the Scorched Council was also a lie woven by God in order to unite the blood of the Nephilim and complete His plan.

The supreme members of the anxious parliament didn't know the truth of the matter at all, let alone take action to stop him.

This is also one of the reasons why God planned his fall. His fall was not an illusion, but a real fall.

It's just that this fall was initiated by Him, and at the cost of blinding the Scorched Council and other supreme beings.

In the words of the oriental practice world—chaotic secrets!

The most powerful supreme in the Western God Realm, the chaos caused by the price of its own fall, even the anxious councils of the major supreme and balanced worlds of the same rank, it is difficult to get a glimpse of the truth.

Therefore, no one knows, and no one can stop it.

Ronin opened his arms,

The whole body is radiant, and gradually loses its shape and image, leaving only a light and shadow outline, which is indescribable as if sacred, and cannot be seen directly.

Mortals cannot see the true face of God!

Although he is still human now, he is higher than human beings, a perfect combination of God and human, perfect detachment.

He is Him, He is Him!

He spread his arms, the void shook, the heavens and the earth trembled, and a dungeon slowly emerged.

a dungeon?

Yes, a dungeon, a dungeon made of light!

What is this?

True knowledge gave everyone the answer.

That was the seal left by God, the seal prepared for Michael Lucifer.

The savior will seal these two angels who betrayed God!

This is the answer given to everyone by "true knowledge".

Everyone didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but instead cheered up and rejoiced, as if seeing the dawn in the darkness.

The victory of the savior is in sight!

What should they do?

Believe it!

Dedicate your faith, dedicate your most devout faith to this holy man, the savior of the world!

In an instant, the power of faith in the soul, the power of faith in countless people's souls gathered into a sea, and rushed towards the sacred figure of the savior.

The savior accepted this power, and the sealed dungeon was opened, sealing Michael, Lucifer, and him together.

That's right, together with Him, all of them are sealed!

Why is that?

True knowledge once again gave everyone the answer.

This is sacrifice!

Holy sacrifice!

Supreme consecration of the sanctuary, supreme sunnah!

The savior sacrificed himself and sealed the angel who betrayed God.

But the savior did not die, he will be reborn in hope and faith, just like the last time he was resurrected on the third day after his crucifixion, judged evil, and received a miracle of goodness.

In the future temple mythology, there must be such a story.

But what is the truth of this story?

No one knows.

Everyone only saw that the dungeon swallowed Michael, Lucifer, and the savior together and sealed them together.

Because of the supreme sunnah of the savior, the great sacrifice, the power of faith of countless souls was inspired, and they merged into the holy dungeon mightily.

Everyone sincerely, piously, and firmly prayed and prayed, hoping that the holy and great savior would return and guide them who were confused in the world.

God will not abandon His believers!

Therefore, God's miracles appeared unexpectedly and within reason.

The dungeon formed by the brilliance disintegrated, and a sacred figure appeared. The specific image and appearance could not be seen clearly, only the outline of the figure could be seen. In the brilliance that was brighter than the sun, there was a "person" .

He opened his arms again, and with the movement of his arms, a radiance bloomed behind him, condensing into pairs, pairs of sacred wings of light.

Six wings?

Do not!

Twelve wings, twelve pairs of wings of light spread out behind him.

Twelve pairs of light wings?

You must know that even an archangel like Michael Lucifer has only three pairs of six wings.

Twenty-four wings, what kind of existence are there among the angels whose wings symbolize power and personality?


No one knows!

But isn’t God an unknowable being?



"You are the Father of Heaven!"

"You are the Son of the Father!"

"You are the Spirit of the Son!"

"You are the king!"

"You are a prophet!"

"You are an apostle!"

"You are a saint!"

"You are the only light, the only hope!"

"You are a holy man!"

"You are the savior of the world!"

"You are……"

The sacred hymn echoed again in the void.

The savior was reborn in the hope of all, in the prayer of all.

A doomsday crisis was eliminated.

The story is about to come to an end, and it's time for the curtain to come to an end and the perfect moment to draw a full stop.

Right now...

"Aren't you afraid that Dijia will ask you to collect copyright fees if you do this?"

A sudden word rang out, and the loose tone instantly destroyed the sacred and solemn atmosphere.

And with that comes...


The dark red flames of hell rose up amidst the sacred radiance, and the disappeared sword of hell reappeared in Luo Ning's hands.

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The fire of hell, the sword of hell, but only limited to the fire of hell, the sword of hell.

The dark red flames of hell burned on the sword of the holy prison, and it was impossible to wrap Luo Ning's body like before, because Luo Ning's body had already turned into a radiance, a sacred radiance.



It's all an illusion!

That thing is not a seal at all, and the meaning of existence is not to seal Michael or Lucifer.

That is... the Supreme Bible, the supreme artifact of the church, God's exclusive law code—the Supreme Bible!

This artifact, this supreme artifact that has never been completed, has already been completed secretly, but it has never been revealed.

It is the key, the key to the entire layout, and God needs it as the final furnace to complete the final tempering and fusion.

As the ruler of the temple, the supreme true God, God has already stood at the pinnacle of this world, but He still wants to go one step further and step into the realm of unknown existence.

It’s already reached the highest level, can we go any further?


The so-called supremacy is just a god system, the supremacy of a world.

But the current universe world is formed by the merger of the primitive worlds of countless god systems in the chaos.

If the highest wants to go further, it has to surpass the major gods and become the master of the entire universe.

How can we get to this point?

God created such a direction for himself, such a way of thinking, that is the combination of heaven, earth and man.

Heaven is heaven.

The earth is hell.

Man is the human world.

Can the three worlds and the three gods become a triangular structure, a system support, and help him go further?

God doesn't know, but that doesn't stop him from trying.

As he said before, all he wants is a chance.

That's all!

He arranged it all for this opportunity.

Now, he has succeeded, with the Supreme Bible as the furnace, the faith of all souls as firewood, Michael, the son of light in the kingdom of heaven, Lucifer in the darkness of hell, and the holy savior of the human world as materials.

He already has the qualities and authority of the three worlds, three realms, and three concepts of heaven, earth, and man.

With the Bible, the supreme artifact, as the forge, and the power of faith of all spirits in the human world as firewood, the characteristics and authority of these three worlds, three domains, and three concepts will be integrated, and the new He will surely surpass the old self Go one step further, step into a higher level, a higher field.

This is the core of His layout.

And he did succeed.

It's just one step away.

final step.


As the container of the people chosen by him, Luo Ning, who carries the symbols of the human world, the concepts of the human world, and the characteristics of the human world, is his last obstacle.

This obstacle also appeared at the last moment.

Ronin regained control of his body.

This was originally impossible.

Only relying on Ronin's own strength, it is impossible to fight against the supreme authority of God,

Only the High can stand against the High.

Therefore, it was not by his own strength that Luo Ning regained control of his body, but by...


Pallas' mind, Pallas' hope, helped him regain control of his body,

But this can't completely solve the problem, and it can't even last for too long. After all, Pallas' power of hope has not yet been fulfilled. Although he has the highest potential, he doesn't have the corresponding power. God deports, that's not practical at all.

She could only create an opportunity for Ronin.

If Luo Ning fails to grasp this opportunity, then both he and she will lead to failure and perdition.

This opportunity is the recapture of the body now.

The calculation of this body regain is not time, but the number of times, the number of movements!

Ronin can make an action.

This is the opportunity Pallas created for Ronin.

He must complete the reversal in this operation.

But how can an action compete with God's long-term arrangement?

Is this hopeful?

Ronin didn't know.

But whether there is hope or not, he cannot give up.

Grasping the hilt of the holy prison's sword with a brilliant hand, he turned the devil's sword of hell around and stabbed at his body brazenly.


Hearing a muffled sound, the sharp blade pierced out of the body, the holy prison fell into Luo Ning's body, and the dark red hellfire spewed out, spreading among the radiant flesh and bones.

This is Ronin's resistance?

That's right, this is Ronin's resistance!

"A pointless struggle!"

The mighty and ethereal voice sounded in Luo Ning's mind.

Can the existence of Pallas be hidden from God?

Of course not.

Even if Shensi is the unique talent of the Greek Goddess of Wisdom, there is no way to deceive the omniscient and omnipotent Lord of the Temple, let alone Pallas has not done anything to hide.

God knew the existence of Pallas, and also knew that Ronin would have a chance to become His last obstacle.

But can this stop him?

Can this comprehend His long-term arrangement?

No, no one can!

Even if Luo Ning's move is a drastic move!


The magic sword pierced through the body, and the hellfire spewed out. This hell magic sword turned into a hub, crossing the barriers between the two worlds and the elemental barrier, connecting to hell, to the city of no return, and to the place of judgment.

Hell is the judgment house of the world!

Although the gods of hell have always been suppressed by the gods of the temple, the gods are the gods, the world is the world, and the power of the abyss hell is not weaker than that of the sanctuary.

Luo Ning is now using the hell sword of the Holy Prison to attract the power of judgment from hell and impose judgment on himself.

Yes, to impose judgment on himself, to judge himself, to judge God, to judge this hypocritical savior!

This is his resistance to the bottom line.

But this also failed to exceed God's estimate.

Anticipated resistance!

Pointless struggle!

Hell is the judgment house of the world, the ultimate expression of the law of judgment, but it is nothing more than the highest position.

Not to mention that the human world is currently blocked and isolated by barriers, even if there is no obstacle, the power of judgment in hell can't do anything to him, the supreme God of the temple.

So, it's a pointless struggle that doesn't change the outcome at all.

The radiant brilliance erupted, and the flames of hell spreading in Luo Ning's body were extinguished one after another. Even the Holy Prison had a large number of cracks, which gradually shattered under the radiance of that radiant brilliance.

Hell after hell, self-judgment, can't compete with God's supreme authority.


No, he hasn't failed yet!

He still has the last hole card, the last hole card!



Hearing a bang, the Holy Prison shattered in Luo Ning's body, but the remaining fire of hell did not extinguish and dissipate. Instead, it exploded at an astonishing speed and expanded violently.

"this is……"

"The power of hell?"

"No, this is... you!!!"

An unexpected change happened, the radiant light shook, and an illusory figure emerged from Luo Ning's body, and then separated from three paths.

Three figures, half virtual and half real, overlapped and overlapped together, and there were vague images of white-winged angels and dark-winged demon kings.

It is the true body of God, the structure of the Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

He left Rhonin's body.

Tower had to leave Ronin's body.



The flames of hell erupted, Luo Ning reached out from his chest, and pulled out a ferocious, wide and heavy hell sword with claws and teeth, and stabbed it when he turned around.


The sharp sword pierced through the body, piercing through the overlapping and distinct trinity structure, and the fire of hell gushed out like a torrent breaking a dike, rushing into the body of the supreme true god.

Is this the power of hell?


Not exactly!

The power of a hell is simply not enough to force God out of Ronin's body.

But what if there is more than one hell?

Ronin's system brings a second hell power!

No, not only the second hell, but also the second human world, the second heaven, and even the second universe, the second...!

What exactly is a system?

At the moment when Pallas combined with Luo Ning in his incarnation, the unanswered question that had been lingering in his heart finally had an answer.

The another world, the world that Luo Ning traveled through, the world that has no extraordinary existence, and mirrors this world.

The system is the will of that world, the way of heaven in that world!

How did it fall on Luo Ning and take him to this world?

Is it an invasion between worlds?

Do not!

This is not an invasion, but... assistance!

If the world that Luo Ning is in now is World No. 1, then the world that Luo Ning is in before crossing is World No. 2.

There is no extraordinary power in World No. 2, and no extraordinary civilization was born. The power of the world is relatively weak.

But being weak is not a bad thing, because the existence of extraordinary power and extraordinary civilization can not only promote the growth of the world, but also accelerate the demise of the world. If too strong power is not restricted, it will definitely break the balance of the world.

World No. 1 encountered this kind of problem.

The major gods, many supreme, their power is too powerful, has exceeded the control of the world.

Although the world has established a scorched parliament to maintain it, the scorched council has little binding force on these powerful supreme beings. The apocalyptic battle for faith has never stopped. The human world at the core of the universe is reincarnated in a cycle of destruction and rebirth. The endless battle of gods was gradually broken, and it began to move toward destruction and end.

In order to save itself and stop all this, World No. 1 requested assistance from World No. 2.

No one knows that the endless chaos gave birth to two worlds, like twin twins.

But the twins are not in the same boundary, the same dimension, but different boundaries, different dimensions correspond to each other, they are mutually independent individuals, but they are closely connected.

At the request of World No. 1, World No. 2 came to the rescue, sending part of the world's power and a person's soul to this world.

This is the reason for Ronin's traversal and the origin of the system.

As for why he was chosen?

There is no reason, it is the result of random selection.

With the help of Pallas, Luo Ning not only understood the truth of the system, but also further grasped the power of the system.

Now is the time to unleash that power.

A power of hell cannot punish God.

What about another hell?

There is also a human world, a heavenly kingdom, and a universe!

The power of the system, the power of another world, is transmitted through the link hub of Luo Ning, and together with this world, it will undergo a double trial.

At this moment, the sky and the earth trembled, the power of the two worlds, the judgment of the two worlds, followed by Luo Ning's sword piercing into the body of God.


The flames of hell spewed out and raged in the brilliance. Three figures, three bodies overlapped and separated, separated and overlapped, distorted for a while, calm for a while, unpredictable and hard to see.


In the sky of the heavens, above the stars, everyone in the anxious seat lowered their gazes, uncertain.

In the abyss of hell, the city of reincarnation, the fallen angels and hell demons who confront each other coldly are also shocked.

In the holy kingdom of heaven, the city of white clouds, countless angels are in severe physical and mental pain, giving birth to an inexplicable fear and sadness.

There is also the summit of Olympus, the royal palace of Asgard, and the Eternal Hall beyond Asia...

Countless people, countless gods, kings and rulers sensed the unusual changes in the world, and Qi Qi set his sights on the human world, which was covered by elements and isolated by barriers.


Just as the eyes of the gods fell, they saw a sudden change in the human world. A radiance so bright that even the gods could not look directly spewed out, submerging into the sparsely dissolved elemental barrier, and intensified it instantly.

"what happened?"

Such a question appeared in the minds of all the gods.

But it is destined that no one can answer them.

The people who were attracted by God and watched with their souls also returned to their original bodies at the moment God was pierced by Luo Ning's sword.

what happened?

what happened!

No one knows.

Everything came to an end like this, and the curtain fell.

Chapter 712: The truth, the trial, the end, the curtain!

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