"We're going to attack..."

At this moment, Grindelwald still has a face that belongs to the Minister of Security Graves, but who is the Minister of Security? It is precisely the immediate bosses of these righteous masters.

How can these guys watch their ministers being tortured to death by this guy in front of them?

Finally, a guy unceremoniously cast magic on Zhou Ye. Taking this as an opportunity, almost all the righteous masters present attacked Zhou Ye with their wands.

"Be careful...!" Queenie couldn't care less at this time, she couldn't understand what happened tonight, but - she understood one thing, she must not let her lover be hurt in any way ...

She would rather die in her lover's arms than watch her lover die in front of her. For this - she did not hesitate to replace her...

"Fool..." Looking at Queenie who was using her body as a shield to stand in front of her, to be honest - Zhou Ye really felt very, very moved... If there is a woman willing to die for you, it can be said that she Absolutely love you to the limit.

However, how could Zhou Ye allow his woman to be hurt?

The magical rays of light set from the surrounding righteous master's wands were directly blocked by an invisible barrier one meter away from Zhou Ye. A beautiful magic firework—of course, fireworks are just fireworks, and they can never hurt Zhou Ye.

But at this moment, with her eyes closed, Queenie was still standing in front of Zhou Ye, shoving his body hard, and shouting loudly, "Leave me alone, hurry up... hurry up... my dear, I love you...I love you forever..."

Chapter 1404

Chapter 1404

"I love you too... darling!" Zhou Ye couldn't help but gently put a sip on Queenie's forehead and said, "But—— next time, don't do this kind of stupid thing again, you have to trust your man. , has the power to protect you..."

"This...this..." Queenie, who desperately pushed Zhou Ye, waited for a long time, and found that the pain she imagined did not come, and then heard the relaxed and gentle words of her man, she couldn't help but open her mouth. his own eyes.

The scene in front of her shocked her...

The magic of those righteous masters seems to be unable to penetrate the barrier around their men at all. It seems that they are playing very lively, but they are actually doing useless work.

"What the hell is going on here??" Queenie couldn't help looking around. As far as she knew, no protection magic had ever been so effective in defending against so many attacking magic. At least, the protection magic that appeared by one person , is not possible...

Zhou Ye gently cupped Queenie's cheek with his hands, made her look at him, and then lowered his head and kissed it fiercely, until he fell down on Queenie's kiss softly in his arms, and then said, "In my arms. By your side, slowly discover the secrets of me, I guarantee you will have new surprises every day..."

"Hmm—!" Queenie nodded shyly, and cuddled her head in Zhou Ye's arms. At this moment, she felt an unprecedented sense of security.

In fact, Zhou Ye held Queenie for one reason to kiss her, and the other reason was that she didn't want her to see Grindelwald's miserable appearance at the moment.

At this time, Grindelwald was being cut into flesh and blood by invisible knives, small pieces, small pieces...

The position of those invisible knives is so tricky, they ensure that before all the flesh and blood is cut, they will not cut off the conduction nerves in Grindelwald, so that Grindelwald is awake, looking at the flesh on his body, It was cut piece by piece.

"Ah-ah-help me... help me..."

Even the Dark Lord Grindelwald could not stand this ancient criminal law passed down from the East. His face no longer had the calm expression of victory. Instead, it was fear - remorse - pain...

"Quick - save Mr. Minister quickly..."

"Wait a minute, we'll save you now..."

At this moment, in the face of Grindelwald's call for help, many Righteous Masters joined the rescue operation.

However, no matter what kind of magic they use, they can't penetrate the invisible barrier around Grindelwald... They can only helplessly watch Grindelwald being sentenced to such a cruel punishment with thousands of cuts, and there is nothing they can do. ...

On the other side, in the Speaker's Room at the highest level of the Macusa headquarters, Speaker Serafina Pickkeri was looking worriedly at the magic map of New York City hanging on the wall.

Above, on a street in Brooklyn, the red light of the high-level magic exposure incident is constantly flashing...

Seraphina is less than thirty years old this year, but with her excellent magical talent and political sense, she has been the speaker for six years. Any opponent who underestimates her has encountered failure. You know, she But since the establishment of the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States, the only one, four branch statues want to recruit her into the super magic genius of their own academy.

"What happened there, and why hasn't it calmed down yet...!" Seraphina said to herself with some worry, looking at the Brooklyn area that kept flashing red.

In fact, as a master of magic in almost all subjects, Seraphina has also dabbled in prophecy magic a little bit. Today, she felt frightened, as if something bad was about to happen...

as predicted--

While she was working overtime in her office to handle those upcoming visits from the International Federation of Magic, the magical place on her wall

The picture glows brightly.

That magic map was prepared in response to the many recent magic exposure incidents in New York City. Unexpectedly, such a high-level magic exposure incident happened in the middle of the night...

For this reason, she had to stop her work and directly ordered the Minister of Magic Security to deal with it. Unfortunately, Minister Graves of the Magic Security Department was not at the headquarters, so she had to directly overstep the order to give an order to let The righteous teachers went to deal with it.

Originally, she thought that it was enough for the righteous masters to deal with this magic exposure incident, but they didn't—about half an hour later, the magic exposure incident still did not subside, but the exposure level had risen to the most critical level.

"It seems that I need to go there in person..." Thinking of this, Seraphina stepped out of her office. The Magic Council headquarters was unable to perform Apparition, so she had to go to a place specially designed for emergencies. The Apparition Chamber to...

On the other side, those righteous masters who were confronting Zhou Ye were already going crazy...

No, to say confrontation is too high for them, they have absolutely nothing to do with Zhou Ye. One by one, they watched their ministers being lingered by cruel black magic, but there was nothing they could do.

"This wizard...Is there anything, I think we can talk slowly, can you please put down Minister Graves first, he needs treatment!" A righteous teacher in a suit said cautiously.

"Heh..." Zhou Ye rolled his eyes at him, but didn't say anything...

Of course he could remove the disguise from Grindelwald and reveal his true face, but that's so boring...

What about the magic world in the United States... It feels very good to say it, but in fact it is a group of fools...

Right, right, what is Zhou Ye afraid of? To put it mildly, Zhou Ye deliberately did not lift Grindelwald's disguise magic just to meet these idiots.

"In the end... what happened here?" As a clear female voice sounded, a slender figure appeared on the scene.

With the appearance of that figure, one by one, like ants on a hot pot, the righteous masters who were in a hurry shouted in unison as if they saw the savior coming. "Your Excellency!"

"Am I honored to know your name? Dear wizard!" Seraphina just nodded to her subordinates, then walked five meters in front of Zhou Ye, and said with a serious expression.

"Why do you want to know my name??" Zhou Ye asked with a smile, looking at the black beauty in front of him.

"Every strong person should be respected..." Serafina said, looking at the dejected righteous masters around her and continued: "Obviously—our macusa's righteous masters have nothing to do with Your Excellency, And I know them, they are not weak hands, but they can't let your Excellency give in the slightest, so - I think, you are a strong person worthy of respect!"

"But I don't want to tell you my name, what should I do??" Zhou Ye winked at Serafina and teased.


Hearing Zhou Ye's answer, Serafina had the illusion that she was being teased... This feeling was so novel. Ever since she was sensible and started to study at the Magic Academy, people have feared her and respected her... But, no one has ever teased her, never...

However, now is obviously not the time to pursue this kind of thing, she still has important things to do. "Then can I ask you to let go of my Minister of Security? Your Excellency... I think there may be a little misunderstanding between him and you..."

"Of course..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly.

"Thank you, Your Excellency..." Seraphina breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Zhou Ye's words... However, after a minute passed, Graves' screams were still loud, obviously— He is still tormented by cruel black magic...

"What do you mean, Your Excellency??" Serafina couldn't help frowning, and there was a little bit of unkindness in her eyes when she looked at Zhou Ye.

Chapter 1405

Chapter 1405

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