This kind of statement, which is different from their adoptive mother's rigid view of good and evil, is more in line with her cognition, and she is now beginning to have some interest in the group of wizards.

This was simply impossible in the past. You know, in her adoptive mother's home, as long as they dared to mention the word "shaman", they would only be tortured and beaten. Explain? Non-existent... preaching? Nothing - that's what old Mary always did to her adopted daughter and son.

At this moment, a righteous teacher walked up to Queenie and said to Queenie: "I'm sorry, Miss Goldstein, we need to clear the memories of these two children... Please let me..."

"What are you doing to them? They are only two children..." Queenie asked without hesitation.

And the Chastiti sisters couldn't help hugging each other, they didn't know what this guy wanted to do to them, but - looking at that posture, it was definitely not a good thing, now - they have no protection from their adoptive mother, and the rest The only ones left are themselves... They are like chicks that fell to the ground, facing the malice of the whole world. How can this make them not afraid?

"I'm sorry, according to the law to prevent wizards from leaking, I need to clear..." The righteous master said unceremoniously, for him, he was performing official duties.

Although Queenie knew it was wrong, she still used her body to stand in front of the two sisters without hesitation...

It is good to say that it is fate, or it is okay to say that it is eye-catching.

Queenie felt that the two sisters were so similar to her and her sister's childhood.

They all lost their parents who protected them, and they all had to bear the malice around them at a young age. Perhaps it was this feeling of empathy that made Queenie, a gentle girl, pick up her wand without hesitation. The righteous master confronted.

"Go away—" At this moment, a cold voice exploded in the ears of the righteous master. This voice that was not loud to outsiders fell into the ears of the righteous master who was confronting Queenie, like a thunderbolt. The eardrums and eye sockets were directly made by this guy, and the blood flowed non-stop.

"What do you want to do??"


"What did you do to Tony..."

Perhaps because of the same spirit, almost all the righteous masters involuntarily pointed their wands at Zhou Ye when they saw their colleagues get hurt.

"You guys, do you want to... give it a try??" Zhou Ye looked at the group of righteous masters with a cold smile.

Seraphina, who was on the side, jumped in a hurry. She knew Zhou Ye's strength better than everyone else. It can be said that if Zhou Ye wanted to, he could make all the righteous masters here lose their lives within five seconds. ...

In the face of Zhou Ye's ridicule, those righteous masters clenched their wands one by one. It could be said that there is no one who can be righteous masters without arrogance. If the strength of the guy who toyed with the toy, they would have already shot...

And the fuse of everything, that pair of sisters, they couldn't help leaning on Zhou Ye again at this time... At this moment, being by Zhou Ye's side, they felt so safe, so warm... This is the family they dreamed of ...

"Stop it all..." Serafina finally broke free from some kind of mental control and regained control of her body. The first time she regained control of her body, she shouted at the righteous masters. Said: "What are you doing?"

"Your Excellency... we are..."

"You don't need to explain to me, you can close the team..." Serafina said coldly: "Today there is nothing to do with you here!"

"Yes - Your Excellency!"

Like the defeated quails, the righteous masters drooped their heads one by one and used Apparition to leave Brooklyn... A few guys secretly breathed a sigh of relief, if they could, they really didn't want to talk to Zhou Ye. By the way, after seeing the end of the Dark Lord with only a skeleton frame and a complete head left, they don't think they can defeat that monster...

That's right, in their opinion, Zhou Ye is a monster, a monster who doesn't know how strong his strength is, a monster who can play the Dark Lord...

"Dear Your Excellency, thank you for your assistance to our macusa... We will have a plan in the future..." Serafina said, and she was about to use Apparition to quickly flash people.

Just kidding, the villain in front of him obviously has bad intentions for himself, so what if he looks handsome? What if he is strong? I just don't want this bastard to succeed so quickly...

Those that are too easy to obtain will not be cherished.

As a smart woman, Serafina deeply understands this truth... However, if this guy is willing to pursue her, she will still consider giving him a chance... But, it must be after the third date thing.

However—Seraphina discovered something tragic, herself—it seemed like she couldn't Apparate.

"I'm very greedy and impatient, so——three dates or something, it really doesn't suit me..." Zhou Ye's voice sounded leisurely in Serafina's ear, and then Serafina's tragic discovery , his body was out of control again.

Chapter 1408

Chapter 1408

The Goldstein sisters' apartment.

"Everyone be quiet...don't wake my sister up..." Queenie said cautiously to the two sisters behind her.

"Um..." x2

Sisters Chasti and Modesti nodded sensible to themselves.

my little brain...

As for Serafina, who was next to Zhou Ye, everyone looked at each other completely, because—she couldn't help herself now.

"Tonight, your sisters, let's make do with one night in this room..." Queenie opened her sister's room and let the two sisters walk in... "Do you need some hot drinks?"

"No, no..." Chastiti said a little embarrassedly. After all, this is not their home, so it's normal to appear a little embarrassed.

"Well, I wish you a good dream..." Queenie said, when the door was about to close, she was stopped by Modesty.

"Then, that...can you sleep with us? I, we're a little scared..."

Seeing Little Loli's uneasy eyes and trembling body, Queenie agreed after hesitating for a while. "Okay, I'll go say goodnight to Ye, and then come to sleep with you..."

"Thank you, Sister Queenie..." A happy smile appeared on Modesty's face.

And Chasti also felt a lot more at ease...

Although as an older sister, Chastiti knew that she should be brave, but——she was only fifteen years old, and she felt very scared in the face of what happened tonight... After all, she was only a child That's it.

"Honey, I'm afraid I can't wake up with you..." Queenie walked over to Zhou Ye who was sitting on the sofa, put a sip on his cheek, and said apologetically, "I feel very sorry. ……Honey!"

"No need to apologize, baby!" Zhou Ye naturally heard about the fact that Queenie was going to sleep with Little Loli at night. Of course, he didn't feel that he was left out by Queenie. On the contrary, he also thought that Queenie was kind. , very cute... "Go, rest with those little cuties, I won't be bored tonight..."

Having said this, Zhou Ye glanced at the chairman of macusa, Serafina, who was sitting beside him.

Queenie understood the meaning of her man in seconds. This is the meaning of new toys at night.

However, Queenie doesn't feel angry about this... Or, after the unforgettable love for three lives and three generations, for Queenie, she no longer cares how many women Zhou Ye has, as long as she can always be by his side. it is good.

Only after losing can you know how painful that pain is...

Too happy, but will be jealous of God.

"I wish you a good time..." Queenie smiled and took a sip from her man's side, then went around to Serafina's side and said in her ear: "I wish you a perfect night, Your Excellency. !"

After finishing speaking, Queenie smiled and walked to her sister's bedroom... She was going to rest with the two cuties.

On the other hand, although Serafina couldn't control her body, she couldn't hide the fear in her eyes.

"Crack!" Zhou Ye snapped his fingers lightly, a silent barrier opened in the living room, and then he let go of Serafina's control, uh- just gave her the right to speak... ... "In order not to leave you with regrets, I decided to fulfill your wish..."



"Don't make me hate you...let me go..."

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