"That's great... dear!" Evelyn hugged her man happily and gave her a fierce kiss.

And Mira, not to be outdone, imitated her man, "Thank you, dear!"

It's no wonder that the two women are so happy. As a woman, isn't her greatest wish to be beautiful at all times?

How could the two women be unhappy if they could take off those heavy and ugly chemical protective suits?

"Okay, let's go in..."

The three of them, who finally sorted everything out, walked towards the side door that had just been opened... As soon as they entered the side door, the three of them heard a tiring sound, which was so messy... and creepy.

"What the hell is that..." Evelynn hugged Zhou Ye's arm with some fear. No matter what, she was always safe beside her man.

"It should be... it should be a mouse..." Mila said, and leaned tightly into her man's arms. No matter how strong a woman is, when facing animals like mice and cockroaches, her whole body will feel numb. of.

Not out of fear, but out of utter disgust.

At this time, Zhou Ye also saw an army of mice rushing towards the crowd like a black tide in the distant passage.

"It's really disgusting!" Although Zhou Ye grew up watching Shukebeta, he still couldn't be cute with this dirty animal.

As his voice fell, the front section of the rat tide stopped in place as if it had hit an invisible barrier, and the rats behind were still running forward desperately...

That's it - layer upon layer, layer upon layer.

In the end, the mice in the previous paragraph were completely crushed to death, and in their place was a wall of mice that completely blocked the passage and could no longer see the thickness.

If the woman who sees this wall of mice has intensive phobia, it is estimated that she will go crazy in an instant, right?

Of course, Mira and Evelyn didn't have any intense phobias, but——they were so sick that they almost vomited at the wall of mice that were completely stacked up in front of them...

"Ugh...please, dear...I don't want to see something so disgusting..."

"I... I agree with Evelyn's advice... ugh... hurry up, honey, I'm... ugh... can't take it anymore..."

"I feel disgusting too..." Zhou Ye furrowed his brows and clenched his fist lightly. Then, the entire wall of mice, whose thickness was unclear, seemed to be clenched by an invisible big hand, and was instantly compressed into a ball. A blood-colored sphere with a diameter of one meter.

In the sphere, I can no longer see what it is. The black ones are mouse hair, the bloody ones are mouse blood, and there are even white floating objects... I guess they are the brains of mice... …

This stuff looks really appetizing.

"Throw it away... darling..."

"It makes me sick..."

Amid the shouting of the two women, Zhou Ye gently opened a portal to the surface of the sun, and then threw the garbage in there...

With the portal closed, everyone finally felt more comfortable... "I hate mice!"

Chapter 1414

Chapter 1415

Apart from the rat tide killing the door, the rest of the expedition was lackluster.

Basically, in this undiscovered passage, there is nothing worth making a fuss about.

The three of them were so relaxed and happy like a spring outing, walking in this secret path that no one has stepped on for three thousand years.

Because of the guidance of Evelyn's memory in the dream, the three did not take any fork in the road, and walked directly to the door somewhere...

Standing in front of the gate carved with various ancient Egyptian stone carvings, the three stopped.

"Let me open the door here..." Mila intends to show her performance this time. After all, it's just a small stone gate. For her who already has super regenerative genes, it's easy. You know, even if it's the next time The super regenerative ability of 2 to 5 tons has brought Uncle Wolf two to five tons of physical strength, not to mention the super regenerative genes carefully cultivated by Umbrella's [Genius Project]?

It can be said that at this time, Mira and Evelyn, not to mention the super regenerative ability, have about ten to twenty tons of strength, they are completely two strange women.

Whoa, whoa, far away...

Mila, who wanted to show off, said, she raised her foot and was about to kick the stone door, but——but was blocked by Evelyn's arm.

"Evelyn, what are you doing??" Mira pressed forward in dissatisfaction, her eyes fixed on Evelyn who was holding her feet. "Didn't you say you were here to find something?"

"Of course..." Evelyn said, raising her arms a little too high, supporting Mira's feet.

"Then why did you stop me..." Mila said, she turned her head to her man and started to act coquettishly, "Honey, look... Eve is starting to trouble me again... You take care of her... "

"Uh—!" Zhou Ye felt caught off guard by Mila's complaint. What should he say? At this time, his attention was completely on Mira's suffocating vertical position... I didn't expect that Mira could actually do this. Does that mean that he can treat Mira? Unlock more knowledge?

"I didn't trouble you..." Evelyn was also a little anxious when she heard Mira's complaint, she didn't want to be punished by her man anymore, and hurriedly explained: "

I didn't say that you won't let you kick this door, I just want to rub the stone carvings on the stone gate, I think the stone carvings here are very valuable for research..."

"Okay..." Mila retracted her thigh when she heard Evelyn's explanation - everything must be done in moderation. Pull deeply to understand this.

"Wait a minute, my dear... I'll be able to fix it soon..." Evelyn said as she took out various cleaning tools from her wristband. Before rubbing, you need to clean the stone door first. stains, it's common sense...

On the other side, Zhou Ye, with the attitude of studying and researching, dragged Mila to the fork in the passage at the back...

"Darling...what's the matter with you calling me here..." Mira asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just..." Zhou Ye didn't say anything else, he replaced his own words with actions, he lowered his head directly, and didn't stop Mila's small words.

"Hmm..." Mila responded positively to her man's attack. She hugged Zhou Ye tightly and closed her eyes.

After a while—

Evelyn, who was carefully cleaning the dust on the stone gate, suddenly heard a voice coming from the passage not far away.

"Don't... darling... not here..."

"why not??"

"It's so dirty here..."

"We won't be dirty if we don't lie there..."

"Then... what should I do..."

"this way!"

"Ah—the bastard..."

As the conversation ended, a blushing and heart-pounding voice came down the aisle...

This sound made Evelyn blush for a while... "This Bichi...is enough for my dear..."

After scolding lightly, Evelyn forcibly restrained her mind and began to concentrate on her work...

After half an hour—

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