"It's not good..." Zhou Ye was habitually polite.

"Why not..." Zhou Ye, who was dissatisfied with Nafidili, climbed up and rode directly on his waist, saying, "Those slave girls have grown up with me since they were young, and I chose them carefully. Selected carefully, I guarantee that each of them will be purple..."

"Actually, I'm more interested in Anna Sunam..." Zhou Ye teased.

"Hmph—I won't help you get her..." Speaking of Anna Sunam, Nafidiri's face tensed and she said dissatisfiedly, "I didn't expect that she not only charmed my father, but also took my Men are also charming..."

"Cough cough... how is that possible!" Zhou Ye said a little embarrassedly: "Actually, I love you the most!"

"No matter, if you want me to help you get Anna Sunam, you should take my twelve female slaves first..." Nafidiri said with a change of voice.

It wasn't that she figured it out, but she suddenly realized one thing. With her lover's god-like means, what resistance does Anna Sunam have? ? In the end, it still falls into the hands of his own man.

Instead of that, it is better to make a deal with his man and let him take all his female slaves. In this way - thirteen to one, she has an overwhelming advantage.

"Huh? Didn't you just say..." Zhou Ye felt a little sudden about Nafidili's change.

"I've changed my mind, haven't I?" Nafidiri used a woman's weapon, unreasonable... "By the way, I'll tell you the good news, Anna Sunam has just been spotted by my father, and they haven't gotten married yet, so ——She is still a virgin... As long as you agree to my slave girl, I will help you get her..."

"This... is really unexpected good news... Well, I agree to your terms..." Zhou Ye sighed and said.

"Great, you are waiting for me here..." Nafidiri said, jumping up quickly, and running towards the door...

Dedicated? Ancient Egypt? Are you stupid?

Here one man and many women is the orthodox...

Only the hypocrites in Europe advocate so-called monogamy—

Because they don't want to take on more women's life problems, monogamy saves them a lot of trouble - this is how the irresponsible product of lover was born.

Chapter 1418

Chapter 1418

The ancient city of Thebes - in the palace of the pharaoh -

A wonderful match in front of the palace is underway.

Two black-haired women wearing shorts and short skirts and wearing golden masks are facing each other with golden forks in both hands.

With a snap, Pharaoh Seti I applauded vigorously, as if he had pressed the open button.

The two rushed up to each other, and the battle between you and me became a ball.

These two women are none other than Seti I's eldest daughter, Nafidiri and the chief female bodyguard, Anna Sunam, who is known as the most beautiful woman in Egypt.

The two competed in front of the hall in order to compete for the guardianship of the death bracelet.

For the guardianship of the bracelet of death, Anna Sunam is bound to win.


Because she is a child from a commoner, because she has a peerless face but does not deserve it, because she doesn't want to marry that pharaoh, Seti I, and the one who always looks at him with disgusting eyes Her High Priest Immorton.

But - no way.

Personal force is not so important in this era...

Moreover, in this era, the status of women - very low.

Of course, there are also some special positions that must be held by women, and they can also gain a little freedom.

For example - the guardian who guards the bracelet of death.

Because the bracelet of death was suppressed in Karnak Temple, and the guardian of the bracelet of death will automatically become the priestess of the sun god Ra. At the same time, as long as he is selected as the priestess of the sun god Ra, then this A woman must remain chaste throughout her life, and even as a representative of the secular kingship, the Pharaoh could not force her.

Moreover, the status of the priestess of the sun god Ra will be second only to the high priest.

You know, on some issues, even the pharaoh had to bow his head to the high priest because—this is the age of the gods.

It is with this belief that Anna Sunem desperately wants to win this battle.

Of course, the pharaoh Seti I, who was sitting high above, knew exactly what Anna Sunam was thinking.

He is not angry, it is this kind of rebellious woman that can bring him more sense of conquest...

Of course, he deliberately concealed one thing - that is, whether victory or not, the guardian of the bracelet of death will be appointed by him personally, which means - in fact, this game is meaningless, because - even if The winner is Anna Sunam, and she won't get a real victory either.

The position of guardian of the bracelet of the god of death has long been fixed...

Looking at a little cutie who was constantly struggling in his hand, he finally found out that when her struggle was in vain, that kind of despair and resignation could bring him a lot of pleasure...

For this reason, even though Seti I had already ordered to marry Anna Sunam, he still did not touch her a finger. He would use such a thing as power to force this little cutie who was unwilling to accept his fate to recognize the reality...

Watching the proud swan bow its proud head in front of him

Skull, this is the happiest time of Seti I.

And the high priest Imorton, who was standing next to Seti I, had some guesses about the Pharaoh's thoughts.

But—he didn’t stop it, or rather—he was still helping and abusing him, pushing the whole incident in the direction the Pharaoh wanted.

Why do you want to do this?

Because—Imerton really fell in love with Anna Sunem.

High Priest Immorton - in this ancient dynasty, representing theocracy, the status is second only to the existence of the Pharaoh.

As a high priest, although he can't openly marry a wife or something, but - secretly, he secretly buys a lot of female slaves.

Power is enough to turn the purest man into a devil.

Now, Immorton has no interest in ordinary beautiful slave girls. Instead, it is Anna Sunam, a beautiful woman who disdains him, and a fishing net of conquest rises in his heart.

But——Pharaoh has ordered that he will marry Anna Sunam in the future. As a high priest, he can't disobey Pharaoh's order, but——this just brought him a stronger possession.

No matter any dynasty, any man-there is always such an indescribable idea about someone else's wife.

Of course, I only saw through it, but deliberately pushed the Pharaoh's plan-because Immorton wanted to get Anna Sunam.

But -- it's hard, it's really hard.

You must know that, as a high priest, although Imorton has some mana, he is not the monster in the later generations who claims to be able to bring disaster to Egypt in the event of an accident.

And Anna Sunam, a waitress who practiced martial arts all the year round, is extremely powerful.

This leaves Immorton with nothing to do with Anna Sunam—

Power persecution?

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