Zhou Ye finally walked out of the mirror world with all the girls...

However, Zhou Ye didn't plan to go back just like that...

He was very interested in ancient Egypt in this era... He simply took the girls and went upstream along the Nile River to play around.

Along the way, Nafidili and Anna Sunam kept telling him about the life and customs of this era, and Zhou Ye also described the living habits and customs of later generations to them. When there were two sisters who looked exactly like them, both Nefidiri and Anna Sunam were intrigued.

In the end, after wandering around for a month, Zhou Ye took fourteen women, including Nafidiri, Anna Sunam, and returned to the timeline where he should have been.

1933 - Egypt - In a secret passage under the ruins of the ancient city of Thebes....

"In a blink of an eye, you actually lost your dear..." Evelyn looked at Mira angrily and asked.

"It's not lost, my dear said he has something to do and will be back soon..." Mila explained.

"But it's been almost ten minutes now, why haven't you come back yet??" Evelyn asked: "With Ye's ability, it takes ten minutes to do anything? Even destroying the entire universe doesn't take ten minutes for him. time……"

"How do I know!" Mira replied angrily.

She was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and she also had some disagreements with Evelyn, just because of the incident of eating alone at the entrance just now, so she was a little apologetic to Evelyn... But these apologies follow Evelyn's apology. The question has almost disappeared.

Just when Evelyn was a little angry and was about to say something, she suddenly felt a flash of light and shadow in front of her - and then, a group of people appeared in front of her out of thin air.

The big change in the living is nothing to her, after all, the sisters are more capable, but—the two leading women in this group of women made her and Mila a little dumbfounded at the same time..." I-seem to see myself..."

"Me too..." Mira also nodded blankly.

Chapter 1421

Chapter 1421

"You...you are..." Evelyn asked with a dull expression as she looked at the woman who was almost identical to her except for her hairstyle.

"I am you, and you are me!!" Nafidiri blinked at Evelyn and said with a smile, "We are one..."

"No...you're not me...I'm not you...you speak...in ancient Egyptian??" When Evelyn heard Nefidiri's words, she suddenly seemed to realize something In the same way, he turned his head and shouted to his man: "Dear...you...you must have returned to the era of Seti I more than 3,000 years ago, and brought back Princess Nefidiri. ?"

"How do you know I'm Nafidili??" Nafidili asked curiously.

Because she learned from her man that in later generations, her name has been submerged in the long river of time, but her father, Seti I, became famous because of the mysterious city of death - Hamna Tower... …

It is said that in Hamna Tower, the city of death, the treasures of Seti I's wealth are stored...

This is also the reason why the name of Seti I will be spread so widely. After all, since ancient times, the name cannot be retained, only wealth and silk can move people's hearts.

Facing the question of the woman with the same face as her, Evelyn raised her hands in a daze, stroked her face and said, "Because... I have dreamed of you... I have also dreamed of you. What you did...you were Nefidiri...that's right!"

Hearing Evelyn's words, Nafidili smiled, "Yes, I am Nafidili... Hello, me in the future!"

"I'm not your descendant, I'm me, I'm the one and only Evelyn!" Evelyn said with some dissatisfaction, but soon her face showed some excitement, because she thought of it certain things...

"Tell me, how to read this word? What does it mean?" Evelyn took out a book of hieroglyphs and asked excitedly, pointing to the hieroglyphs on it.

You must know that up to now, more than 3,000 hieroglyphs have been unearthed in ancient Egypt, but less than 40% of them have been deciphered.

Now, with a serious ancient Egyptian princess as a teacher, how could Evelyn, who is obsessed with archaeology, not be excited.

"Ah, this text reads... it means..." Nefidiri also taught Evelyn hieroglyphs indifferently.

And the other side——

"You are my descendant, Mira??" Compared with the playful Nafidiri, Anna Sunam was not so easy to talk about. She looked at the man who had the same face as herself standing in front of her. Mira, said rudely: "I'm so weak, I won't recognize you..."

"嘁—!" Hearing Anna Sunam's rude words, Mira smacked her dissatisfied, and then rudely turned back: "I never thought you were my past life, I was me ...you are who you are...don't put me with the tragic you, compare me!"

"You are more powerful than your skills..." Anasunam said, looking up and down at Mira, who looked weak and weak: "But—it looks like you only have this one left. …”

"..." Can't refute it...

Mila was really depressed and wanted to yell, it wasn't my fault, it was the bad guy who pulled me into the tunnel, what a whole three hours


However, Mira quickly gave up this meaningless argument. What should I say, she has almost seen Anna Sunam's character, and it is estimated that if she said so, she would only get - this Weak, can't stand it in only three hours? - such a comment.

Why do you have to get the approval of this guy, just because she is from ancient times? ?

Mira thought of this, and with a flick of her face, she stopped paying attention to Anna Sunam...

And the twelve female slaves behind them looked at the strange scene in front of them with ignorance - two Anna Sunams, two princesses... What the hell is going on in this world?

"Babies, I don't think this is a good place to have a party. Why don't we hurry up and complete our goals, and then go home and then talk about it?" Zhou Ye's voice came, making the chattering girls suddenly quiet. down.

And Nefidiri came out of the girls, she actually recognized where this place was at first sight, even though the walls here were mottled, even though it was no longer what it looked like in its glory days...

But how could Nefidiri forget about this place? You know—it was here, outside the guard of the bracelet of death, that she met the man she had been with her whole life, and although the scene at the time was not very pleasant, the result was quite good, wasn't it?

"Why did you come here?? Do you want to get the bracelet of death?" Nefidiri asked.

"Actually, I'm here. I found this place based on my memory. I always feel like something is calling me here..." Evelyn said.

"There's nothing here..." Nafidiri said strangely: "Except for a bracelet that is enough to destroy the world, everything... wait... What year is this year??"

"1993 AD... ah, by the way, you don't know the calendar of our later generations. If you convert it into the ancient Egyptian calendar, this year is the year of the scorpion..." As expected of Nafidiri, who is known as an expert in ancient Egypt, she blinked. She completed the conversion of the calendar in a few hours, but she was also proud of the memory and IQ that the genetic modification of x brought her far beyond ordinary people.

You know, in the original film, she was reminded only by someone...

"The year of the scorpion... Five years ago passed..." Nafidili's face changed suddenly, "Then we can't go in and get that thing... It's an item for summoning the Great Scorpion, as long as someone gets that death bracelet ...he can summon the Scorpion Emperor..."

"Even if you don't take it, when the time is up, the Scorpion Emperor himself will be resurrected!" said Anna Sunam, who liked to contradict Nafidiri, walked to Nafidili's side, and retorted: "It's not like that, but also It's better to let my dear summon the Scorpion Emperor with the bracelet of death, and then kill him!"

In order to get the position of the guardian of the bracelet of death, Anna Sunam did a lot of homework.

"......I, forgot..." Nafidiri stroked her hair a little embarrassedly. She was just panicked and forgot about it... Really, let Anasunam be this The guy is complacent...

"Okay, since that's the case, let's take the death bracelet away!" Zhou Ye said, kicking the stone door of the treasure room forward.

Chapter 1422

Chapter 1422

"I'll open this place..." Nafidili hurriedly said when she saw her man's movements.

"Okay, come here!" Zhou Ye stopped his movements and stood aside with a smile.

He knew, Nefidiri knew how to open this door, after all—he was watching Nefidili walk out of this door, and outside... ahem.

Nefidiri happily walked to the door, and she rushed to open the treasure house door just to show it off.

Who embarrassed her just now... It was still done by Anna Sunam, so shameless.

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