With the sound of a train's exhaust, this special train with only five carriages stopped steadily at the platform.

Then——the door of the carriage was opened, and the first person to walk out was Cui Mengyao, who had changed into a military uniform... After she got off the train, she just gave a military salute to General Yang who was standing by the platform from a distance, but She didn't go over...because she still had to wait for her man to get off...

And General Yang didn't say anything.

Ten days ago, in the telegram sent by Cui Mengyao, he had already explained a little bit about the situation...

For example - Cui Mengyao finally met someone she couldn't resist, and General Yang, who regarded her as his sister, was still very happy for her.

However, just when General Yang felt that he might be able to see a man in the next second, something unexpected happened...

After Cui Mengyao got off the train, it was not a man, but a tall foreign woman in a black fur coat... This is not the end, after the foreign woman finally got off the train, there were several consecutive a girl...

It wasn't until—— after seeing Zhou Ye coming down, General Yang breathed a sigh of relief... Fortunately, there was still a man. If there was none, General Yang was really afraid of his female adjutant, afraid that he would have already walked on. A road of no return...

alright alright...

However, the ensuing questions also flooded into General Yang's mind. How did this guy get his female adjutant? ? You must know—my female adjutant is the one who hates men, three wives and four concubines the most...

Of course, now is not the time to say that...

He walked directly towards Zhou Ye, who was surrounded by women and stars like the moon...

"Mr. Zhou... It's a pleasure to meet..." After speaking, General Yang extended his hand to Zhou Ye.

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with General Yang... "I'm the lucky one to meet, General Yang... I've really admired my name for a long time..."

"Uh-!" Zhou Ye's words made General Yang stunned... "Could it be that my reputation has spread to a metropolis like Shanghai?"

To tell the truth, he is a small warlord, occupying only half of Ningxia, and his reputation is far less than those of the big warlords who occupy one or several provinces.

"Haha..." Facing General Yang's words, Zhou Ye could only helplessly smile...

Is he going to tell General Yang that I actually grew up watching your films? For example, people x forks x bags, such as......, after all, Huang Xsheng is a truly prolific actor......

Of course, Zhou Ye couldn't say these words to the current General Yang...here, he is General Yang, not that X change...hahaha...

Chapter 1444

Chapter 1444

"I don't know... How is Mr. going to cooperate with me this time??" Huang Xsheng, uh, no, General Yang looked at the handsome young man in front of him and said slowly.

"Oh?" When Zhou Ye heard General Yang's words, he looked at Meng Yao next to him in surprise, and said, "Didn't you make it clear to General Yang??"

"That...that...because the telegraph is not too safe, so...so I just said, I met a man who is worthy of my life, and then I still have some forces, and I want to cooperate with the general..." Meng Yao Some hesitantly said.

"Uh- well..." Zhou Ye looked at Meng Yao's faltering expression, and knew that she must not have done what she said.

In fact, it was just a small game between the two. A certain Northwest girl had to choose because she lost the game, whether to contribute the first time behind her, or to send a copy as Zhou Ye said. A spoof larger than actual telegram to one's old boss.

Of course, that telegram was made by Zhou Ye purely for spoofing.

[Your Excellency the General:

I successfully penetrated into the interior of the archaeological team, and used my feminine charm to confuse the team leader of the archaeological team, so—they have promised to cooperate with us in an all-round way, please don’t worry, we will rush to Ningxia today to start the excavation activities , please arrange to deal with local contact matters!

Cui Mengyao, xx, xx, xx, xx]

How could Cui Mengyao send such a telegram? But in order to prevent her from blooming, she made a slight modification, never mentioning who her man was, but only said that her man was a powerful man. Under her persuasion, she planned to start a comprehensive affair with the general. Cooperation.

These days, the warlords are also short of money...

Seeing this telegram, General Yang was simply ecstatic...

That's why he came to the train station in person to meet Zhou Ye...

"Remember to take the punishment yourself at night..." Zhou Ye, who understood everything in seconds, whispered in Meng Yao's ear with a smile, then looked at General Yang again and said with a smile, "Actually, I'm here to help General Yang discover the Dragon Emperor. The tomb of..."

"...Huh??" After hearing this, General Yang frowned...

But - soon, he relaxed, because - he believed that Cui Mengyao would not betray himself... If this guy really had something against him, she would not lead her to him "I wonder if sir, can you tell me why you want to help me?"

"Because, I also hate the chaotic China..." Zhou Ye said with a smile on his face, "Also, I'm also from China, although I rarely focus on this place, but—watching the warlords and the people in the war is boring. This kind of chaos is still a bit psychological.

It's uncomfortable..."

"How can I trust you...?" After General Yang finished saying this, he looked at Juana who was standing beside Zhou Ye... For him, someone who is not my race will have a different heart...

"This... is really a headache!" Zhou Ye shook his head with a wry smile...

To be honest, if someone else asked him this sentence, Zhou Ye would definitely slap him to death, I would just kill you, do you need to believe me?

But General Yang can't.

First, because Zhou Ye likes this General Yang more, it can be said that this is the only movie where he likes the villain and hates pig's feet.

Second, Mengyao helped him speak... Zhou Ye didn't want to make his woman angry.

Let's put it this way, someone once washed the ground for the male protagonist of this movie in some forums... What to say, General Yang is evil, he resurrected the Dragon Emperor in order to be a general...

Zhou Ye just wanted to say something about this: mdzz...

If it is really for power, can you choose to use the money from foreigners to buy arms, and recruit troops to buy horses to dominate the mainland?

Do you have to revive the Dragon Emperor? ? To be a subordinate?

In other words - have you ever heard of a chicken head rather than a phoenix tail?

Even a small warlord in a small place with all power is better than being the second in command of a big warlord, okay? ?

To sum up, this General Yang is the righteous party in the whole movie... He chose to resurrect the Dragon Emperor in order to save the country from chaos...

And the mother and daughter in the movie?

Hehe... A woman for her own selfishness cursed a unified emperor, which led to the disintegration of the entire empire... How many of the people were suffering, and how many innocent people were displaced?

There has been a saying since ancient times, "I would rather be a dog of peace than a person in troubled world...Is it just a talk?"

If the Dragon Emperor really gained immortality at the beginning, he might not be able to create a unified country that swept the world... At that time, the Chinese will be the real first-class nation...

It is because of her own selfishness that this woman completely cut off the process of global unification...

As for her daughter, that's even more nonsense... how stupid it is to help a few foreigners to prevent the resurrection of the emperor of China and the process of reunification of the country... His heart can be punished...

The more Zhou Ye thought about it, the more angry he became...

And beside him, Juana, who noticed his face, has made plans to slaughter everyone here and vent his anger for his own man.

Seeing her man's increasingly ugly face, Meng Yao was a little anxious... She hurriedly reached out to hug her man's arm, and said in an almost pleading voice, "Don't be like this... Young master, please... Don't be like this... …”

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