"Oh, won't let me go? Guess I'll let you go for a while?" Zhou Ye followed up with a smirk... while Ling followed Zhou Ye honestly... She has now I gave up all resistance, and I begged my master directly. It would be good if I could not embarrass my mother too much, but it's a pity... This is a completely unfulfilled dream.

Chapter 1455

Chapter 1455

And just when Zhou Ye started to make in-depth adjustments to a certain mother and daughter in the cave, the Dragon Emperor had already returned to his imperial mausoleum through the portal opened by Zhou Ye.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing the Dragon Emperor suddenly appearing in front of him, the general hurriedly knelt down... He knew that the Dragon Emperor had really achieved longevity, because—he was no longer the image of the Terracotta Warriors, but a living people.

"Generals don't need to be more polite..." The Dragon Emperor was in a really good mood at this time, he said with a smile: "Go, follow me to see my invincible army!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" General Yang did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed.

Under the leadership of the Dragon Emperor, the group quickly walked out of the Emperor's Mausoleum.

Walking outside the mausoleum, the Dragon Emperor flew directly to the shoulder of his incomparably tall statue, pulled out the sword from his waist, and shouted [Wake up——! ! 】

With a roar of the Dragon Emperor, it spread throughout the wilderness.

A rumbling sound resounded throughout the earth...

With the sound of the sound, one after another huge potholes on the ground suddenly opened... Then, countless terracotta warriors and horses in armor and armed with spears, lined up in a square formation, from the weight of the potholes, along the slope - marching neatly. Step, come out.

What is the Iron Army?

Just look at the uniform military posture of this invincible army.

General Yang looked at the movements of those terracotta warriors and horses on the ground with emotion, and couldn't help thinking silently-with such an invincible army, it will sweep the world to clarify Yuyu, and return the world to a peaceful and prosperous world...

Of course, such an invincible army is not good news for the wolves and leopards around China who peep into the prosperous homeland of China. But—who cares what those idiots think? Those who are not of our race will have different hearts...Foreigners, if you die, you will die, who cares?

I have to say that, to a certain extent, General Yang and Zhou Ye's psychology still resonates very much.

At this time, with the sound of uniform footsteps, the army of hundreds of thousands of terracotta warriors and horses came under the colossus and stood in front of the Dragon Emperor.

"Wake up now - when the world is chaotic and corrupt, and the people of China are in dire straits, in order to restore the rule of law, I will retake the world, and I will stop the tyranny..."

"I, Zhao Er and others - I hope that you and others will spread my will to the world - you and others will follow me, cross the Great Wall, and live forever - calm the chaos, drive out the captives, destroy their ancestral temples, destroy their descendants, and start a massacre - No mercy."

As the words of the Dragon Emperor resounded in the four fields, all the Terracotta Warriors raised their spears high in their hands... They slammed three times, they had not yet crossed the Great Wall and were unable to speak, so they could only use this method to show their emperor that they were following. determination.

And General Yang and the others couldn't help shouting long live...

Of course, their voices seemed so small in the midst of the earth-shattering sound of Gomuda.

The Dragon Emperor looked at his invincible army with satisfaction...then jumped off the colossus and onto his beloved horse. Shout out, "Let's go..."

Under the orders of the Dragon Emperor... the army of hundreds of thousands of terracotta warriors and horses turned around in unison—the latter army changed into the former army, and walked towards the wall of the ancient Great Wall...

At this moment, the girls who were playing on the walls of the ancient Great Wall also saw this shocking scene...

"Dragon Emperor is really resurrected??"

"Well - his invincible army has been resurrected, it seems that the young master has succeeded!"

"Master is really amazing!"

In the face of the voices of the women, Juana just smiled - she knew better than anyone about her man's ability, and chose to resurrect the Dragon Emperor just because her man hated trouble. But he couldn't just sit back and watch Hua Guo fall into chaos.

For others - being an emperor may be a good job, having money, power and women... the world belongs to you.

But——for Zhou Ye, he hates to have countless responsibilities on his back. You let him play around doing nothing is more fun than letting him sit behind the Longshu case and deal with court affairs every day... This can't be. To say that Zhou Yexiong has no ambitions, he can only say - ahem, he is a lazy person.

However, given Zhou Ye's current strength and power, being an emperor of a country seemed a little too low. If he wanted to do it, he would also be the master of multiple universes, which would be more in line with his status.

It's just—I guess he doesn't have any interest in it either.

And at this time—as the sound of rumbling footsteps gradually came, the terracotta warriors and horses had begun to cross the Great Wall...

The moment they stepped on the Great Wall, the soil and pottery shards on their bodies turned into debris and fell to the ground. Instead, they were replaced by living people, and these people not only gained immortality, but also gained Indestructible bodies, their bodies are no longer afraid of swords and firearms.

This is a proper army of hundreds of thousands of invincibles.

As hundreds of thousands of troops passed through the Great Wall, on the boundary of the ancient Great Wall, a thick layer of black pottery slag was left behind...

"Why can't I see the young master??" The girls searched for the figure of their own man beside the Dragon Emperor, but found that there was no shadow of their own man at all, which made them unable to help but worry...

"Did that dragon

After the emperor gained immortality, he killed the young master? ? "

"Impossible... The young master is so powerful, how could he be killed by the Dragon Emperor?"

"Where did the young master go??"

Just as the women were discussing, General Yang rode a war horse to the foot of the ancient Great Wall and shouted to the women above: "Sir, there is something important to do at Shangri-La's Fountain of Eternal Life, please also ask. Ladies, don't worry!"

"So this is ah……"

"Thank you General!"

After hearing General Yang's words, the girls felt at ease...

"Let's go!" Juana said, and walked directly with the girls towards their original camp...

"Eh?? Sister Juana, where are we going??"

"Aren't we waiting here for the young master??

"No need!" Juana smiled slightly. She had just received a secret message from her man, asking her to take her sister to Shangri-La in the Himalayas to find him. The exact location Zhou Ye had already sent to her mind... ..."Let's pack up and go find my dear!"


"I miss my dear!"

Hearing Juana's words, whether it was the girls in the dance group or Cui Mengyao, they all had a look of joy... They had long missed their men.

And just when Juana was leading her sisters to pack up, the Dragon Emperor who crossed the Great Wall glanced at their backs thoughtfully, and then asked: "The general has spent a lot of time with Mr., so I know what Mr. likes. thing??"

General Yang, who had just sent the news to the girls and rushed back on his horse, was stunned when he heard this...

Of course he knew who the Mr. Long Di said was worth, besides Zhou Ye, would there be anyone else? ? Of course not... but he was a little uneasy about what the Dragon Emperor asked him to mean? ? "This……"

"Don't worry!" Dragon Emperor saw General Yang's thoughts at a glance, and smiled slightly: "I just feel that I can't repay the kindness of Mr.'s rebirth, so I want to do what I want and give Mr. some gifts. That's it!"

To be honest, he didn't dare to let the Dragon Emperor hit Zhou Ye's idea now, even though he can live forever now, but——the difference between him and Zhou Ye is like a cloud of mud, this huge difference in strength , so that the Dragon Emperor did not dare to think of anything, he really wanted to give Zhou Ye a gift.

Jun Wu jokingly said that General Yang still trusts Dragon Emperor's words. After hearing Dragon Emperor's explanation, he smiled slightly and said, "I haven't been together for a long time with my gentleman. In my opinion, my gentleman has nothing to do with gold and silver. Any interest, only women..."

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