"Then - let's go!"

Following the order, the merfolk lined up across the portal opened by Juana and the other sisters.

That day - Shangri-La, a beautiful paradise, is no longer a good place to escape from the war. Countless beautiful women in black military uniforms who appeared out of nowhere, unceremoniously killed them...

Even their ally, the Snowman, was completely wiped out under the fierce offensive of those women.

One night has passed - the mermaid family has completely swept away the remnants in the entire Shangri-La, the entire Shangri-La, and since then - the surname is Zhou.

And at this time, Zhou Ye walked out with the mother and daughter duo who were being adjusted...

He first used the power of words to make the whole Shangri-La more beautiful like a fairyland, and then used the magic array to cover the entire Shangri-La, including its entrance... At the same time, between Shangri-La and St. Martin Island , established a permanent portal...

So far, the girls have another good place for vacation...

And on the Dragon Emperor's side, there are also frequent reports of good news...

Except at the beginning of the war, because my understanding of modern artillery was not deep, so after suffering a little loss, I continued to advance all the way...

Why? ? ? Have you ever seen the Terracotta Warriors use machine guns and artillery?

Have you seen the army of the undead?

Such an army is a nightmare for those warlords.

It took only one year for the Dragon Emperor to completely pacify the entire country of China. Then, he divided his troops into two groups, all the way to the north - through Mongolia, to Erros, and the other way to the south, killing Annan. ... the more difficult the finger is...

However, he did not forget his promise. Every year, he would carefully select stunning beauties and send them to Shangri-La... This is an emperor's gratitude, and an emperor's purchase...

Of course, Zhou Ye wasn't a polite person either, he just took it all...

In the end - Dragon Emperor's footsteps going north stopped at the Volga River... His footsteps going south stopped at Bangkok.

There is no way, the industrial foundation of Huaguo is still too thin, and the consumption of ammunition can't keep up - so, the Dragon Emperor had to stop temporarily and recuperate - of course, this lesson also made him understand that industry The importance of it, so - he began to recruit talents and develop industry...

As for the rest of the matter, Zhou Ye didn't care about it - after a few decades of leisure, it was almost 1965... It was time for him to go back. If he doesn't go back, for him who only came to this world in 1970, he doesn't know what the consequences will be. After all - he is the only existence, an existence that transcends time and cause and effect...

The ghost knows what will happen if he stays until 1970, Zhou Ye has no plans to stay until this time. So - it's better to go back - it's better to go home.

Chapter 1457

Chapter 1457

Spencer Manor on the outskirts of London -

This was originally the courtyard of the Spencer family, but—now, the surname is Zhou.

As a dowry for his daughter, this manor on the outskirts of London was given to his daughter, Diana, by the Earl of Spencer as her dowry.

And now—it's almost becoming a vampire headquarters.

In the estate, in the largest master bedroom.

An oversized wooden couch was placed in the center of the room—outside the quilt of the wooden couch, seventeen or eight small heads of different hair colors leaked out.

Among them, there are two girls whose faces look so similar, almost like a person, and beside the two, there is a girl who looks very similar to them...

At first glance, these three people are like twin sisters.

These three people are none other than Selena and Princess Anna and the little princess Sonia of the vampire.

To be honest - Zhou Ye has finally realized his dream of putting two identical English roses together on this plane, especially - these two people, one is a vampire, and the other is a princess who hates vampires. Much more fun.

At the beginning - Anna actually refused, but - when Zhou Ye forced it, she half pushed it shamefully.

I don't blame her - she couldn't resist alone, so she had to find a random comrade-in-arms to help.

So, after going back and forth like this, Anna got used to dancing with vampires.

What to say?

Habits are a terrible thing.

The other girls are the blood clan elder Emilia and her little valet Erica, the blood clan little maid Debra brought back by Zhou Ye from hundreds of years ago, and six Sonia's female servants... ...plus three girls who almost became vampire brides and Diana.

There's no way - who said that Zhou Ye wanted to play Vampire Night yesterday, but he ended up playing with all the girls with vampire attributes.

At this moment, a portal suddenly opened in the room - as the portal opened.

A cute little silver-haired loli ran out...

She seemed to be very familiar with the place here, and with her short legs, she ran to the couch in a hurry...

Some clumsily climbed up, kicked off the shoes on her feet, and then - unceremoniously crawled in... She climbed mountains and waded through obstacles in the quilt, and finally found herself The goal... squatted up and closed it contentedly.

own eyes.

"Miss Furong..." The figure dressed in a maid outfit walked out with Little Loli from the portal. Seeing Little Loli's movements, she covered her own little girl with a smile, "Miss Furong still likes it. To the young master, Sa Jiao!!"

And Zhou Ye, who was sleeping, was also awakened by the sudden weight on his body at this time.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the unique hair color of the Veela spilling out of his mouth... "Good morning, my little baby!"

"Humph!" Xiao Furong opened her eyes in dissatisfaction, stared at Zhou Ye fiercely, and said in a tone of resentment that her husband couldn't wait for her husband to come home: "Dad is so annoying, why didn't you come back yesterday?? Mingming Last night, Dad said that he told me stories... not to be credited..."

"Cough cough...My good daughter..." Zhou Ye said a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Dad accidentally forgot about it last night... Or else - Dad will take you to St. Maarten to play??"

"Hmph—Mother Meldi and Mama Tina will take me there..." Little Furong squinted, with an expression that wouldn't forgive you so easily.

"Then Dad will take you to Shangri-La? We can still find a place to ski there. Don't you like skiing the most, baby??" Zhou Ye was anxious and continued to contribute to his plan to coax his daughter.

"Don't... Juana's mother will take me there..." Obviously, Little Furong is not so easy to coax.

As the only child in the family, it is no exaggeration to say that she has received thousands of pets and love.

Almost all of Zhou Ye's women were responsive to this extremely beautiful little cutie.

No way, who told Zhou Ye not to give them a child? And they, at the age of wanting children again——


The girl that Sarah Petrick gave birth to for Zhou Ye using the Veela secret method has become the treasure held in the hands of all the girls.

Of course, although there are so many mothers and grandmothers who dote on this little cutie, but——she still likes to pester her father, Zhou Ye.

No matter where she is, as long as the little guy wakes up and can't see his father, she will definitely keep making trouble.

And what about Zhou Ye? ? Sometimes I have to run around...

No way, just a Leeds Castle can't let go of his women at all...

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