"It's called Gabriel!" Zhou Ye said with a smile.

Gabrielle, who was still in swaddling clothes, seemed to have heard her name and showed her cute little face at Zhou Yezhan...

"Is this my younger sister??" At this time, Little Furong also ran over, but because of her height, she really couldn't see the appearance of the younger sister in Jasmine's arms, so she could only jump around..." Dad, help me..."

"Come on, baby, look at your sister!" Zhou Ye bent down and picked up Furong.

"She's so small...but she's so cute." Furong could finally see her sister's appearance in her father's arms. To be honest, from the moment she saw her sister, little Furong had a kind of The feeling of being connected by blood... Maybe this is a Veela's characteristic?

"From now on, Little Furong will be a sister..." Zhou Ye said with a smile, "You must protect your sister well!"

"Well - I will definitely protect my sister!" Little Furong's tender face was full of determination, as if she had grown a lot in an instant.

"Okay, get acquainted with your sister here, I'll go in and see your mother!" Zhou Ye said, and put Little Furong on the ground. At this time, a maid had already taken all kinds of utensils such as the stroller. Come here... Little Gabriel is put into a very comfortable stroller.

"My sister??" Lying beside the railing of the stroller, Little Furong carefully stretched out her hand and gently held her sister's little hand, while Gabriel, who was still a baby, leaked to her sister. With a cute smile...

"Don't worry, Gabrielle, I will protect you in the future..." Seeing her sister's smiling face, Little Furong felt as if her heart was stuffed with something, and whispered to her sister: " Um- we play with the toys, we are half of the cake, ah, yes, and the most important thing, Dad- I will also give you the usual..."

The girls couldn't help but want to laugh when they heard what Little Loli said...

Time flies, Xiao Furong fulfilled her promise perfectly, and she gave half of her everything to her sister, such as-her toys, her cakes, and most importantly, her father...

In the past, Zhou Ye only needed to take a little loli and run around. Now what? ? Zhou Ye needs to run around with two little loli...

Fortunately, these days are finally coming to an end-because, a certain little loli has finally reached the age of school... Little Furong received a notice from Hogwarts, and Zhou Ye could finally relax.

Chapter 1460

Chapter 1460

London - in King's Cross train station.

A black-haired boy wearing a black semi-long trench coat was pulling a loli with silver hair and walking towards platform 10.

Whether it is a boy who looks seventeen or eighteen years old, or that little silver-haired loli who looks only about ten years old, their faces are extremely delicate, just like they came out of a painting. Lots of accidents.

Someone accidentally pushed his luggage cart under the platform because he was greedy for looking at the two of them.

There are also women who have made an intimate contact with the pillars of the platform because they pay too much attention to the actions of the teenager.

These two are none other than Zhou Ye and his daughter, Xiao Furong.

"Hee hee..." Furong held her father's big hand and looked at the passers-by who had frequent accidents because of their covetousness. She couldn't help but let out a cute smile. "Dad, those guys are so stupid!"

"Actually, I don't blame them...Baby, it's because you're so cute!" Zhou Ye was already very comfortable with complimenting his daughter.

"But I think those aunties are in trouble because they saw Dad..." Furong said here, as if she suddenly remembered something, she said loudly to Zhou Ye, "By the way... Dad, you forgot the morning. Did you make an appointment??"

"Uh—!" Zhou Ye was speechless for a while, agreed? What contract?

Of course, it was the promise that my daughter made with me...

In Fleur's words - Dad doesn't look like me at all, the baby is not open... The baby is angry - the baby demands that the father also has silver hair...

In the face of such unreasonable things, Zhou Ye of course chose to - promise her... "Uh, sorry, baby, I forgot... how is it now??"

Zhou Ye said, and snapped his fingers lightly. Following his actions, his originally black hair instantly turned into a silver color exactly like Furong's.

"Wow—such a father looks so handsome!" Furong looked at her father's handsome face, and felt that her heart seemed to be beating a lot faster in an instant...

"Is there??" Zhou Ye deliberately stopped for a moment by the full-length mirror in front of the platform when he heard his daughter's words.

Looking at his reflection in the mirror, Zhou Ye had to admit that he seemed to be a little more charming and elegant...

"Okay, Dad, we have to hurry up—or the train will leave!" Furong said, grabbing Zhou Ye's hand, and rushing towards platform nine and three-quarters.

Under the influence of her own group of magician mothers since she was a child, Fleur is no stranger to the entire wizarding world, and even - to a certain extent, her magic level has reached the level of a fourth-year Hogwarts student.

Of course, you still have to learn...

But at the beginning, Fleur's mother, Sarah Petrick, meant to let Fleur go to her alma mater, Beaux Barton.

Although - Fleur was born in England, but - Sarah felt that it was not too difficult to persuade Ms. Maxime to let her daughter study in Beauxbaton based on her experience of studying in Beauxbatons. thing.

However - after Zhou Ye said that he planned to agree to Professor Dumbledore's invitation, become a teacher at Hogwarts, and became the dean of Ravenclaw, Little Furong betrayed his mother's alma mater in minutes and invested in in the arms of his father.

In this regard, Sarah Petrick hated her teeth. She had sworn that she would take advantage of Zhou Ye's years of teaching at Hogwarts, to take advantage of Zhou Ye's years of teaching at Hogwarts, to take good care of her youngest daughter, add Brie Chow Petrick has a good relationship and keeps her little daughter away from her man's clutches...

In the face of his woman's declaration, Zhou Ye just smiled without saying a word.

At present, the three-year-old little Gabriel's relationship with her sister and her father far exceeds the relationship with her mother... Hey, Sarah's ambition is a long way to go!

Just when Zhou Ye was thinking about what happened at home these few days, the two had come to the edge of the nine and three-quarters platform column.

It's just that the father-daughter duo didn't walk into the platform immediately, because—they saw a little loli with long brown hair pushing a trolley, standing there a little overwhelmed...

"Hey, do you need help??" Zhou Ye smiled slightly and asked the cute little loli with brown curly hair that looked like a doll.

"I...I..." Perhaps because it was the first time to go out alone, Little Loli was a little overwhelmed by Zhou Ye's approach.

Furong couldn't help rolling her eyes when she saw her father's actions...

There are already so many mothers in the family, and my father still doesn’t know how to restrain... Don’t think that I will call a guy my age to be a mother—wait, Furong just thought of this, as if she suddenly realized something... Guy my age? ? If this guy has a chance... doesn't that mean... it's time to try the method that Aunt Jasmine told her——[Actually, according to her seniority, Little Furong wants to call Grandma Jasmine, but Jasmine thinks she's old for the sake of calling herself old. You, keep asking Furong to call her auntie]

Thinking of this, for the first time, Fleur revealed a smile in front of a stranger, "Hello, my name is Jasmine - Jasmine Chow Petrick. I'm a freshman at Hogwarts, you can call me Fleur, are you new to Hogwarts too? I saw the standard spell book on your cart."

"Yeah!" Perhaps because Furong was her peers, the little doll Lolita immediately found a common language with her. "My name is Penello Clearwater, and my family calls me Pepe..."

"Have you encountered any trouble? Pepe!" Little Furong asked with a smile on her face.

"I-I don't know how to get to platform nine and three-quarters... None of my family is a wizard..." Penello Crevat said with a bit of depression.

"It's very simple..." Xiao Furong said, took Xiao Peipei's hand, and walked towards the pillars of the platform nine and three-quarters, while walking, and said thoughtfully: "If you feel afraid, you You can close your eyes!"

"Hey, but my stuff..." Penello hurriedly shouted.

"Don't worry, if that guy is there, he will push it for you!" Furong said, dragging Penello across the column...

"[That guy]??" Hearing his daughter's nickname, Zhou Ye had the urge to roll his eyes—he was hurting this little boy in vain.

In fact, what he didn't know was that when Furong said those words, she was secretly looking at her father's expression. After confirming that her father was not angry because of it, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Ye sighed that the child was getting bigger and bigger, and he didn't kiss him anymore... while he casually put little Penello's trolley into the space bracelet. Then, with one step, he walked into platform nine and three-quarters.

At this time, little Penello and Furong were standing there waiting for him... while little Penello looked at the platform in surprise and sighed: "God, this is amazing!"

"It's just a platform. When you get to Hogwarts, you will feel even more amazing!" Little Furong felt that her new friend, Little Pepe, was a little too surprised. Does this feel magical? ? If I saw my mothers, wouldn't I faint? For example—Mother Fafna of the Demon Dragon Clan, Mama Bartoli, who is a giant dragon herself, and—Mama Lamia, who is said to have been a father and a daughter and could form an army alone...

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