And Debbie was the first person to be brainwashed by Margaret's missionary.

Cough-cough - far too far, back to the topic.

Margaret, who had been staring at Zhou Ye with fiery eyes, heard her friend's consolation, and just smiled and said, "I'm not sad, not at all... Debbie, rather than sad, it's better to say... I'm very happy now, super happy..."

"Ah??" Hearing her friend's answer, Debbie was dumbfounded for a moment, she didn't know why her friend said that, "But you... just... didn't you just... questioned Professor Ye Zhou? ?"

"That's right..." Margaret turned her head to look at her friend, "Although it's rude to do that, but it also made Professor Zhou Ye remember me firmly... So, I don't regret just now. Do that, and, sooner or later, I will let Professor Zhou Ye know how sincere I love him..."

"But, but Professor Zhou Ye and Mr. Black..." Debbie didn't finish the rest of her words, but - her meaning was already obvious, the two of them are a couple, what are you going to get close to? ?

"It seems that your research on Professor Zhou Ye is not thorough enough, Debbie!" Margaret said with a serious expression: "In the [Triwizard Tournament], Professor Zhou Ye was dating three girls at the same time. Ah...his fraternity is beyond your imagination..."

"I-Isn't this just fussy??" Debbie complained a little.

"No... If it's a useless man, such an act would be a fuss, but if it's Professor Zhou Ye, it's fraternity... He couldn't bear to make the woman who loves him sad, so he chose to accept them. Everyone's love..." Margaret said here, with a frenzied expression on her face, "However, I believe that when Professor Zhou Ye really understands me, he will find that I am the one he wants to wait for. Goddess of Destiny..."

"Hey..." Looking at Margaret who was in a frenzy, Debbie sighed speechlessly... How should I put it, once Professor Zhou Ye was involved, her friend's IQ would be offline... This is , it's really a headache.

Chapter 1472

Chapter 1472

Two hours later, the banquet finally ended... Everyone left.

Looking at Zhou Ye and Narcissa, who were you and me, Dumbledore smiled slightly and joked: "Seeing you guys like this, I think I can save a teacher's dormitory..."

"Haha..." Zhou Ye just smiled slightly, and said casually, "Narcissa and I will go first... See you tomorrow, Professor Dumbledore!"

As the words fell, Zhou Ye and Narcissa disappeared instantly...

"I... just talking!" Dumbledore was speechless when he looked at the two who had already left... Forget it, let's arrange a dormitory for this guy tomorrow. Tonight, let him stay at Narcissa's place. Good night.

And at this moment—in Narcissa's dormitory, two figures suddenly appeared...

Then, Narcissa, who had endured for a few hours, jumped forcefully, jumped into Zhou Ye's arms, held Zhou Ye's cheek, and kissed it fiercely... She had been waiting for more than ten years... From a young girl , When she became a woman in her thirties, she didn't want to wait any longer.

The weapons on the two of them gradually decreased... Finally, with Narcissa's words, "Brother-in-law... want me!"

Zhou Ye broke into the city gate without pity...


Immediately followed by a scream, a blood-colored rose bloomed on the list - Narcissa's more than ten years of waiting finally yielded sweet fruit.

And on the other side-

"The new Gryffindor come with me... ah, forget it, come with me, little cuties..." Margaret smiled and guided Penello and Fleur, towards Ravenclaw's go to the dormitory...

What to say?

Due to a certain restriction, it seems that every time a new student enters Ravenclaw, there are only three or two kittens. However, for this, Ravenclaw students have no complaints, but they are still enjoying it...

After all—the elites are only a small part, and the rest are ordinary wizards who do nothing.

Therefore, Ravenclaw girls have always been proud of their own academy.

"Our lounge is here, darlings!" Although it was said that the fifth-grade prefect was supposed to guide the freshmen back to the dormitory, but—— Margaret was in a good mood today, and the fifth-grade prefect was in a good mood. It's a little uncomfortable... So, she does it for me.

"So beautiful..." Penello looked at the Ravenclaw lounge in front of him and couldn't help sighing.

It was a large circular room with elegant arched windows on the walls, hung with blue and bronze silks, from which Ravenclaw students could look out. The ceiling is a dome with stars on it, as well as on the dark blue carpet below. The room has tables, chairs, bookshelves, and a white marble bust of Rowena Ravenclaw in an alcove opposite the door.

"The door next to the statue leads to Ravenclaw's boys' dormitory..." Margaret introduced: "However—because we have not had boys in Ravenclaw for more than ten years, so there are also No one has ever entered..."

"Then why not transform it into a girls' dormitory??" Furong asked curiously.

"Because it was the holy place where Professor Zhou Ye once lived..." Margaret said with a frenzy: "How could such a holy place be transformed into a girls' dormitory? And... since Professor Zhou Ye graduated, That

No one will be able to enter..."

"Can we go up and have a look??" Furong is also full of curiosity about the place where her father once lived...

"Of course..." Margaret nodded indifferently. In her opinion, Fleur and Little Penello are also one of her missionary goals in the future, and of course they must have a good relationship... "However, I think In fact, there is nothing to see up there...because, apart from an empty corridor, there is nothing else..."

Although she said that, Margaret still helped the two little loli open the door... As for the other Ravenclaw girls? When they entered Ravenclaw for the first time, they had already visited the door of the boy's dormitory, which was said to never be opened, with curiosity, just like Little Loli.

Seriously... nothing but a long corridor.

Therefore, for the curiosity of the two little loli, they watched it with the emotion of watching the fun... In their opinion, these two little loli will soon walk down with disappointment on their faces. ...

And yet - a moment later - Margaret's exclamations came from upstairs - "God, how is this possible? How is it possible??"

"What's wrong??"

"what happened??"

"President Simmons, are you all right??"

The girls rushed in one by one... However, when they saw that the dormitory door that was said to never be opened was opened... all of them were dumbfounded.

"This...what the hell is going on here??"

"Could it be that the spell on the door lock has been removed over time??"

"God, I can't believe my eyes..."

The girls stared dumbfounded at the opened door and stayed where they were...

And Furong also stood dumbfounded on the spot, didn't it say that it was the door that would never be opened? Why does it open when you touch it? ?

She was really just curious about what her father's former dormitory looked like. She really didn't deliberately destroy the spell above...

And Margaret stood at the door with a serious face. After being silent for a while, she said, "Furong, step back..."

"Ah? Oh..." Furong hurriedly took a step back.

Then Margaret closed the door again...and then reached out to twist the door lock of the room...

Under Margaret's twist, the door lock didn't move at all... it didn't look like it was going to be opened at all.

Margaret was not angry, but took out her wand and pointed at the door lock: "Araho hole open"

A magical light hit the door lock, and Margaret reached out to unlock the door again—however, it was still useless.

Apparently, the magic that protects the door lock is still working...

After the experiment, Margaret looked at Furong and said softly, "Furong, can you help me open the door again??"

"Okay!" Furong said, walking to the closed door, reached out and grabbed the doorknob, and twisted gently... The doorknob opened.

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