The students who lost their desks and stools just stood in the middle of the classroom, looking at Zhou Ye...

"Okay, since it's practical teaching, then I need an opponent..." Zhou Ye said, pointing to Margaret and saying, "It's up to you, Miss Simmons!"

"It's an honor to be your opponent!" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Margaret stood up happily... While the other students automatically retreated to both sides of the classroom, leaving the space in the middle for Margot Lit and Zhou Ye...

"You can choose the distance that you feel the most difficult to avoid, and cast magic!" Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

"Okay!" Margaret's trust in Zhou Ye can be said to be incomparable... She immediately retreated to the other end of the classroom, which was more than ten meters away from Zhou Ye. At this distance, it was extremely difficult for her spells to fail. ...

You read that right - spells fail sometimes.

You know, the spells in the world of Harry Potter are not like the World of Warcraft games, with their own tracking system and locking system...

"Professor, my wand is nine and three-quarters of an inch long, made of yellow ash and the horn of a female unicorn!" Margaret took out her wand and said, "You don't need to prepare For a moment??"

"This actual battle is to prove how to fight back immediately after being attacked..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly: "I don't need to prepare any more. When you think that preparation is complete, you can start at any time..."

"Okay, professor..." Margaret said, pointing her wand at Zhou Ye, and began to recite: "expelliarmus [except your weapon]"

With the sound of Margaret's incantation, a white light spurted out from Margaret's wand and attacked Zhou Ye directly...

And what about Zhou Ye? Then he turned slightly to the side without a hurry... That magic was just avoided by Zhou Ye...

As he walked with his hands behind his back, he said, "You can continue to cast magic... If you let me get close to you, I will punish you, Miss Simmons!"

"rictusempra" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Margaret chanted the spell again...

However, such a spell is useless to Zhou Ye...

Or it should be said that the magic of the entire Harry Potter world, except for some convenient little magic, is useless to Zhou Ye. Even a trained ordinary soldier can use his super strength. neural reflexes, evading most magic.


Not funny at all.

The magic in the Harry Potter world seems to be a light, but they do not have the speed of light, especially-the need to chant this is simply the result of failure, and it is no wonder that wizards in the Middle Ages, Nearly wiped out by witch hunts by men with swords in Europe.

With such a waste of magic, Zhou Ye felt that if he replaced the special forces, he would be able to hang them.

With this thought in mind, Zhou Ye walked in front of Margaret step by step, and finally——Margaret had already mispronounced the spell that she was anxious about, and put her hand on Margaret's neck gently. ... "Game over, Miss Simmons..."

"I lost..." Margaret is proud, and she also has the capital of pride, after all - someone who can get an outstanding rating in all the individual tests of the Super Sorrow Test in sixth grade , she certainly deserves to be proud.

However, today's pride was shattered by Zhou Ye's beating...

However, Margaret didn't feel embarrassed. The law of idol = invincibility was deeply buried in her heart.

Therefore, in her opinion, it is normal for her to be inferior to Zhou Ye—but if she loses, she loses. This kind of frustration makes Margaret feel a little uncomfortable.

"Don't be discouraged, I'll tell you secretly... Don't say it's your magic, even if it's Professor Dumbledore's magic, if I want to avoid it, it's very easy!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, beside Margaret's ear Whispered: "Also, go to Ravenclaw's boys' dormitory at night, I want to talk to you about punishment..."

"Well..." Margaret's face flushed instantly, and after nodding lightly, she no longer dared to say a word.

At this time, Zhou Ye walked to the podium of the classroom again, looked at the group of seventh-grade students under the stage, and said with a smile, "Everyone has seen the actual battle just now, can someone tell me... what did you find? ??"

"Miss Simmons isn't chanting the spell fast enough... So, you have more time to prepare!" a boy raised his hand and said.

"Well, that's right!" Zhou Ye said with a slight smile, "So are you confident that the spell can be cast faster than Miss Simmons??

"This... no!" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the boy said a little dejectedly.

You must know that the spell must have clear syllables, so as to shorten the spell recitation time as much as possible. This is equivalent to reciting tongue twisters. The faster a person speaks, the less clear the words will be. .

"Hahaha..." xn

Hearing the boy's answer, everyone couldn't help laughing...

"Okay, you don't have to laugh. In fact, this is a very realistic problem. How can we speed up the speed of chanting spells on the premise of ensuring clear words, but - we are discussing how to defend against black magic today, so - this The topic can be discussed in the next class." Zhou Ye clapped his hands and said, "Then does anyone else have any thoughts on the actual combat just now?"

Chapter 1476

Chapter 1476

"Professor..." A female voice raised her right hand and said, "I just saw that you didn't follow Miss Simmons very fast, and... you only read the last syllable when Miss Simmons finished the last syllable. I will move my body to the side a little..."

"That's right..." Zhou Ye nodded approvingly, then asked, "What's your name?

"Debbie, Debbie Elise, professor..." Debbie said happily.

As Margaret's best friend, how could she not be influenced by Margaret? She is also a fan of Zhou Ye, just not as serious as Margaret.

"Then...Miss you know why I did this??" Zhou Ye asked with a smile, looking at the cute girl with long chestnut hair in front of him.

"Sorry, Professor, I don't know..." Debbie shook her head. She could only see that Zhou Ye had been shaking his body to the smallest extent to avoid magic, but she didn't understand why Zhou Ye did this.

"Because-" Zhou Ye's face turned pale, then after glancing at the students, he said, "You never know whether you are facing one enemy or two..."

"Or more..."

"Under such circumstances, it is the most foolish thing to use the greatest physical range to avoid magic!" Zhou Ye continued: "The farther you go out, the farther you have to come back... At this time, it is also you. When you are most vulnerable to attack...and, if you shake the range, you will find that your actions are very easy to be seen by the opponent..."


The students below suddenly fell silent. They were quietly thinking about what Zhou Ye said.

In fact—Zhou Ye is just talking nonsense, of course—the magic evasion technique is true, but the purpose of Zhou Ye doing this is just to tease these guys...

Of course, as for what kind of impact it will have, Zhou Ye doesn't care...

"Then——Professor Zhou Ye!" A boy raised his hand and said, "How can we avoid magic as easily as you do??"

"It's very simple..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, "First of all, you must have a strong body..."


"Are you kidding??

"Do we need to exercise??"

"I heard for the first time that a wizard needs to exercise his body first..."

"Quiet!" Zhou Ye clapped his hands lightly and continued to flicker: "Do you think that exercising is of no use to wizards at all??"

"Yes!" xn

This time, many people shouted in unison.

These are all proponents of the "Wizards must be erudite and elegant" doctrine.

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