This is simply unimaginable for all women...

After all—from childhood to adulthood, almost every mother of Xiao Furong attended every birthday of Xiao Furong. She received all kinds of gifts softly, and then was kissed by all the girls one by one. This was Furong's birthday. Normal Process.

It's just—this year, Furong notified all her mothers in advance not to give her a thirteenth birthday...because, she wants to have a special birthday with her father...cough, of course she said the following sentence. won't say it anymore.

It's just—all the girls are tacitly aware of it...the child has grown up.

Early in the morning - when the first ray of sunlight shone on Furong's little face, she opened her eyes...

After gently helping her sister Gabriel pull the blanket... Little Furong quietly walked out of the baby room she and her sister had set up full of childlike elements, and walked towards a room on the second floor...

Arriving at the door of a gate... Jasmine quietly made a shush gesture to the maids and mothers who were guarding the door...

The maid smiled and nodded to indicate that she understood.

On the other hand, Jasmine quietly raised her toes, gently opened the door with her hands and feet, and then slipped in like a thief...

When she saw her father sleeping alone on the big exaggerated wooden couch, she let out a sigh of relief...

How should I put it... She knew that, with her father's personality, if she hadn't insisted on him last night and had to guard the boudoir alone last night, she would have seen a bed full of women today. right? ?

But... She also paid a price for this... For example—just don't want the birthday present that her father gave her this year? ?

Forget it, it's useless to think about it now...because—she is going to carry out her long-planned action today.

Thinking of this, Furong felt a little wronged in her heart... Why - why did her father eat and clean up his good sister Pepe, just not touching herself? ?

The more I think about Furong, the more I feel wronged...

But—it doesn't matter... Anyway, if the mountain doesn't come, it's me, I go to the mountain...

Thinking of this, Furong's little face became firm, she tiptoed towards Zhou Ye's couch - and then - slipped into Zhou Ye's blanket very skillfully, and looked for it somewhere...

————————————————————————I am the dividing line of perspective conversion —————————————————— —

Zhou Ye, who was sleeping, felt like he had a terrible dream... In the dream, he was playing around with his daughter Furong to celebrate her birthday...

But——Why did the painting style suddenly change, and the whole scene changed from a beautiful paradise island to a bar? ?

And——there was no one in this bar, only he was with his daughter Furong... The most terrifying thing was that his daughter Furong actually danced in front of him that kind of dance that cannot be described...

jumping jumping...

Furong actually walked in front of him and squatted down... Then——

Wait a minute -- this feels like... it's not like a dream at all... Zhou Ye suddenly opened his eyes -- looking at the familiar ceiling, he sighed, why was he dreaming? ?


Zhou Ye found that even when he woke up from the dream, he still had the same feeling he had in the dream... Looking at the silver hair leaking out of the blanket, Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and he guessed that it was either grit or Yania- or Is it Jasmine? ?

Who said all three of them were pure blood Veela...?

What did you say? Just take a look at it with a little ability, don't you know? ?

If you use your abilities in this way - maybe there's a sense of accomplishment at first, but - after a long time, it's not interesting... and the women who do this kind of thing for you will be very happy no sense of achievement...

Why do you have to know who it is? ?

It's the most interesting when the answer is revealed at the last minute, isn't it? ?

Zhou Ye smiled and didn't say a word, let alone who it was... He just watched a little head in his blanket busily going up and down...

But——to be honest, this technique is not very good...could it be Ania? ?

You know, Aniya is very shy... For a long time, her skills in this area have not improved much, but her daughter Sarah, the latecomer is the best... She has surpassed her...

Just as Zhou Ye was thinking wildly in his mind... the movement in the blanket suddenly stopped, and then... a figure sat up in the blanket... Because the blanket was too big, it didn't reveal its face...

Then--then heard a painful groan in the blanket--

Zhou Ye was startled - he hurriedly lifted the blanket and looked... "Little Furong... how is it you?"

"Dad..." Furong gasped in breath, forcibly suppressing herself, not shouting... "I-I finally belong to you completely..."

"..." Facing his daughter with tears in his eyes, Zhou Ye was really distressed and wanted to laugh... "Fool, you have always belonged to me..."

"Dad is a big liar, since I'm yours, why would you rather push Pepe than me..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Furong's face was full of accusations...

"Because... I love you more than Ai Pei..." Zhou Ye sighed helplessly, then gently hugged himself

My own daughter, try to use some means to relieve her unnecessary pain...

"Really, really?" Although Xiao Furong's mouth was a question sentence, but - a smile already bloomed on her face - she obviously believed her father's words.

"Of course—it's true!" Zhou Ye sighed helplessly, and decided it was better to show it with his actions...

As Zhou Ye turned over, a certain little loli who attacked...

In the next day, Furong really believed that her father really loved her the most... Because Zhou Ye showed with his actions how much he loves Furong...

Although - this birthday - no cake, no gifts, not even the wishes of the mothers...

But—— Fleur Chow Petrick just felt that this birthday was the most meaningful for her, and it was also a birthday that she could remember in her life.

Because—on this birthday, Zhou Ye completely became her man...

Chapter 1492

Chapter 1492


It's been an ordinary year for many wizards.

But——for Zhou Ye, it was not an easy year——because, this year——it was the time for Hermione Granger to enter school.

Zhou Ye, who couldn't wait for a long time, simply snatched the notice from Dumbledore from Hermione Granger. He decided that he would act as a postman for the Ministry of Magic this time...

"Ye, I've never seen you have such great enthusiasm for a student!" Dumbledore smiled as he looked at Zhou Ye who stole the notice in his hand.

"Of course..." Zhou Ye smiled and shook the notice in his hand, "Because—this little cutie is different!"

"Oh? Can you tell me why?" Dumbledore asked with a smile.

Dumbledore was well aware of Zhou Ye's bullshit.

But—in view of Zhou Ye's concealment, and no bitter master came to ask for Zhou Ye to be dealt with, so—Dumbledore simply turned a blind eye, pretending that he could not see.

Although it is said that Dumbledore does not know the ancient oriental proverb "When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if the person is careful, there will be no disciples", but - he has lived for so many years, if he has no wisdom in life, it is also It's too much to underestimate him.

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