The Grangers also recovered from the shocking scene in front of them...

They sat opposite Zhou Ye together.

"This gentleman, can you tell us now... what's going on??" Mr. Granger asked impatiently.

To be honest, when he first came in, he was really frightened by the ingredients flying everywhere in the kitchen... However, after so long, he has almost calmed down. When faced with major events, men can always calm down and control their emotions faster than women.

"Aren't you coming to taste my craft??" Zhou Ye smiled and clapped his hands... Immediately, four sets of tableware were placed in front of everyone.

"I'll try it..." Little Lolita Hermione picked up the spoon and scrambled eggs according to the brightly colored tomatoes... When she put the food in the spoon into her mouth, Hermione's His eyes suddenly lit up... "It's so delicious..."

Then, the little loli began to recklessly, transporting spoons like flying, in those four dishes, kept busy...

All in all, it's actually a few home-cooked dishes - scrambled eggs with tomatoes, scrambled broccoli, and a sautéed beef with chili peppers, plus a plate of scrambled shredded potatoes...

There's nothing you can do about it... You can't expect to have all kinds of side dishes for Chinese food in a British home... This is the result of Zhou Ye's hard work...

Looking at their daughter's appearance, the Grangers scooped up some dishes with a spoon out of curiosity and put them into their mouths... A taste completely different from the food they used to eat filled their taste buds.

Fragrant - undisputed fragrance, and retains most of the food's taste, that layered food taste that they have never tasted...

At the moment, the husband and wife don't say anything anymore. Don't say anything. At this time, eating is the most important thing...

It wasn't until everyone completely wiped out the four dishes...that they entered the topic again.

"This time, on behalf of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I sent Miss Hermione Granger an acceptance letter!" Zhou Ye said, shaking his hand slightly, a letter sealed with a wax seal that read "Hermione Granger" The letterhead with Min Granger's name appeared in his hand.

"Is it for me??" Hermione took the letterhead from Zhou Ye's hand expectantly, then opened it and read it aloud.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore.

(President of the International Magic Federation, President of the Wizarding Association, First Class Wizard of the Order of Merlin)

Dear Miss Granger:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment. The semester is scheduled to start on September 1. We will be waiting for your reply from your owl by July 31st.

Vice Principal (Female)

Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


First-year students need:

1. Three sets of plain work gowns (black)

2. A plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. A pair of protective gloves (made of dragon skin or similar materials)



When their daughter started to read the letter, the Grangers looked at their daughter without saying a word... They no longer suspected it was a hoax, after all - that liar would have such a clever magic trick? ?

Moreover, although their family can be regarded as middle class, but compared with those rich people, they are not worthy of being deceived by such powerful means.

It wasn't until Hermione finished reading the letter that Mr. Granger asked embarrassedly, "This Mr. Wizard..."

"My name is Zhou Ye, and Zhou is my surname. Of course, according to your tradition, you can call me Mr. Zhou...or Zhou, either!" Zhou Ye interrupted Mr. Granger and said.

"Okay...Mr. Chow!" Mr. Granger continued, "While we're glad our daughter was admitted to a wizarding school, but—the things above...we don't know where to go at all. buy it..."

"About this problem, it's actually easy to solve..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly: "Tomorrow is Monday, you and your wife had better wait at home, and then I will take you to a place dedicated to buying wizard supplies to buy these for the start of school. Utensils... By the way, please try to be as early as possible... Because we still need to go to Gringotts Bank to exchange some gold Galleons... Then, I will leave..."

Zhou Ye said with a slight smile——then, his figure disappeared on the chair in front of the dining table in an instant...

Chapter 1494

Chapter 1494

early morning--

Little Lolita Hermione climbed up from her small window early, although her eyes were a little darker, but—looking at her energetic appearance, no one would think that she was not getting enough sleep...

But, in fact—she was so excited that she didn't fall asleep all night, holding the acceptance letter from Hogwarts, and looking at it repeatedly with excitement.

It is no exaggeration to say that Hermione Little Lolita has already memorized the entire letter.

She trotted all the way to her parents' room, shaking Mrs. Granger, who was still sleeping, and shouted, "'s time to get up, we're going to be late..."

"Honey...let me sleep a little longer, today is summer vacation

, you don't need to go to class..." Mrs. Granger closed her eyes, muttered, and wanted to turn over and continue to sleep.

However—Little Loli would not give up so easily. "That won't work, Mom...Did you forget we're going to buy things for school today??"

"Okay okay..." Mrs. Granger sighed helplessly, then sat up... By the way, she also called out her husband beside her. "Dear, it's time to get up... Today we are going to follow that Mr. Zhou to buy baby's school supplies..."

"Oh,'s just six o'clock..." Mr. Granger said helplessly, glancing at the alarm clock.

But——under the pressure of his own daughter, he had to get up...

It was almost eight o'clock when the Grangers had finished washing up, had their breakfast and changed into their outing clothes.

"Why hasn't Mr. Zhou come yet?" Hermione glanced at her door almost every minute, and she was always expecting someone to knock on the door.

In fact, there are people knocking on the door in the morning, for example - newspaper delivery.

For this reason, the happy little loli has been depressed for a long time...

When the clock on the wall pointed to eight-thirty, there was a knock on the door.

Little Lolita and Hermione rushed over and opened the door... Not surprisingly, it was Zhou Ye who was standing outside. "Good morning, Miss Granger!"

"Good morning, Mr. Zhou!" Little Loli had a smile on her face. She liked this handsome big brother because—he wouldn't call himself a little guy, a little girl, etc...

After all, children are always eager to grow up... Even a small title is enough to make Little Loli happy for a long time.

"Good morning, Mr. Zhou!" At this time, the Grangers also came out... "We are ready to go!"

"Good morning, Mr. Granger, Mrs. Granger!" Zhou Ye smiled and nodded, then said, "Then let's go!"

Hermione's little Lori's home is located in a small town near Watford. If they want to go to Diagon Alley, they need to go to Watford's railway station first, take a train, and go to London... Then, Go to Diagon Alley.

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