"Okay then..." Seeing that Zhou Ye didn't object, Mr. Granger could only agree. "Let's say first, three days before the start of school, you must go home!"

"I see, Dad!" Hermione almost jumped up with joy, she grabbed Zhou Ye's hand tightly, and didn't let go of anything. "Let's go, Ye!"

"Wait...don't forget to learn." Zhou Ye smiled and took Little Loli's book from Mr. Granger's hand. When he flipped it, the book disappeared in his hand. Lightly point forward. A golden magic portal opened in front of everyone... "I'll send the two home first..."

"This... how to do it??" Mr. Granger asked curiously, looking at the golden portal.

"Just pass it on!"

"That's it..." Mr. Granger hurriedly passed through the portal and disappeared here in an instant... and Mrs. Granger followed.

As the two passed through the portal, Zhou Ye took away the teleportation spell...

"Where are my parents??" Little Loli asked curiously.

"They? Of course it's time to go home!" Zhou Ye said with a smile: "It's our turn... Are you ready? We're going home too..."

"Well, I'm ready..." Little Loli nodded and waited eagerly for Zhou Ye to open another portal... But——Zhou Ye didn't open the portal again, but...

Little Loli felt a change in the scenery in front of her... She found that she had appeared in front of the gate of a castle.

Chapter 1497

Chapter 1497

St. Maarten -

St. Maarten in August is the rainiest season of the year...

At this time, on the southernmost beach of St. Maarten, a stilt wooden house with aboriginal style is standing in the shoal.

In the drizzle, sitting in a wooden hut on high feet, listening to the soft sound of sea water hitting the beach, enjoying the beauty of the sea and sky in the distance.

This kind of mood is enough to make many people linger...

It's just a pity-

At this time, the little Loli sitting in the wooden house looked indignant and did not have the slightest mood to appreciate the scenery.

"Damn rascal... stinky rascal... utterly absurd scoundrel..." Little Lolita muttered in pieces, still ravaging a cute white kitten in her hands.

Maybe it's because he was ravaged by his owner too hard, and the cute kitten couldn't bear it anymore.

With a sound of "meow—", she jumped from the arms of the little Loli, and then ran out of the wooden house in a hurry...

"Crookshans...Where are you going..." Little Loli saw the pet in her arms running out, she hurriedly stood up, and was about to chase out...

However, when she walked to the door and saw that her cat was already in the arms of a figure walking on the wooden path connecting the shore and the hut, her face turned cold - she turned her head and walked back to the wooden hut - - Back in his seat again.

After a while, the figure came in, holding Little Loli's cat in her arms. "Are you still angry?"

"You give me a reason not to be angry..." Little Loli turned her head angrily, looked at Zhou Ye and said, "I never knew that you were such a person... You actually have so many women... Besides, You are still attacking your own daughter..."

"Then what??" Zhou Ye looked at the little loli with a smile...

"Then? What else do you want and then...I...uuuu..." Before Xiao Loli could finish her words, Zhou Ye completely blocked her.

Little Lolita went from resistance to obedience, from obedience to complete fall... It only took Zhou Ye less than ten minutes...

"Now—are you still angry??" Zhou Ye asked with a low laugh while holding the little loli in his arms.

"Angry..." Hermione rolled her eyes and said dissatisfiedly, "Don't think I'll forgive you like this..."

"Ah? You're still angry, then there's nothing you can do... Let's continue!" Zhou Ye interrupted Little Lolita's words directly, and blocked Little Lolita again...

five minutes later--

"Are you still angry??"

"Don't think that words can't solve it... u u u u..."

ten minutes later--

"Are you still angry??"

"I will never give in..." At this time, Hermione could not figure out whether she was against it for the sake of objection, or against it for the sake of saying nothing... In short, it's right to object...

"Looks like it's going to be a trick..." Zhou Ye sighed and started to disarm Little Lolita with both hands.

"You... what are you going to do... beast, me, I'm still a child..."

"What's the matter...I even started with my own daughter..."

"..." Little Loli was at a loss for words... In the face of this guy's shamelessness, she didn't know how to answer for a while.

Cough cough - of course, that's what you say - Zhou Ye didn't attack the eleven-year-old little Loli...

Of course, although you can't really start, there are still many ways to let the two experience it without starting...

At least - the little loli at this time has already experienced...

The little Loli lying on the wooden couch had a rosy face... There was a trace of water mist in her eyes, and the whole person didn't have the strength to speak except for the rapid breathing.

"Now... are you still angry??" Zhou Ye smiled and asked in a low voice beside her ear.

"I, I'm too lazy to be angry with you..." Little Loli can't get up again... No way, who told Zhou Ye that this guy not only started some kind of cheating technique, but even started it because he was afraid that the stimulation was not enough. To feel multiplied this evil.

At this time, the little loli really didn't have the strength to care about Zhou Ye...

Hearing Xiao Loli's words, Zhou Ye just smiled... Everything is under control, isn't it? ?

At this time, the white cat, who heard Xiao Loli's words, also meowed... as if she was saying for Zhou Ye, just don't get angry.

The angry little loli gave her pet a vicious look, "Crookshans, you little traitor, whose pet are you..."

"No way, who told you to give a female cat such a name!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly.

"I'm too lazy to care about you..." Saying that, Little Loli threw herself into Zhou Ye's arms... She hugged the villain tightly... Gradually she fell into sleep... "The big villain... ...don't touch me anymore...I'm going to sleep for a while!"

Looking at Little Loli's quiet sleeping face, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while... It was such a good start, why did it end up like this? ?

To be honest, at the beginning - when Hermione arrived at Leeds Castle, it still felt very dull...

After all—this castle is so beautiful, although it is a little strange why there are women in the entire castle, and only Zhou Ye is a man, but Little Loli didn’t think much about it...

And the girls were also very friendly to her, especially a big sister named Lily Evans, who was so kind to her that Hermione couldn't bear it. [Because Lily saw her own shadow in Hermione as a child]

And when Hermione asked Zhou Ye what his relationship was with these women, Zhou Ye sent the innocent little loli away with just one sentence of relatives.

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