Although Hermione didn't quite understand...but, she still listened with relish...

Time goes by so quickly...

The Hogwarts Express arrived at Hogwarts House just after night...

After saying goodbye to Fleur and Penello... Hermione arrived at Hogwarts by boat across the lake in accordance with Hogwarts tradition.

After being preached by Professor McGonagall for a while... everyone walked into the hall.

"This ceiling looks so beautiful..." The girl walking with Hermione looked at the starry sky on the ceiling and said in surprise, "You can actually see the starry sky!"

"This ceiling has been's not true!" Hermione said like a small encyclopedia, "I read it in [Hogwarts: A School History]..."

"..." The girl looked at Hermione, but didn't speak, to be honest - she didn't like Hermione's love to show this kind of character very much.

And Hermione took it lightly...

She thought that she had understood the adult world, and she was a little disdainful to have the general knowledge of these children.

Soon - the sorting ceremony begins.

Hermione Granger was the first to be called out...

Hermione glanced at Zhou Ye who was sitting in the teacher's seat, and then sat confidently on the stool under the sorting hat... As a result, she was naturally assigned to Ravenclaw without asking...

This made the girls of Ravenclaw cheer for a while... After all, they have all seen Hermione, the little sister, and even fought side by side. It would be an accident if it wasn't sorted into Ravenclaw...

Chapter 1499

Chapter 199

The Sorting Ceremony is over...

Narcissa glanced at her man with a half-smile, and whispered, "There seem to be a lot of girls in Ravenclaw this year!"

"Oh?? Is it? What does this have to do with me?" Zhou Ye pretended to be stupid, "I'm just an ordinary magic teacher!"

"..." Narcissa was instantly defeated by her man's shamelessness... The Sorting Hat turned into a Bimei hat. ? Look at the state of the Ravenclaw graduate disaster at home to know if it has anything to do with him...

But forget it...she can't stop this kind of thing...she can't stop it...

Thinking of this, Narcissa gave up the idea of ​​arguing with her own man and started to have dinner.

And Zhou Ye, while eating, looked at the seat on Ravenclaw's side... thinking about the question thoughtfully.

What to say?

There are a lot of girls in this Ravenclaw...

In addition to Hermione Granger being assigned to Ravenclaw, there was also a pair of Indian twins named Petil who were assigned to the past. Three other girls were also assigned to Ravenclaw - one named Pansy Parkinson, another named Daphne Greengrass and Luna the Mad Girl.

This year - it seems that the number of Ravenclaw unexpectedly reached six...

Just when Zhou Ye was thinking... Ravenclaw's dining table became a sea of ​​joy.

"Welcome to the big Ravenclaw family, Hermione..." A beautiful girl with an Asian face smiled and extended her little hand to Hermione...

"Thank you... Qiu Zhang!" Hermione also smiled and shook the girl's hand... What should I say, as long as it's from Ravenclaw, Hermione is no stranger to anyone.

Everyone is good sisters who have fought together, what's the embarrassment...

At this time, Qiu Zhang also saw the awkward expressions on the faces of several other girls...

Suddenly realized... It seems that it is a bit inappropriate to only greet Hermione... So, Qiu Zhang simply smiled and greeted all the little loli... and called out each little loli accurately. name……

This made these little loli surprised for a while... They were surprised why Qiu Zhang could call out his name accurately... And Qiu Zhang's explanation for this was that she was born with an excellent memory... But in fact, she was only Your man has transformed his body.

Regarding Qiu Zhang's explanation, although the little loli still had some doubts, they finally dealt with it...

Moreover, the little loli found that compared with the seniors of other colleges, Ravenclaw's senior sisters seem to be more warm and kind...

They took the trouble to answer the various questions of the little loli... It can be said that here, the little loli have the illusion that they have returned to their own home, and these senior sisters are their own sisters...

This situation continued until the end of the dinner...

When the dinner was over, under the leadership of the prefect, the little loli walked towards Ravenclaw's dormitory...

It's just that when they entered the dormitory, they found that something was wrong.

"As closed as closed!"

As soon as he entered the dormitory, one of the seniors took out his wand and sealed the entire Ravenclaw lounge from the inside...

" this??" Daphne Greengrass asked in amazement.

"This is a Ravenclaw traditional event!" The prefect smiled slightly, then said, "Don't be nervous, after this ceremony, everyone is yours!"

"Hey!!!" xn

Although the little loli do not know what the so-called ceremony is, there is always a very bad feeling in their hearts.

Only Hermione Granger is an old god

He didn't panic at all.

Because—she already knew what this so-called ritual was.

It's just a bunch of unscrupulous seniors... it's just a ritual to please my man...

Then——the little loli found out that the senior sisters they had just met at dinner came out...

Holding wands in their hands, they looked at them with a half-smile...

"Sister, what the hell is going on??" Pansy Parkinson was about to touch her wand as she spoke. She came from a wizarding family, but she was not someone who could be manipulated...

However, just as Pansy's wand was just drawn out...

A spell sounded [except your weapon]

As the words fell, Pansy's wand fell to the ground instantly, and she herself was beaten by magic and sat on the carpet.

"Uuuuu... I'm afraid—sister!" Parvati Patil couldn't help but shrank his body toward his sister, Padma Patil.

After all, it's just a little loli...

At this moment, all the senior sisters... all took out their wands, pointed at the little loli and shouted [Winga Dim Leviosa].

With the casting of the floating spell, the little loli found that they became immobile and floated in the air...

At this time, Qiu Zhang and Furong came over and helped the little loli disarm with a smile...

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