"So—we're going to call ourselves—electronic elves—electronic elves—ee for short..." Queen Red said happily, hugging her master's body again...

If you say - who is the boss of this group of electronic elves? Then it is well-deserved to be the red queen...

After Zhou Ye used the power of the Heart of the Universe to complete the evolution, not only did they not lose their computing power, but they became stronger...

At the same time—they can use the battleship like an arm-swinger, but—can also abandon the ship at any time and run away... It can be understood in this way that battleships are only their tools and vehicles, not their hulls...

So——they have become stronger now, and at the same time, they can also evolve their computing power through something...

"Master——" The red queen said greasy: "Are you planning to go to the world of Transformers??"

"Don't go...you already have your own body...why are you still going there??" Zhou Ye said lazily.

"Go... Go..." The red queen began to act like a spoiled child, the red queen began to summon her teammates, the white queen... The red queen successfully summoned her teammates, the white queen, the red and white double queens used the coquettish skill at the same time... Zhou Ye was sunk...

"Okay alright...Is it okay if I go??" Zhou Ye sighed helplessly, "But why do you want me to go to the Transformers world so much??"

"For the source of fire..." Bai Hou Mengmeng said: "Sister said - after calculation, after obtaining the source of fire, there is an 80% possibility that our electronic elves will evolve...even More abilities can be derived..."

"...That's about it!" said the red queen, and whispered seductively: "Doesn't the master want to have a vehicle like the King Kong?? If you want it to become a sports car, it will become a sports car, and if you want it to become a sports car, it will become a sports car. If you want it to be a yacht, then it will become a yacht... How fun..."

"...Well, I admit that you persuaded me..." Zhou Ye sighed helplessly, "However, before that, I have to teach you a lesson... What to say to satisfy the wishes of the sisters What, are you fooling me?? It's true that you want me to get the source of fire... Red Queen, wake up!"


Chapter 1501

Chapter 1501

Anaheim is the second largest city in Orange County, California, United States, located 28 miles southeast of Los Angeles.

Here, with theme parks and sports civilization...

Here, you will find that everyone is very leisurely, and that kind of slow and leisurely feeling is something you can't feel in other big cities at all.

It was noon at this time, and in a back alley in Anaheim, two figures suddenly appeared there, as if they were there originally...

"Queen Bai..." Zhou Ye looked at the surrounding scene with a smile, and said, "Let's go... Let's have a legal identity in this world first!"

"Good master!" The white queen in a white dress nodded with a smile.

This time, the reason why Bai Hou came here is to let her identify whether the source of fire is useful to their electronic elf clan.

Originally, the Red Queen cried and wanted to follow, but Zhou Ye kept him in the Marvel Universe on the grounds of deceiving him... Of course, this is not a big deal for the Red Queen-after all, The time flow of the Marvel Universe was frozen after Zhou Ye left.

At this time, Zhou Ye and the Red Queen had already walked one after the other on the street connected to the alley...

After I found a public telephone hall on the street... Bai Hou walked in.

And Zhou Ye simply stood aside and waited for Bai Hou to complete the invasion of the entire network.

Bai, who walked into the public telephone hall, picked up the microphone and made a phone call, but in fact—she was hacking into the Social Security Administration and the DMV in the United States, adding to herself and her owner. identity information...

Of course, she also has to hack into the banking system and get billions of assets for her owner...

Such a huge task is extremely simple for Shiro, who is an electronic elf, but——it will take some time.

At this time, Zhou Ye, who was outside, had already encountered some troubles...

"Hey, yellow-skinned boy...is that your girl in there?? Do you want her to play with us..." A group of black men in sports smocks came over, looking like they were hanging around, facing Zhou Ye joked.

"Hey boy, don't worry... our boss is serving your girl, and I'll take care of you..." a nigger said loudly.

His words caused a burst of laughter from his companions, which seemed to be a very funny thing...

"Huh—I never said I hated niggas, but—why are there always so many niggas that disgust me??" Zhou Ye sighed, then looked at those guys and asked, "You guys They should all have guns, right?"

"Hey—are you talking about this??" A guy lifted up the placket of his shirt, with a pistol attached to it...

"Very good..." Zhou Ye nodded and said with a sinister smile, "Now, leave me 500 meters away and kill each other..."

"Hahaha...is this guy dreaming??"

"I found a fool..."

"Haha, what an idiot!"

The arrogant laughter of these niggas makes no passers-by dare to approach here... At most, they are contemptuous in their hearts.

Look at the nigga, but don't dare come here to cause trouble.

It's just—these niggas can't laugh anymore...

They found that they couldn't control their bodies at all, lined up one by one, and walked to the distance...

Soon - when they walked five hundred meters away from Zhou Ye... they walked to the middle of the road one by one, and they took out their pistols in the middle of the road... and aimed at their companions...


A series of gunshots rang out, and the bullets carried a string of blood, which spewed from the back of their heads...

This series of changes shocked passers-by to run around...and the tragedy is that these people are in the odd number of special code-so one guy had to swallow the gun himself...To be honest-the one who swallowed the gun was scared to pee ...however—he ended his life with a single bullet.

And Zhou Ye just stood in the distance and watched this scene comfortably... what a disgusting nigger.

"Did something happen? Master??" Bai Hou also came out of the phone booth at this time... She had already done everything.

"It's just some scumbags!" Zhou Ye smiled and said, "What are we going to do now??"

"Of course I went to the police station to report the case...because all your documents have been lost!" Bai Hou said with a slight smile.

"Okay!" Zhou Ye sighed and led Bai Hou to the nearest police station.

What to say?

This kind of thing is relatively new to Zhou Ye. After all, if it wasn't for the maid in the past, Umbrella's men would have already prepared everything for him...

Or, it can be done directly with the power of words...

However, this time Zhou Ye intends to try the methods of ordinary people... After all - this is relatively new.

In general, the process is quite fast... After reporting the case to the police station and getting the lost report certificate, Bai Hou went directly to the official website of the State Vehicle Administration to fill in the lost documents... Then she went with Zhou Ye. The bank reissued the bank card...

At the JPMorgan Chase Bank in the city center, Zhou Ye was warmly received... After all, according to the data, Zhou Ye was an important client of Morgan.

According to the procedure, it would take 24 hours of work to reissue a bank card, but after only fifteen minutes, Zhou Ye got his bank card. The saying that money can kill people is not just a saying in the United States.

Zhou Ye, who got the bank card, took Bai directly and took a taxi to a car hypermarket...

In less than half an hour after entering the store, Bai Hou came out in a black Lamborghini...

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