Mikala stretched lazily, she had never slept as well as last night...

There are no nightmares, let alone wake up after hearing the patrol siren, everything seems so peaceful and beautiful...

However, when she opened her eyes and saw the handsome face beside her, the memory of last night flooded into her mind again.

When she woke up from an unspeakable mood last night, she found that there was another woman on her couch.

Especially her screams that made Mika blush...

This made Mikala furious—

She knew that she had nothing to do with Zhou Ye, so she planned to endure the pain and leave here, hand it over to this pair of dogs and men, and then she would be out of sight and out of mind, but she didn't...she just moved. , was pushed down again by Zhou Ye...

Don't ask about the ending, after ten minutes, she collapsed again...

After two or three repetitions of this, Mikala gave up completely... In the end, he could only let the bad guy switch back and forth between himself and Bai Hou.

When the absurd images from last night echoed in Mikala's mind, Mikala couldn't wait to bite the bastard in front of her...

However, when her teeth really gnawed on Zhou Ye's shoulder, she couldn't get out of her mouth no matter what.

"Good morning...Baby!" As soon as Zhou Ye opened his eyes, he saw a certain big loli staring at him with bulging eyes..., smiled slightly, and didn't care about her fangs and claws, and gave it directly. Mikala says good morning.

"You bastard ... …… 你 ... Do you believe it? I sue you for strong X crime? In California ... 唔 ... Whether the other party is willing ... 唔 ... as long as it is a minor ... 唔 ... ...it's all a crime... ummm... bastard... ummmmm...let me finish..."

The tragic Mikala finally found that he couldn't push this bastard away at all... In the end, he could only close his eyes in resignation... [I accept it, you are free].

However, after half a day... Mikala found that Zhou Ye not only stopped attacking, but... stopped his actions.

【Is this bastard scared? 】With this thought in mind, Mikala couldn't help but secretly opened her eyes...

In the end, he saw Zhou Ye was looking at him with a stern expression on his face...

"Hey, it looks like I'm going to go to jail... Then in order not to leave any regrets before going to jail... Let's do it again!" Zhou Ye said, and made a stance of turning over on his horse, screaming in horror at Mikala. ... "No... bastard... I can't do it... I really can't... I'm still torn up there..."

Of course, Zhou Ye didn't really have the last madness before going to jail.

Not to mention whether the U.S. police caught him, just say - Mikala.

Zhou Ye couldn't believe that she was willing to sell herself now... Besides, after all, Mikala was still young and was cleaned up by him again last night... It's time to take a good rest...

"I just want to take you to take a bath..." Zhou Ye smiled and smiled at Mikala, who kept beating his mouth in his arms.

"Bastard..." Mikala was really frightened...

Just as Zhou Ye had expected... Although Mikala doesn't say it now, but—has already completely fallen.

She was reluctant to be in this warm embrace, and even more reluctant to be in this home-like environment—in fact, she was most reluctant to be this man who brought her countless joys and filled her whole heart.

After laughing for a while, the two took a bath...

By the time the two of them walked out of the bathroom in cool home clothes, Queen Bai had already ordered the breakfast takeaway.

Of course, don't think about buns and fritters...just some burgers and hot dogs with coffee or something.

But some food is good. Although Zhou Ye is a little picky, he is not someone who has never lived a hard life... At the worst time, he has come here to eat a bag of pickles and a cold steamed bun for a day.

"Darling...you haven't told me who you are??" Mikala sat in Zhou Ye's arms, ate a hot dog from her hand, and sometimes fed her man...this kind of sharing food No matter in nature or in human society, only the most intimate lover can do it.

"Well - you can roughly think of me as a superman!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, took a sip of coffee, and said.

"Superman??" Hearing this explanation... Mikala rolled her eyes helplessly, "Is that the guy who is cool inside and outside?? Well, my dear... I don't know anything else, but—at least I Admit that you are definitely better than Superman on the couch..."

"Ouch..." Bai Hou was a little jealous when she saw the feeding play of the two, so she sat beside Zhou Ye, grabbed Zhou Ye's hand, and took a bite on his hamburger. Said: "The master is the supreme one of the multiverse, and the master of the Umbrella consortium. Our Umbrella consortium is located in every corner of the entire multiverse... Our warriors are in the trillions..."


If Zhou Ye's words that he was a superman made Mikala feel that he was joking with her, then Bai Hou's words gave Mikala an incomparably illusory feeling... She couldn't help but look at her. slapped his man, pointed his finger at his head...

That means - does this girl have a problem with her brain? ?

Facing Mikala

Action, Zhou Ye just wanted to scratch his head...

To be honest, Queen Bai has basically never had contact with outsiders, so she is still in a relatively stupid state.

If you let her hack the Internet and do certain things, it's absolutely fine, but if you let her communicate with people, then it's going to be a joke...

But fortunately, in Umbrella, she has always been in working mode... The orders she issued are absolute orders, so she is a little bit at a loss how to get along with ordinary people...

Just like now...

If it was Zhou Ye who answered, then he would only say things slowly and slowly... That way, Mikala could have a buffer time, and he accepted his supernatural ability bit by bit. Later, other more outrageous things are not unacceptable.

However, although the white queen is a bit simple, she is not stupid at all. She instantly saw the distrust in Mikala's eyes. Annoyed, she took out a black ball the size of a baseball from her space bracelet. The like thing, snapped it, and put it on the table... "Let's show you the video of the master reviewing the fleet - hum!"

"Where did you escape from...?" Mikala looked at the baseball-sized sphere on the table in surprise. She really didn't see where Bai Hou took it out.

However, before she could finish her words, with the sound of a mechanical body crashing, four mechanical legs protruded from under the spherical object, and then a red ring lit up from the center of the sphere, and then went all the way down, A red laser ring line scans the environment of the entire room with the ring, and after a second - the light dims.

The whole room seemed to disappear in an instant, and Mikala found herself in the universe in an instant - and around her, there were countless motherships - when a mothership with a protective umbrella logo arrived in front of her, she Only then did I get a sense of the size of this mothership - if she is an ant, then - this mothership is an incomparably huge aircraft carrier...

And motherships like this—within the reach of her vision—are in the tens of millions…

Chapter 1507

Chapter 1507

When Mikala came to her senses... she was already in the car.

Looking at Zhou Ye who was driving, Mikala felt in a trance...

Everything seems so unreal? ?

Is his man the master of an interstellar consortium? The Supreme Being of the Multiverse? Mikala stretched out her hand and stroked Zhou Ye's face lightly... The warmth that her palm brought her gave her a real feeling. "Honey...is this all true?"

"Cough cough... It's basically true!" Zhou Ye said helplessly. He could easily wipe out this memory of Mikala... But what's the point of doing so? Anyway, what she needs to know sooner or later, she should tell her in advance for herself.

"Stop now..." Mikala... said suddenly.

"Parking??" Zhou Ye looked at the road that didn't lead to the village or the store. He didn't know what Mikala meant...

"Yes, I said stop." Mikala said in a serious tone again.

"Okay, okay!" Zhou Ye sighed helplessly... Then he stopped the supercar on the side of the road.

Mikala crossed the distance between the co-pilot and the driver's seat without hesitation, and jumped into Zhou Ye's arms at once... Then she straddled Zhou Ye's body and released something with her hands down...

"Uh - can you tell me what you're going to do? Baby??" Zhou Ye asked in confusion.

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