In the face of such shouting, Mikala bird did not give them a shot... As soon as the accelerator kicked down, those short ten seconds made the police completely unable to see their taillights...

"Baby, I think you're going to have bad luck..." Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

"Why??" Mikala asked rhetorically.

"I guess they will tell the front to pull the barricade..."

"Then what should I do? My dear??" Mikala was just concerned about being happy, and when she heard Zhou Ye's words, she suddenly became a little anxious.

"I think you should try this!" Zhou Ye said, softly calling out the projection operation window on the console in the car, and pointing at a button marked "Battlefield Mode".

"Uh-!" Mikala obediently clicked on the button.

With a slight vibration, the black Alt Kalman completed the armoring process at high speed.

Although the speed has dropped a lot, it still maintains a speed of 400 kilometers per hour...

After a while, Mikala really saw seven or eight police cars parked on the side of the road with their lights on... and there were six or seven nail barricades on the road. There is a lot of stance to stop this bizarre SUV there.

And Mikala felt a little overwhelmed and wanted to slow down... stop, after all—under this situation, she basically felt that she had no way to escape.

"Bump in, baby, trust me, it's alright..."

Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said.

"Yeah!!" With absolute trust in his man, Mikala closed her eyes and stepped on the accelerator all of a sudden.

With a buzzing roar, Alt Kalman directly pressed over the Nail Barricade, and then drove forward without stopping.

Those LA cops who were waiting in line felt a flash of black light in front of their eyes, and then—the car had passed the barricade.

"Damn... what car is this??"

"Is this special code the latest technology of those military? I swear I have never seen such a fast SUV!"

"Damn...I think you should come and see this, Sheriff..."

"God - what are the tires on that car made of?? Ruined all our nail barricade tapes..."

"Contact headquarters, we need helicopter support..."

"I see!"

However, when the helicopter requested by the police arrived at the scene, the car had disappeared without a trace...

Even their surveillance did not capture anything because the speed of the car was too fast... In other words, except for the appearance of the car, they didn't have much information, there was no image of the driver, and there was no photo information of the car... …

In the end—they had to trace the source bit by bit along with the surveillance to the small town of Zoltu.

However, all the clues disappeared completely in the small town of Ruoertu... No one here has seen that strange SUV. (Of course there were witnesses, but Zhou Ye used his language ability to erase his memory...)

In the end - the LAPD didn't want to waste too many police resources on a freaking speeding vehicle, so - after the files were sealed, there was no further pursuit.

And Mikala really had an addiction.

It's just because of her reckless behavior, she can no longer drive that car to school... Of course, the school will not allow children of this age to start driving...

And so—poor Mikala had to watch her car, Art Kalman, drooling in the garage, but couldn’t take it out for a ride—

Alas, this is self-destruction...

Of course, Zhou Ye could erase all her records with a single sentence, but why?

When Mikala was establishing her own outlook on life, Zhou Ye didn't want to distort her three outlooks too much... So, let her reflect on her mistakes in regret.

As for why the police didn't catch them that time? That's all because Zhou Ye took the car and followed people, and instantly moved back to Mikala's home in the small town of Ruoertu...

Of course, after a short period of regret, Mikala wanted to understand one thing. If she wants to continue driving her car out, she can only ask her man...


After she contributed all kinds of firsts, she finally got the right to occasionally drive her car to go out, but it was not allowed during school.

Chapter 1509

Chapter 1509

one year later--

The entrance of the prefectural junior high school——

A tall girl with long wavy chestnut hair was standing at the door with her schoolbag slung over her shoulders, as if waiting for something.

A few boys gathered in the distance, carefully watching this beautiful girl.

"Hey - Tom, you should boldly rush up and confess to your goddess..." A chubby guy was whispering to encourage his friend.

"I think Carl is right, this is the last chance!" A thin guy with glasses like a bamboo pole was also encouraging the boy beside him to go up and confess. "Look—just go up and say, [Hey, beauty, do you want a ride?] And that's it! And didn't you drive out your dad's Ford too? What are you afraid of? ??"

"I..." The boy who was framed in the middle by two bad friends looked ordinary

Ordinary appearance, if there is anything conspicuous about him, it is probably his meticulous hairstyle.

It's just that such an old 37 haircut is obviously not suitable for him. Not only does it not make him look handsome, but it gives people a silly feeling.

"What are you still hesitating about?? When time passes, you will definitely regret not telling the girl you have a crush on on the last day of graduation..."

It seems that the words of the boy with glasses made this shy and stupid guy move his mind... He flicked his schoolbag and walked towards the school parking lot in the distance.

"Hey, Tom, what are you going to do??" asked the two friends hurriedly.

"I'm going to drive!" said the silly boy, waving his hand back in a self-conscious manner.

At this time, Mikala Bans was waiting at the gate of the campus for his man to drive to pick him up...

Today is her junior high school graduation day, and she has successfully entered high school... Of course, as a reward for today's graduation day, she won a long-awaited underground race with her car tonight. active.

Thinking of this, Mikala Bans became more and more excited...

However, at this moment, a light blue Ford Mustang slowly slid to a stop in front of her.

Mikala glanced at the car, then took a few steps aside, she didn't want to cause any trouble to others.

However, when she moved - the car also moved forward with her movement...

Mikala seemed to understand a little, and stopped her footsteps simply, and then put her arms around her fiercely, looking at the 70% new Ford Mustang in front of her, intending to see who was using such an old-fashioned method to strike up a conversation with her.

"Hey, hello...Miss Bans, do you want me to give you a ride??" The car glass fell, and a silly-looking face leaked out.

"..." Mikala recognized this guy instantly, this was a classmate from their school, but—she never even greeted this guy once, what gave him the courage to start talking to him? ? And—still using such a lousy method? ? ?

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