"Hey, buddy, your car is so handsome..." A familiar guy leaned over and asked, "How much did the modification cost??"

"Uh—it's probably more than 10 million!" Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

"Oh my god, my friend—it's not a good habit to lie..." The idiot looked at the car, then at Zhou Ye, and finally had to say, "Well, I admit, if I have a Tens of millions of dollars, I'd definitely drop it for this little baby... God, it's so cool!"

"Haha..." Zhou Ye could only laugh at this...

This car still looks like the Alt Kalman that Zhou Ye bought from the main plane, but—in fact, they don't have the slightest similarity except for the shape.

Suffice it to say - have you seen Alter Kalman who used nuclear fusion as an energy source? Have you seen Alt Kalman who used a supercomputer as the master computer? Have you seen Alter Kalman with Edman Alloy for the shell?

The weight of this car definitely makes most road designers desperate... but fortunately, it automatically turns on the anti-gravity device on weekdays, so it doesn't seem that heavy.

But - and most despairing of its engine section - it uses a shrunken down version of the ship's engine.

This Alte Kalman seems to have a top speed of only 800 kilometers per hour, but in fact it is divided into three modes - camouflage mode, which looks no different from normal vehicles, normal mode - that is, the first Mikala The first time I saw this car, the top speed on the speedometer was only 800 per hour...and the overspeed mode -- the top speed -- was 2,600 kilometers per hour.

To be honest, Zhou Ye didn't think the overdrive mode would be of any use... and because of Mikala's character, Zhou Ye never gave her permission to activate overdrive mode.

Even in normal mode, she was almost caught by the police... If she was given permission to speed mode, wouldn't she drive the car into the sky? ? The old saying goes - you're too fast to fly on the road.

While talking and laughing, Zhou Ye dismissed a group of familiar fellows, and took Mikala to the organization of the underground racing. Here, everyone who wants to participate can participate...

At the same time, participating drivers are not allowed to place bets…

Of course, the organizers of the race do not prevent people other than the racers from placing bets, but half an hour before the race starts, the organizers will evaluate all the participants and give the odds...

At this time, the people who participated in the competition have already started to sign up... The first place in the competition can win 5% of the bet for this competition.

This is not a small amount. Sometimes when a wealthy second generation comes here to play, the amount of bet in one night is as much as tens of millions of dollars. Of course, there are not many such times. Most Time is just a multi-million dollar bet.

Chapter 1511

Chapter 1511

"Hey, buddy, I saw your car, your car is very cool..." Seeing Zhou Ye coming, a guy in charge of recording gave Zhou Ye a thumbs up. "It must have cost a lot of money, right??"

"Uh—not a lot!" Zhou Ye had already answered a lot of such questions along the way, so—he didn't bother to say anything more. "Sign up for me!"

"Of course no problem!" The buddy said, and asked casually, "Is the racer you yourself??"

"No, it's my woman..." Zhou Ye smiled and patted Mikala's dolphin, "I'm here to play with her today!"

"Wow, I have to say, buddy, your vision is really good!" The guy smiled and praised and said, "The entry fee is three hundred dollars, and there is an insurance fee of three hundred dollars per person. I will pay for each of you. Prepare a personal accident insurance with an insured amount of one million US dollars..."

"I didn't expect that you still have insurance premiums here??" Mikala said curiously.

"It's not surprising!" The buddy explained: "My boss is just a fan. He doesn't make money here. What he wants is to make more people fall in love with this exciting sport..."

"Your boss is really good!" Zhou Ye smiled, he was not surprised by this... There are many rich people who have quirks, it's not surprising.

"If you are confident in your girlfriend's driving skills, you can also bet on the side, but you can't bet until we have registered all the participating cars and evaluated their odds!" The registration guy Obviously very good at doing business, he blinked at Zhou Ye and whispered: "If I were you, in order to please my girlfriend, I bet a few hundred dollars on her, and you will have a beautiful night. night!"

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly: "Of course I have confidence in my girlfriend, I believe she is the best, so I plan to bet my girlfriend to be the first..."

"Uh--!" The guy who registered the vehicle was instantly dumbfounded...

In his opinion, does Zhou Ye have a mental illness? Do you actually believe that your modified SUV can outrun those modified supercars? ? Not to mention, the drag coefficient alone is enough to make SUVs uncomfortable.

It can be said that an SUV wants to run at the speed of a supercar, and under the same conditions, the power of the engine should be at least twice to five times that of the supercar.

When a certain coefficient reaches a certain fixed point, each point of increase in speed requires a geometric increase in power.

But it doesn't matter, maybe people just want to please their girlfriends? ? Thinking of this, the registration guy couldn't help but lightly

laughing, didn't say anything...

But—perhaps because of Zhou Ye's rather arrogant remarks, it annoyed some people...

A female voice suddenly came over, "Are you so confident in your girlfriend?? Do you want to play bullfighting? How about everyone making a big bet??"

Zhou Ye couldn't help but look towards the place where the sound came from, only to see a girl wearing a racing driver's uniform and a helmet walking over - she came to Zhou Ye and stretched out her racing helmet. ...a prosperous face leaked out.

"...Ada, why are you here?"

Seeing this delicate little face, Zhou Ye was immediately startled - but after saying this, he instantly remembered - King Ada should still be playing in the Marvel world at this time, then - The woman here who has almost the same appearance as Ada doesn't need to guess to know who it is...

Su Yueming...

Looking at the younger version of King Ada, Zhou Ye couldn't help but let out a chuckle...

"I'm sorry, this gentleman, my English name is not Aida, and my surname is not Wang... I don't know you, so don't get close to me!" Su Yueming said with a small face, disdainful: "If you dare not If you're gambling, then don't talk nonsense..."

"Haha..." To be honest, seeing the young version of Su Yueming, Zhou Ye had a feeling that he had made a fortune... "Betting, why not betting...I wonder how much this young lady intends to bet??"

"How big is the bet??" Su Yueming glanced at Zhou Ye and said confidently, "You make the bet... I'll take whatever it is!"

"Haha... I just like how you look confident!" Zhou Ye said, turned his head to the other side of the staff who had been watching the show and said, "If I have a bullfight with this young lady, I shouldn't have to wait for you guys. Has it started?? You can also place bets at will??”

"Of course!" The staff member smiled and explained: "But we will take 5% of the total bet amount of both of you as a commission to ensure that both of you can fulfill the bet... Is there any problem with this??"

"Of course no problem!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, took out a platinum card from his pocket and handed it to the staff, saying, "All the amount on this card is my bet..."

"..." The moment Su Yueming saw Zhou Ye take out his platinum card, he felt that he had made a mistake.

To be honest, Su Yueming is the jewel in the palm of the Su family, a famous family in Hong Kong.

As a wealthy woman, she is not short of money, and even with her shrewd business acumen, she used her own pocket money to earn eight-digit and nearly nine-digit wealth for herself in the stock market...

I just don't know why, since she was a child, she didn't have any relationship with a man...

And she doesn't care...

On weekdays, apart from studying and making money, Su Yueming's favorite things to do are sanda and racing...

Sanda was learned by her in the police academy, and drag racing... just because she had nothing to do.

At Stanford, she had neither same-sex nor opposite-sex friends...

It can be said that she really doesn't know what to do if she doesn't race.

Today, because the school holiday is about to start, she plans to play wildly before returning to Hong Kong-after all, when she returns to Hong Kong, she will be the good girl of the Su family again... Racing in Hong Kong? ? You think too much……

The old lady of the Su family will definitely break her legs.

I just didn't expect - when I came today, I heard an extremely arrogant voice - saying that I have confidence in my girlfriend and plan to put more emphasis on my girlfriend.

When she saw Zhou Ye, there was an indescribable feeling in her heart... To be honest, she didn't know what that feeling was, but she was very unconvinced, very resentful... Especially when she saw that The feeling was even stronger when the chick was nestled in his arms, just like a bird.

That's why she deliberately choked - even put it down, the big talk of [how much you press, how much I talk to],

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