"...How do you know so clearly??"

"You know the head, I like it when I'm free..." The agent scratched his head embarrassedly, okay—it's really not worth promoting the idea of ​​catching fish and surfing the Internet during work hours. But thanks to him giving Simmons Cope, this completely dispelled the idea of ​​Simmons pushing hard...

Just kidding, dying under the computer's automatic defense system, there is no place to talk about it...

However, half an hour has passed...

Not only did Simmons not wait for Zhou Ye to come back, he instead waited for the news of the attack on the seventh district from the shortwave car radio...

Unable to care anymore, Simmons directly assigned the task, while letting people speed up to the seventh district, while dispatching manpower, asking for support from the nearby National Guard station...

All the way, I rushed to Simmons in the seventh district. Before I saw the gate of the Hoover Dam, I saw a group of robots fighting.

Simmons didn't dare to rush up to look for death, he stopped directly on the side of the road far away...

"He's Zhou Ye..." At this time, Sam in the car recognized Mikala's car on the road ahead, the uniquely shaped Alt Kalman.

"Huh?" Zhou Ye turned his head and glanced at Sam, facing Zhou Ye's gaze, Sam avoided it with a guilty conscience... After all, he betrayed Zhou Ye...

"Hello, Mr. Zhou Ye, I'm Simmons from District 7... Can you tell me what happened here??" Simmons walked quickly to Zhou Ye and asked politely.

"Ah? It's okay!" Zhou Ye smiled and pointed at the pairs of robots that were fighting together: "They are all aliens from Cybertron, one is Autobot and the other is Decepticon... The two factions are mortal enemies, in order to find the source of the fire they said fell on the earth..."

"..." Simmons felt speechless for a while, so succinct explanation... "Then why are you here??"

"Huh? I was brought here by Autobot's robots, they say they are here to destroy the source of fire, and those Decepticons are going to use the source of fire to create an army and take over the entire planet...as a pacifist Of course, I chose to help Autobot!!" Zhou Ye said, smiling slightly.

"..." Simmons felt that Zhou Ye's smile was very mocking, but—he couldn't find the doubt in his words... Just when he was about to try to rush through these fighting Transformers and enter the seventh district At that time, Zhou Ye stopped him.

"If I were you... I wouldn't go in. Two elephants are fighting, and the ants standing under their feet are very dangerous. If you're not careful..." Zhou Ye just heard a whistle. A piece of iron bounced out of the battlefield, directly cutting off the half-pulled head of Sam, who was watching the fun...

"Look, this is the fate of the unlucky one!!" Zhou Ye said with a casual smile.

Twenty-five boys, can't stay.

Chapter 1534

Chapter 1534

"Starscream, your Decepticon conspiracy will never succeed!!" At this time, Optimus Prime was pressing Starscream to the ground and beating him violently.

Although Starscream is comparable to Megatron to a certain extent, but—obviously he is not Megatron, so, facing Optimus Prime, he can only be beaten.

Several other people also fought together.

The Decepticons stun the ambulance and Bumblebee alone, while Rowdy fights Ironhide and Bonebreaker fights Jazz.

One after another, the numerical disadvantage of the Decepticons was revealed.

"Damn...where are the roadblocks!??" Vertigo roared angrily.

He is the worst one. He was beaten one by two by two Autobots, and he was almost at the limit... The parts on his body were dropped one by one, and the parts that just killed Sam came from his body... …

"No, I don't know... Damn it, after the guy at the roadblock stole the source of fire, does he want to rebel against our Decepticons??" Starscream was also a little angry, Ma Dan's, as the agent of the Decepticons The leader, his subordinates actually intend to be independent after stealing the source of fire, this is absolutely unforgivable.

Especially now, a group of them are being pressed and rubbed by Optimus Prime, and they are almost reaching their limit... It's time to retreat, and after finding the traitor at the roadblock, come back to Optimus Prime and their troubles...

Thinking of this, Starscream roared, "Decepticons... Prepare to retreat!!"

However, as soon as he finished shouting, he felt the dam shaking under his feet. Then, a silver aircraft rushed out from the gate at the bottom of the dam... With a sound of deformation, their boss who had been missing for many years, Wei Earthquake appeared.

"Me, Megatron is back!!" With that said, Megatron punched Optimus Prime, who was on Starscream, and flew aside. "Optimus Prime, your opponent is me!!"

"Megatron? Are you still alive?" Optimus Prime asked with a solemn expression, looking at Megatron standing in front of him.

"Of course... Of course I'm still alive!!" Megatron said, punching Optimus Prime in the head, "And you, you are not far from death! Optimus Prime!!"


With the sound of an ion cannon, Megatron stepped back. "Oh, look, there are so many old friends here!!"

"Run iron, you are not Megatron's opponent!!" Optimus Prime shouted.

However, it was too late... Megatron directly transformed into a Cybertron spaceship, soared into the air, turned back in the air, and shot at the iron sheet...


Ironhide was blasted away by Megatron's cannon...

"Now, no one can disturb us, Optimus Prime, go to hell!!" Megatron instantly fell from the air and smashed directly towards Optimus Prime.

"I think it's almost time for my ally to play!" Zhou Ye muttered to himself, standing up from the car...

"Huh??" Simmons, who was hiding beside the car, almost thought he was hallucinating, a human? Faced with a duel between two huge robots, you actually want to participate in it? ? Is the special code kidding me? ?

However, the next scene made Simmons almost think he was in a dream.

I saw that Zhou Ye's right hand stretched forward, and then a circular golden magic circle with a diameter of 50 centimeters was formed in his hand. Along with a golden beam of light, it sprayed out from the magic circle. The big guy called Megatron hit.

One of his arms was broken at the root...

"Ah—damn, what is this??" Megatron, who had lost his arm, roared and charged towards Zhou Ye, "Yi, I'm angry... I decided to catch you, and then act as a Pets are kept in my cage and torture you every day, pray, ants..."

"What a boring guy!!" Zhou Ye didn't even bother to pay attention to Megatron's threat, the magic circle flashed again in his hand... Another beam of light hit Megatron's leg, okay, this time——this guy just Become a completely disabled person.

"Nice job, ally!!" Optimus Prime laughed and ran towards the disabled Megatron, this is to kill him completely here.

And Starscream, who was abandoned by Optimus Prime, couldn't care less, and directly transformed into an F22 fighter jet and flew over Megatron, "Come on, boss... We need to retreat first!!"

"Damn, I'll take care of you one day sooner or later, ants!!!" Megatron was not a dead brain either, he grabbed Starscream's landing gear with one hand and was carried away by him. ...

As for the dizzy, noisy and bone-shattering demons who were abandoned here...the only way to wait for them is death.

After all—it’s five on three now…

"Mr. Zhou Ye?? Are you??" Simmons, who had seen Zhou Ye maim a Decepticon twice, swears to God that he has never faced anyone with such a respectful attitude...

"I said I'm a magician, do you believe it??" Zhou Ye asked with a slight smile.

"Believe!!" Simmons nodded without hesitation. He had seen it with his own eyes and still didn't believe it. Do you think he was stupid? ?

Soon, the three Decepticons were completely killed by a group of Autobots...

To be honest, Zhou Ye was a little surprised - why did Optimus Prime always believe in the code of not hurting people on earth, but he was so merciless to his own kind of murderers? ? This is really a strange thing...

But mind him... that's a good thing, isn't it? ?

As the battle was over... the Autobots also walked in front of Zhou Ye again.

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