Especially when Zhou Ye was checking the space in Huanhuan's body, a shy and embarrassed response came from Huanhuan's mind.

For Huanhuan, it is more embarrassing for the master to check the space in his body than standing in front of his master without clothes...

But——Since it is the master, it is also impossible to do, so——Huanhuan can only endure it.

Next, Zhou Ye played with Huanhuan for a while, and determined her ability——

It can be said that the ring is really a different kind of Transformers. There are two ways to move. One is to rely on the transparent wings behind the vibration to fly. This kind of flight speed is not slow at all. In the planet, she can reach the speed of fifty times the speed of sound at the fastest, another way of moving - that is even more terrifying, space movement.

The farthest distance traveled in space, for Huanhuan, is the diameter of the storage space in her body...that is to say—about 18,000 kilometers.

That night—Zhou Ye introduced his new pet to the girls—for this extremely beautiful space elf named Huanhuan, the girls really couldn’t put it down... With a height of over thirty centimeters, Huanhuan is simply a Like a large living Barbie doll. How can girls resist such temptation?

In an instant - Zhou Ye was thrown aside by the girls... Hey, what a tragedy.

However, at the happy party in the evening, Huanhuan gave Zhou Ye another surprise... Because she was jealous of Zhou Ye's sports industry, she also joined the ranks of the girls and jointly resisted Zhou Ye, the great devil...

In fact, Huanhuan just felt that since her master's blood can help her improve, then that's probably okay too? With this thought in mind—she rushed over, and as soon as she tried it...she got addicted—

To Zhou Ye, this whole thing was a living flying... cup... and the girls laughed for a while after being surprised.

Soon - Zhou Ye used his actions to let them know what the price would be for a man who laughed at him...

And while Zhou Ye was happy here, the sad Starscream was rushing towards the Decepticon's base on Mars.

Not only did he fail the mission, but also because the spacecraft on the moon had already carried those men and flew to Mars with the space column. So - he had to force himself to fly to Mars...

Even if he has exceeded the second cosmic speed in the universe, reaching a speed of 50,000 kilometers per hour, but—you must know that the earth is 58.8 million kilometers away from Mars, this is because with the The change in the orbit of the planet is because the two are getting closer and closer.

Even so, it took Starscream to fly for a full forty-nine days to reach the Mars base, which is—what a tragedy.

However, because of this...

Earth can be safe and sound...for so long.

This time Starscream returned honestly, and his heart was even full of joy... Because, he felt that he had finally found a secret of the disappearance of the source of fire.

Because—he got the news from Sonic that Alice was still alive.

What does this represent? ?

Alice still lives in human society, but her Decepticon channel and positioning device have all disappeared, which has to remind Starscream of the disappearing roadblock with a source of fire...

There must be a necessary connection between the two...

Thinking of this, Starscream flew even more happily. He could almost foresee Megatron's happy smile.

After nearly two months of space travel—

Starscream finally returned to the Decepticon base on Mars. He didn't care much and rushed directly into the base...

"Look who's back...Isn't this my most capable subordinate, Starscream??" Megatron sneered, kicking Starscream to the ground with one kick - to death with his own foot Stepping on Starscream's mouth, he asked loudly, "You still have the face to come back?? You coward who was running away!!"

"No...great leader, I came back to announce the good news to you!!" Starscream hurriedly raised her hands and shouted: "I think, I have found the clue to the source of the fire!!"

"Oh?? Then you'd better tell me some news that makes me happy, or - I'll tear you down into a pile of scrap metal!!" Megatron said unceremoniously.

"Of course... I promise this news will definitely put you in a good mood!!" Starscream said while reporting his guess and the news that the hermit warrior Alice was still alive to Megatron...

After hearing the news-

Megatron withdrew his big foot on Starscream... "Your news is very timely... I'm going to meet my master now."

As he spoke, Megatron turned his head and walked towards the innermost part of the base...

Soon, he came to the depths of the tunnel and knelt down in front of a dark figure... "Master, we have found the clue of the source of the fire, this time, I will personally lead the Decepticons to come to the earth, Take the source of fire back from the traitor at the roadblock!!"

"My apprentice, this time—we have been driven to a dead end..." The Fallen King sat in his seat and said slowly, "Look at the little King Kong that is about to be born in our spaceship... Because of the lack of Energy, many of them will not be able to be born alive in this world... We, there is no more energy to waste, so - this time I decided to do it myself!!"

"But my master, the last super soldier is still alive..." Megatron said hesitantly:

"Megatron is now on the side of mankind, helping those earthlings deal with our fellow races..."

"My apprentice, we have no more room to back down..." Fallen King Kong sighed deeply, "Without the source of fire, without energy... We can only end up trapped on this desolate planet... ...So——this time, we have to do our best, only success but not failure!!"

"I understand, Master!!" Hearing the words of the Fallen King Kong, Megatron also knew what kind of predicament his faction was currently facing.

Because of the successive defeats on Earth, and because of the constant violent cracking of various plans - they no longer have the time to plan slowly.

For now - there is only one last fight.

Thinking of this, Megatron stood up abruptly and walked outside. "Decepticons, prepare for our final battle, success - we are the heroes of the whole race, we will gain the endless energy of the source of fire, failure - our race, will lose the last shred of energy , disappear into this world forever!!"

"Roar-!!" xn

Chapter 1553

Chapter 1553

With the Decepticons coming out of the Martian base...

This phenomenon was observed for the first time in various observatories far away from the five rogues on the earth who received secret missions.

This situation was immediately summarized into the base of the lair.

In the highest joint headquarters of the lair, the commanders of the five countries sat there silently. They didn't feel anything strange about the intruding Decepticons - what really depressed them was that they could only be beaten passively. The feeling of not being able to take the initiative.

After all, they don't have the weapons and equipment to fight in space - so it feels terrible to have to wait until they invade Earth and passively deploy their defenses.

"Everyone said - what should I do this time??" The US commander said slowly after taking a breath.

"We can only temporarily increase the level of combat readiness!!" Commander Hua Guo sighed and said: "I suggest that several countries in our alliance enter the first-level combat readiness state at the same time, and after determining their placement, we will use the help of your Mages. Portal, dispatch the lair troops, and turn them all into guinea pigs in our laboratory..."



"we can only do this!!"

In the end—all the lair commanders agreed to the proposal.

At the same time, the commanders of various countries also passed all the information back to their respective countries through top-secret channels... As soon as the information was received—all the countries involved in the alliance began to secretly enter the first-level combat readiness. state.

A column of troops pulled heavy air defense equipment and began to arrange air areas around their important cities.

In the past, the soldiers who were replaced from the lair troops were upgraded to three levels one by one, and they were sent to the ace troops in various theaters to serve as technical guides.

After all - they've all faced Cybertronians, so to speak - they know all the weaknesses of those aliens.

And the large-scale military mobilization of the five hooligans is obviously impossible to hide from all countries... For a time, the entire international community has become agitated.

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