This time, these void creatures are no longer aimless scattered sand.

They are under the command of a void lord named Shadow of Darkness.

Under the command of this sinister and cunning Void Lord, these Void Creatures brought considerable losses to Zhou Ye's Void Fortress.

So - Zhou Ye couldn't sit still...

He personally took action and captured the Void Lord who had been hiding behind the scenes in one fell swoop.

What I have to say is that Lord Void is really awesome...

It can actually invade Zhou Ye's mind, search for the person Zhou Ye yearns for the most in his mind, and then change into her appearance, in order to make Zhou Ye unable to bear to hurt her...

She did succeed, Zhou Ye really couldn't bear to die in the face of such an existence, but——she also failed.

Because——Zhou Ye crossed this guy without hesitation.

So far——this void lord named Shadow of Darkness has been completely reduced to Zhou Ye's meat weapon.

With the help of Void Lord, the speed of research on void creatures in Void Fortress can be said to be rapid.

And this Void Lord, also with the help of Zhou Ye, successfully devoured several other Void Lords, becoming the only supreme existence in the entire void in one fell swoop.

In fact, when Yin Yingying truly understood the strength of her master, she also wiped a cold sweat from the fearlessness brought about by her ignorance at the beginning.

In Yin Yingying's view, the strength of her master Zhou Ye can completely annihilate the entire void universe with ease.

However, just because of some indescribable things, my master is unwilling to do this... This is really a fluke.

For this reason, Yin Yingying became more docile in front of her master...

Who is Yin Yingying? ?

Yin Yingying is Zhou Ye's name for the Lord of the Void who submits to him... It comes from the homonym of "Shadow" in Chinese. You can't call a girl who is thousands, charming, and charming called Shadow, right? ? How bad is that?

As for the resistance? ?

How dare Yin Yingying...

When Zhou Ye stood in front of this fortress, looked at this fortress, and recalled the tug-of-war that lasted ten years, he couldn't help being filled with emotion.

This means that Umbrella, who occupies most of the multiverse, can launch such an invasion war. It is difficult for any planet to bear the consumption of such a high-intensity tug-of-war. Even if it is a victory at that time, it will be a miserable victory.

Just as he was feeling emotional, a tall, black-haired girl with a beautiful face suddenly appeared in front of him.

Her beauty carries a mysterious allure that makes people want to find out, and her long black hair is so dark that it seems to be integrated with the entire void.

The first time she appeared in front of Zhou Ye, she rushed in front of Zhou Ye, and hugged Zhou Ye tightly... Using her small face, she desperately rubbed against Zhou Ye's face.

While rubbing against each other, he said bitterly: "Master... You haven't been back for almost half a year, is that the moon god Elune and the life titan Iona attracted you so much? Have you forgotten your Yingying?" Already??"

"Crack!" There was a sound.

Zhou Ye smiled and slapped this stunner who was enough to drive all men crazy... "I'm back, haven't I??"

"Hmmm!" The girl who called herself Yingying let out a contented hum... She said with a smirk, "Through the recent observation of the physical universe, I have made a new discovery, master!!"

"What new discovery?" Zhou Ye said, picked up Yin Yingying, and flew slowly towards his void fortress.

After passing through several layers of magnetic shields, Zhou Ye came to the gate of the fortress.

At this time, the alarm in the fortress has already sounded...

Countless weapons are pointing at Yinyingying...

Zhou Ye knew that it was the void fluctuations on Yin Yingying's body that triggered the defense mechanism of the fortress... He was no stranger to such alarms.

Sure enough—the alarm in the fortress disappeared quickly...

Wearing a military uniform, the Red Queen walked out of the fortress with a depressed face, and said to Yinyingying displeasedly: "Hey, shadow player, can you stop changing the void fluctuations on your body every make me very uncomfortable. It’s embarrassing, okay, for you, I’ve modified the defense mechanism thousands of times!!”

"I can't help it..." Facing the red queen's accusation, Yin Yingying blinked her eyes, and said innocently: "The uncertainty of the void creature's fluctuation is our representative, and I can't change it." of……"

"Are you lying to ghosts??" The Red Queen said angrily: "What is the uncertainty of the fluctuations of void creatures? Why haven't we found the source of this uncertainty in other void creatures??"

"That's because their energy levels are too low..." Yin Yingying said calmly, "And, to some extent, aren't you an electronic ghost?"

"Who do you say is an electronic ghost?? Believe it or not, I sent you flying..."

"Just try if you have the guts to see if I can twist you into an ugly monster..."

"Come on, give it a try—see if your twist works for me..."

"Just try it..."

Chapter 1612

Chapter 1612

Zhou Ye watched the quarrel between Hong Hou and Yin Yingying speechlessly...

It can be said that these two girls are born to be wrong.

He unceremoniously grabbed the red queen and blocked it with his own scorpion.

After her words... the whole world fell silent.

And those commanders at all levels who came out with their fortress warlords to welcome the arrival of the master, either looked at the ground, as if something was attracting them on the bright deck, or cast their eyes on the extremely dark In the void, it seems that there is an incomparably beautiful starry sky above to appreciate.

In short, they dare not read the jokes of their own warlord...

Just kidding, although it was the first time for the Red Queen to assume a real position in Umbrella, no one dared to mess with the mistress.

You know, the entire operation of Umbrella is almost in the hands of her and her group of electronic elf sisters...

Believe it or not, with just one word from her, you can take military nutrition cream for a month? ?

The kind of bland stuff that no one wants to eat for a week, let alone a month.

So - it's better to watch this kind of scene of self-ruling and educating one's own mistress as little as possible... To save some unreasonable mistress from getting angry, she transfers herself to guard the Voidheart outpost.

Moments later—

Zhou Ye let go of the red queen's scorpion, and the red queen didn't have the strength to quarrel with Yin Yingying anymore...

As for Yin Yingying, who had a smug smile on her face, after being slapped on the porpoise, she also put away the smugness on her face, and became like a pissed off daughter-in-law, extremely wronged.

"Good Master!" xn

At this time, a group of commanders greeted their master with one voice.

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