Is it true that Ragnaros, the Firelord, is the weakest elemental lord? ?

Otherwise, why did it succumb to the hands of its teacher so easily? ?

But—the following journey made her quickly change her mind.

After resting for a while, Zhou Ye took his students to travel around the Azeroth continent at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty...

After meeting the other three elemental lords——

Zhou Ye took little Lolita through the long river of time again, and arrived at the time when the ancient gods had just descended.

At this point in time...

Little Lori Azshara saw the power of Ragnaros, the Lord of Fire, whom she considered the weakest elemental lord in her heart.

In battle against the Old Gods, the Firelord Ragnaros lived up to his title of Lord of Fire.

Its sledgehammer cracked the earth, and its flames reduced all the minions of the ancient evil gods to ashes.

Wherever it passed, the ground was covered with magma...


Although, it was finally captured by those ancient evil gods by means, but—those ancient evil gods also paid a considerable price, and even—one of the ancient evil gods was burned in half by the fire demon king Ragnaros Body……

this moment--

Little Lori Azshara finally understood that it wasn't the elemental lords who were too weak, but her own teacher, who was really too strong.

Powerful, she can't see where his limit is...

From that moment on, little Lori Azshara couldn't help but look into her teacher's eyes with a trace of admiration.

And this trace of admiration, in the subsequent process of getting along, became more and more... more and more.

Zhou Ye took her to travel everywhere in this dark empire built by ancient evil gods.

Little Azshara, together with her teacher, once met the so-called thousand-eyed demon, Yogg-Saron, and she despised this extremely ugly creature.

She also met the so-called demon god of emotions, Y'Shaarji...

In short -

Little Lolita was taken by her teacher to tour for more than ten years in the long river of time...

And as more than ten years passed——

Little Lolita, from a cutie who was no higher than Zhou Ye's waist, gradually grew into a slim night elf girl.

More than ten years of eating and living together, even sleeping together...

Before she knew it, little Azshara had an indescribable feeling for Zhou Ye...

And today, she is going to announce this thought to the public...



At this time, Zhou Ye was lazily taking a bath in his tent...

In the wooden bathtub, there is an elemental nucleus of a water element and an elemental nucleus of a fire element inlaid.

These two elemental cores brought Zhou Ye the convenience of being able to enjoy warm bath water anytime, anywhere in the wilderness.

Zhou Ye, who buried himself in the bathtub, was thinking about his next plan.

Speaking of which, he has already led little Lori Azshara to visit the entire ancient times, almost—it would be nice to take her to watch the Titans vs. the Old Gods together.

This long first class can be declared over...

"Little cutie is so have such a good teacher like me!!" Zhou Ye couldn't help but said to himself, "If the teacher who taught me history had such a great ability, maybe I would still be there. Really love the history class..."

"Yeah, I also feel very lucky to have a teacher like you!!" As the voice sounded, a slim figure opened the tent and walked in...

Looking at the beautiful figure with long silver hair in front of him, Zhou Ye smiled slightly: "Do you want to take a bath with the teacher? Don't you dislike bathing with me a long time ago? Are you going to relive your old dream today?"

It seems that when Azshara's female consciousness began to awaken, she didn't take a bath with Zhou Ye very much...

Of course, if Zhou Ye wanted to force her, she would still obey...

It's a pity that Zhou Ye didn't say anything...

She dragged Azshara's girlish heart waiting for someone to confess her love to the limit... Today, she finally didn't want to wait any longer.

"Of course, today... I want to wash with you, and - I also want... to wash with you in the future!!" Azshara said, gently throwing the clothes on On the ground, and then... walked into Zhou Ye's huge bathtub.

"Come here... Do you want to wash it with me too?" Zhou Ye asked with a half-smile.

Of course he knew what Azshara was thinking, but—out of some kind of bad taste, he was always playing dumb——it is true love for a teacher to be pushed against by his students, and a teacher who pushes his students is a beast! !

Although sometimes Zhou Ye doesn't mind being a beast, but occasionally he also wants to play with true love.

"Yes, in the will also belong to me...and I will also belong to you!!" Azshara said, gently straddling Zhou Ye's body...then—sit down suddenly... …"ah----!!!"

Following her mournful cry, a stream of red blood began to spread in the tub—fading...

"I feel your presence, we... will never be separated again, will we? Teacher..."

"of course, I

The best student, it seems that you have learned the physiology lesson I taught you well! ! "Zhou Ye gave an evil smile, and then..." Leave the rest to the teacher. Today—the teacher will teach you a new physiology course! ! "

"I'm looking forward to... Ah..." Before Azshara finished speaking, she couldn't say a word anymore... She was lost in her teacher's physiology class.

Chapter 1634

Chapter 1634

On the vast land--

Countless grotesque creatures are waiting quietly——

It is said that these creatures look strange because-they themselves look a little beyond the limit of human imagination.

Among these creatures - there is a humanoid creature that walks upright, but you can't see his face, on his face it looks like an octopus-like thing, instead of his head, he doesn't even have hands, tentacles Things replaced his hands.

Also—bugs the size of a stag, these bugs look like various insects, some are like locusts, some are like beetles...

These bugs, which are the size of a stag, are pitifully small compared to the commander behind them... Their commander is an insect like a millipede, but the size of this millipede is a bit scary... According to the current body size It is said that its size is about a dozen train cars.

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