Even now, there are still many legends about dragons circulating among the Kaldorei clan.

After all - they have just completed the transformation from dark trolls to kaldorei for hundreds of years, and there are still many people from the previous generation, alive.

And it is this kind of creature that is so powerful and mysterious in their eyes, but it is hugging and chatting warmly with their Queen, just like... uh—just like sisters...

This discovery made the subjects who originally supported Queen Azshara even more fanatical.

In their eyes, their Queen Azshara has almost incarnated into a great existence.

And what is this great being doing now? ?

She is asking her two queen sisters when her sister Haierya will appear.

"Don't worry, Haierya will never be late!!" Ysera said confidently.

At this moment, Alexstrasza pointed to the sky with a smile, "Isn't she here??"

As her voice fell...

And Azshara also saw the starlight that was getting closer in the sky...

No, that's not starlight, but a magical light shining in the floating city.

At this time, those people, and some people, discovered the vision in the sky.

"The moon god is above, what is that??"

"The starry sky has fallen... oh, no..."

"Mom... help!!"

The arrival of the floating city made countless night elves terrified.

Although, they have begun to contact magic, and gradually learn to use this convenient means to seek more benefits for their own race.


For things like Floating City, the ultimate creation of this magic, it still exceeds the limit of their imagination...

They can't imagine how to use magic to make a city fly in mid-air like a bird.

"Be quiet, my people..."

Just when the night elves were terrified, Queen Azshara's voice rang in their ears again.

"Don't panic, this is the greatest creation in ancient times, the Floating City of Eden!!"

As Queen Azshara's voice echoed throughout the royal city, all the panicked elves gradually recovered their calm.

When they calmed down and looked at the huge floating city above their heads with admiration.

They gradually discovered the charm of this floating city.

Countless mysterious arcane rune lines, shining with brilliance, are embedded under this floating city... and the magical brilliance projected from the floating city makes the stars in the sky pale.

It is indeed the greatest creation in ancient times...

Just when the night elves kept studying this huge floating city with their friends around them, which was just over a hundred meters away from them.

Queen Azshara's next words devoured them like thunder.

"Today is not only a good day for me to become a queen, but also a good day for me to... become a wife!!"

"No, the goddess of the moon is on top, how is this possible??"

"Queen Azshara, are you abandoning us?"

A group of guys who were extremely devout to Azshara couldn't help crying when they heard these words...

However, Azshara obviously wouldn't stop what he had planned for a long time just because of the words of these idiots.

"Let me introduce my love to you... the city lord of the floating city of Eden, the king of the giant dragon family, the great and eternal existence - Zhou Ye!!"

Zhou Ye, who was watching a play on the floating city, was stunned when he heard Azshara's words...

what's going on? ?

What's different in this script? ?

Didn't he say that he just let the giant dragon clan and Floating Void City build momentum for his student Azshara's ascension to the throne? ?

Why is there such a drama? ?

Have you planned this drama yourself? ?

Zhou Ye, who couldn't react for a while, was stunned...

And as he froze...

Azshara's voice turned bitter..."My love, are you mad at me for my self-assertion? Please forgive me...because, I love you so much...I want everyone to bless us love...my love, please respond to my love..."

Hearing her own queen's prayer-like voice.

All the night elves are angry...

Although they were a little unhappy, her Royal Highness actually already had a lover.

But—they're even more upset...

It seems that his queen is still taking the initiative.

Moreover, it seems that a certain scumbag still ignores his queen...

That was--so jealous of the elves.

And Haierya, who was standing beside Zhou Ye, also whispered: "Go, don't make little Azara wait too long... Today is her most important day!!"

"Yeah, if you make a girl wait too long, she will be hated, master!!" This time, even the high-level warlock Aureses couldn't bear it.

And her older sister, Queen Saroras, also helped: "Master, be careful that when little Azshara gets angry, he will grab a random guy and get married... At that time, you won't be able to find the tune when you cry!!"

"That's right, if it were me, I'd do it!!" Draenei's female vigilante Elsa also said these words mortally.

"I'll settle the account with you when I come back!!!" Zhou Ye gave Elsa a vicious look, then raised his foot and walked towards the bottom of the floating city...

Following his actions, even Elune took in the fun and used a pillar of moonlight to shine on him.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Ye couldn't help but let out a wry smile... Well, it seems that all his women know what little Azshara is going to do, but he is the only one who is kept in the dark...

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