This is a change made to deliberately ignore the class differences in it...

After all, if you call someone, you will inevitably call someone's position, xx high priest, xx high priest, xx apprentice priest and so on.

Invisibly, a sense of class emerges.

Therefore, in order to suppress this sense of class to a minimum, and to be more in line with the purpose of the Sisters of Elune, so... Digana forbids calling out her official name.

"Of course, I'm calling you, little Maiev!!" Digana said with a smile.

As for Zhou Ye, facing this cute purple-haired little loli, he felt like he was lying...

Is she actually Maiev Shadowsong? ?

He really didn't expect Maiev Shadowsong to be so beautiful after taking off that armor...

Little Maiev looked curiously at Zhou Ye who was standing beside Dijana, then looked at Dijana and asked, "What's the matter with you calling me??"

"Of course..." Dijana nodded with a smile, then pointed to Zhou Ye who was beside her, and said, "Our prince, His Royal Highness Zhou Ye was ordered to come to inspect the progress of Suramar's construction, but he was not interested in this place. Unfamiliar, so, I think—he probably needs a tour guide who knows everything here, are you willing to take on this task??”

"Of course no problem..." Hearing Digana's words, Little Maiev Shadowsong said confidently: "I am familiar with everything here, because I was born here..."

"Then, please, little Maiev!!" Zhou Ye smiled... Maiev Yingsong was her escort... I felt like it was very interesting.

Chapter 1646

Chapter 1646

"Sir, this is the most beautiful mountain forest in Suramar... You can also overlook the entire Suramar from here!!"

A cute loli with long purple hair, with a smile on her face, pulled a black-haired boy in gorgeous clothes to the top of the mountain around Surama, pointing to the construction under the mountain like a large construction site. Suramar said excitedly: "Praise Queen Azshara, I can almost imagine how beautiful Suramar will become in the future!!"

"Don't you plan to praise me??" Zhou Ye smiled and teased the little loli in front of him and said, "You know, I also voted for the construction of Suramar Giant City!!"

"Praise you, my lord!!" Hearing Zhou Ye's ridicule, Little Maiev smiled generously and said, "Thank you for your contribution to our beautiful home in the future!!"

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled and touched the top of little Maiev's head. "In the future, what career does little Maiev plan to do??"

"I want to become a priest of the Moon God!!" Little Maiev said firmly: "And Mistress Digana also praised me for my talent for becoming a priest!!"

"What a great ambition!!" Zhou Ye smiled...

He knows the final result of this little girl in front of him better than anyone...

She did become a Luna priest, but - after the first battle of the Burning Legion, instead of continuing her own path, she became a prisoner guarding prisoners, I have to say - sometimes fate is so ironic...

However, with the arrival of Zhou Ye, perhaps—a lot of things will be changed...

Well, Zhou Ye doesn't mind more changes.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled and squatted down... Looking at the little loli in front of him, he said solemnly, "Little Maiev, I have a small suggestion, do you want to consider it??"

"Hmm... Your lord?" Little Maiev looked at Zhou Ye in a somewhat bewildered way. She didn't know why this distinguished lord suddenly became so serious?

You know, she and this adult have been walking all the way, and he has always been laughing with her without any scruples, and suddenly he has become so serious, little Maiev is still a little uncomfortable.

"Would you like to come back to the royal city with me to practice in the Temple of the Moon God?" Zhou Ye said with a smile, "You must know... Mistress Digana was also born there!!"

"I..." Little Maiev hesitated...

You must know that while Suramar has not yet been built, the royal city is still the political center and the religious center of the entire night elf empire... The Moon Temple by the Well of Eternity Lake is the holy place in the hearts of the Elune believers of the entire empire.

Although it is said that after the completion of Suramar in the future, the Moon God Temple here will replace the Moon God Temple by the Eternal Well Lake and become the belief center of the entire empire, but—isn't this Suramar yet to be built? ?

As a little loli who has been determined to be a moon god priest since childhood, Zhou Ye's proposal is full of temptation...

However, Little Loli was a little hesitant... After all, she was still young, and her attachment to her family and her reluctance to part with her family made it difficult for her to make a choice.

Zhou Ye knew this, but——for this little loli, he was bound to get it...

"You don't need to answer me now!! You can think about it, then tell me..." Zhou Ye rubbed the little loli's head with a smile, and then said, "It's almost time to eat, don't ask us to go to you Do you have a meal at home??"

"Yeah!!" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Little Maiev nodded her head forcefully and said, "Of course there's no problem, my mother's stew in the forest is a must in the village!!"

"Then I'll be looking forward to tasting your mother's specialty dishes!!" Zhou Ye smiled as he took Little Loli's hand and walked back...

Walking to the front of his mount, Zhou Ye used his strength and hugged little Maiev to his white night-blade tiger.

on the saddle bridge, and then sat on it himself, "Then, let's go...!!"

"Yes, Your Highness!!" x2

The two female guards who were inseparable also walked to the side of their mounts and mounted them.

A group of four, under the guidance of Little Loli Maiev, walked towards her home.

Little Maiev's home is not far away, in a small village less than three kilometers away from Suramar.

The arrival of Zhou Ye and his party made the village lively...

A mount like the Night Sabre cannot be afforded by commoners... Its food intake alone is enough to make many commoners stay away.

Coupled with the price of a good manned night saber, it is enough to bankrupt a civilian with a small surplus, so—for now, the only troops equipped with a mount like the night saber are those who guard the royal city. The First Army of the Dark Empire.

Little Maiev greeted her neighbors and brought Zhou Ye to her house.

"Mom, I'm back!!"

Little Maiev jumped out of Zhou Ye's arms while shouting. She trotted and rushed through the door of her house...

Zhou Ye looked at little Maiev's house curiously.

This is a very, very ordinary family, as can be seen from this not very big house... Little Maiev's family background is very ordinary.

At this time, little Maiev had already pulled a woman and walked out...

"My lord!" The woman who was pulled out by her daughter, saw Zhou Ye and the two female bodyguards behind him, suddenly became a little confused, she was a little nervous and didn't know where to put her hands. , After a long time, he suddenly said: "Hello!! Lord, may the light of Elune always be with you..."

"May Elune protect you!!" Zhou Ye smiled and nodded at little Maiev's present, "I'm so sorry for taking the liberty to disturb you all...!!"

"No no, you are too polite!!" The woman's expression became a little excited at this time, "It is our honor to be here, my lord!!"

"Haha..." Zhou Ye was a little strange. He felt that little Maiev's mother's attitude towards him seemed a little wrong... A little curious, Zhou Ye said tentatively, "Do you know me??"

"Yes, my lord!!" Maiev's mother became even more excited when she heard Zhou Ye's words. "Once, along with my father, I attended the enthronement ceremony of Her Majesty Queen Azshara, where I saw you... It's a pity that you couldn't see me at the time!!"

Speaking of this, Maiev's mother became a little depressed... After all - there were so many people in the royal city at that time, who could see an inconspicuous little night elf Loli? ?

"Uh-!!" It seems that he is still a fan of himself... In this regard, all Zhou Ye can do is smile slightly and say, "Now--I see you!!"

"Mother, do you know Lord Zhou Ye??" Little Maiev asked curiously.

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