More than a dozen high-level craftsmen and overseers of the night elves wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads as if they were amnesty, and responded respectfully, then turned around and ran away, fearing that they would be caught and beaten if they ran too slowly, it would be too bad luck. now...

"My lord, have you had anything unpleasant recently??" Thalysssa asked worriedly.

As Elisander's most valued assistant, Thalyssra has spent a lot of time with Elisander... She still understands Elisander's character very well.

Although she is a senior officer, she is a bit arrogant, a bit vicious, and a bit stubborn...

But, in general, Elisande is still a relatively easy person to get along with, and she is seldom like her now... ruthlessly scolding people.

If it wasn't for the fact that the night elves didn't have a great aunt, Thalyssa would have thought that her superior, Elisande, had become so ill-tempered because of the visit of her great aunt.

"No, I'm fine!!" Hearing his assistant's words, Elisande waved his hand, indicating that he was fine. "Without that bastard harassing me...I've never felt so relaxed and happy!!"

【That bastard? ? 】

Hearing Elisande's words, Thalyssra understood for a while...

Well, it seems that she has found the crux... It turns out that the supervisor at home has become so irritable recently because—a certain prince has not come to harass her for a long time! !

Chapter 1650

Chapter 1650

The temporary home of the Sisterhood of Elune—

"What?? You said you wanted me to see Elisander??" Zhou Ye sat on the chair, looking at the baby-faced Arcanist with a half-smile, and asked, "Why should I? Want to see her?? You know... how much she hates me, every time she sees me, it's like seeing an enemy!!"

"No, Your Highness..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Thalyssra hurriedly explained: "Actually, it's just a disguise for Lord Elisander... In her heart, she really cares about you!!"

"Show me the proof..." Zhou Ye stretched out his hand lazily, and a female bodyguard behind him put an item in his hand at the right time.

"This is a magic intercom that uses the principle of arcane energy resonance and can maintain long-distance calls!!" Zhou Ye handed the small ball glowing with arcane brilliance to Thalyssra, and then said: " As long as you can get Elisande to say that you miss me...then I'll visit her and reassure her...if not, then...don't talk about it..."

"This..." Thalyssra took the call bead, and after hesitating for a while, nodded. "Okay, Your Highness, I'm sure you'll hear Lord Elisande's thoughts on you!!"

"I hope so!!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly...

He has only deliberately neglected Elisande recently because he discovered Elisande's transformation, and of course the mutation in the flow of time could not be hidden from his eyes, he knew that it was time to close the net...


Zhou Ye found some interesting things in the time flow this time... So, he didn't close the net immediately, because—he planned to kill two birds with one stone...


Thalyssra's visit made him more sure of his thoughts - it's okay to do so.

"Then I will take my leave, and may the light of Elune always shine on you, Your Highness!!"

"Well, may the light of Elune always shine on you, Your Excellency Arcanist!!"

With a playful smile, Zhou Ye watched Thalyssa leave his tent... The two female bodyguards behind him were no longer standing seriously behind him at this time, but were leaning against him. in their arms, and put the hands of their Highnesses on the upper circumference of their proud people.

"His Royal Highness, are you going to close the net like this??" the waitress on the left asked curiously.

"Of course, it's been almost this long..." Zhou Ye said lazily, "Also, this time there is a buy-one-get-one-free option, why don't you just accept the internet??"

"Then aren't you going to be bored again??" The waitress on the right obviously understood her highness's character better.

"No no, I still have a little loli that I can tune and teach right away, how can I be bored!!!" Zhou Ye said here and asked: "Have you found the location of the Yufeng family and the Stormrage family recently?? "

"Not yet, Your Highness!!" The waitress on the left replied: "But Mistress Digana has sent additional apprentice priests to Val'sharah. I believe there will be news soon!!"

"Okay... It seems that I won't be able to find it in a while!!" Zhou Ye sighed, and then his spirit was slightly shaken, "But right now, you can't miss this good show!!"

Having said this, Zhou Ye waved his hand slightly...

Suddenly, a transparent arcane light curtain appeared in front of the three of them.

Zhou Ye lied, that arcane talker is not a talker at all, but a locator for positioning... With the existence of that locator, Zhou Ye can easily use the principle of arcane resonance to connect the surrounding of the locator. The scenery is restored to an image and presented in front of him.

And it's still the kind of 360-degree restoration without dead ends...

It is simply a weapon for peeping and peeping...

Whoa, whoa, far away...

In fact, to put it bluntly, Zhou Ye was bored, and took this thing as a TV show to pass the time.

And at this time——Talisa, who had walked out of the temporary residence of the temple, was facing her supervisor,

Elisande's residence.

Today, for some reason, Elisande ended his day's work early and returned to his residence...

As soon as Thalisa walked to the door of her supervisor's tent, she smelled a pungent smell of alcohol.

"Sir!!" Thalyssra opened the tent curtain and walked in. Elisander was obviously just finished bathing, and her hair was still a little wet...

At this moment, Elisande was half snuggling on the reclining chair, holding a glass of moonlight wine with faint fluorescence in his hand.

Moonlight wine is brewed from a fluorescent plant. This wine is slightly sweet in the mouth, but has great stamina...

It got its name because of the faint fluorescence that the wine emits like moonlight after brewing.

It is the most popular liquor among the high elves.

"Ah?!! It's Thalyssra... you're here!?"

When Elisande first noticed that someone walked into her tent, there was a hint of surprise and resentment on her face, but when she saw that the person who came was her chief assistant, she suddenly became weak...

"It's me, my lord!!" Of course, Thalyssra did not miss the disappointment in the eyes of her own officials. Thalyssa knew who she was expecting to show up. Thinking of this, Thalyssa had completed the task that Zhou Ye said, more A bit of confidence.

"Is something wrong??" Elisander asked lazily, "Did something happen at the construction site?"

"There is nothing to do at the construction site, everyone is doing well..." Speaking of which, Talyssa looked at the wine bottles scattered on the ground, frowned and said, "Sir, you didn't teach us before, you want to find The mystery of the arcane is to keep the brain sober and stay away from those things that, like alcohol, will disrupt our thinking?"

"Have I said it??" Elisander asked lazily, and then immediately said: "Well, even if I said it...but, dear Thalyssra, we are not studying arcane magic now, Even the most powerful mages have to relax every now and then... so, come and have a drink with me!!"

"Sir, if you want to see His Highness, look for him... Go and tell him that you miss him... He will definitely respond to your thoughts!!" Thalyssra decided to speak clearly.

"Who would think about that bastard!!" Hearing Thalyssra's words, Elisande was like a kitten whose tail had been trampled, and instantly became flamboyant... "I'm celebrating now, celebrating that I finally got rid of it. For that bastard...Talisa, either you stay here for a drink with me, go out!!"


Thalyssra felt like she was self-defeating, she underestimated the arrogance of her own boss, but—the attitude of her own boss was enough to show what she was struggling with... So, Thalyssra decided to stay , accompany her for a drink, be sure to let her say - that sentence.

Thinking of this, Thalyssra sat down without hesitation, picked up a bottle of moonlight wine with faint fluorescence from the ground, and said, "I'll drink with you!!"

Chapter 1651

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