"What a bunch of cowards!!"

Galanka is very satisfied with these actions of his men, and for him... trolls should move forward.

"I decided to ambush their important person... and then use him in exchange for my Yarol..."


"What do you say we should do?"

Hearing Galanka's words, these guys who had all kinds of bone ornaments inlaid on their fangs, all screamed with excitement.

"Now, go and pack up your weapons, take your bows and arrows... Let's find a place to ambush... I want to tell those long ears that in this jungle, our burning trolls are the worthy kings, they ——It’s just a bunch of little mice!!”

Following Galanka's words, the headhunters and trolls all howled... For a time, the entire tent was like a dance of demons.

In fact, it is indeed like a group of demons dancing wildly...

Look at what they wear.

Animal skins - animal bones...

Their so-called decoration is also a skull with a special potion that has shrunk the bones.

And just when these trolls were excited... Far away in a cave in a valley in the northwest of the empire, a gorgeously dressed night elf man looked at the wooden fence in front of him with a smile...

In the fence in front of him, there was an ugly-looking female troll curled up inside. She looked at the night elf in front of her with a look of fear, not knowing why he wanted to grab her.

"Tsk tsk... such an ugly thing can actually cause a war!!" The night elf man looked at the female troll in front of him and said, "You're not wasting your life..."

Speaking of this, the man laughed, and he said to himself: "My majesty, when you destroyed the Burning Branch Tribe, you found that this tribe has a thousand threads with the Zu'Aman tribe that held the pinnacle of power in the Zu'Aman Empire. Wouldn't you be surprised when you are in a relationship?? Then...you will find that the entire empire has been dragged into the bottomless abyss of war...Will your people be disappointed in you? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

Chapter 1658

Chapter 1658

And at the same time——

Zhou Ye was heading towards the front line with a temple troop consisting of a thousand moon guards and five hundred moon god priests.

Q—Why did Zhou Ye, as the supreme commander of this war, not act with the large army? ?

The answer is very simple, Zhou Ye doesn't like to mix in a group of rough guys...

As for Zhou Ye, you let him be in the army every day to get along with those rough guys?

You might as well kill him.

Although it is said that the women of the night elves all have beautiful bodies and beautiful faces, but——the men of the night elves are not so attractive.

Therefore, Zhou Ye simply found a reason to rush to the front line to inspect as soon as possible, followed the temple troops to set off, left the main force, and headed to the front line in advance.

"Sir, how long will it take for us to reach the front line!!" A night elf Lolita, who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, was sitting in Zhou Ye's arms and asked Zhou Ye, looking up at her little head.

"Little Maiev can't wait to destroy those trolls?" Zhou Ye asked with a smile when he heard the question from Loli in his arms.

"Yeah!!" Little Maiev Shadowsong didn't hide it at all. "Those filthy trolls dared to start a war, of course they have to teach them the deepest lesson!!"

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly when he heard what Little Loli said, and said, "My lovely little Maiev, this time—the Empire doesn't just want to teach them a lesson, what we want—is thoroughness. Destroy them and make this race a legend tossed away in history!!"

"..." Little Maiev Shadowsong asked in disbelief, "Isn't this... a bit too cruel??"

"No...my little cutie!!" Zhou Ye gently kissed little Maiev on the cheek, and whispered, "In this world, any war launched in the name of race is to eat the fruit. Fruity..."

"But don't we have a good relationship with the tauren of Highmountain??" Little Maiev Shadowsong asked with some doubts.

"That's because the Tauren of the High Mountains are docile enough, and...they are willing to accept the advice and leadership of the empire to a certain extent, so they are regarded as the dependent race of the empire!!" Zhou Ye said here, pausing. a moment. "And those trolls, they are not willing to accept the leadership of the empire... Moreover, to a certain extent, the troll family's territory is far more than the empire... It's just that they are divided into various tribes, so change It's just like a plate of loose sand!"

Having said that, Zhou Ye couldn't help but look at Little Maiev Shadowsong...

Seeing the dazed look on this little cutie's face, Zhou Ye knew that she didn't quite understand.

So, Zhou Ye planned to simplify it even more and explain it to her.

"On this planet, the places for various races to thrive are limited. If there are more of them, we will have less... Now, what we have to do is to seize these places..." Zhou Ye said softly: " There is no justice or evil...there is only survival or destruction!!"

This sentence can be said to be the leading thought of this war...

If, at first, Queen Azshara wanted to drive away all the trolls around the empire.

Then, after Zhou Ye showed her the power distribution map of the troll race, she immediately changed her mind.

The area of ​​Kalimdor occupied by trolls is more than five times the size of the Kaldorei Empire...

It's just because their social structure is an empire formed by a tribal alliance model... So it's not a threat to the Kaldorei Empire in a short time.


The most afraid of everything is one but...

However, it does not rule out that if there is a troll with great talent and talent, the unification of the troll tribe is completed...

Then, they would be a great threat to the Kaldorei Empire.

Judging from the vast territory occupied by trolls and the huge population base, this kind of [but] situation is still very likely to happen...

Therefore, Queen Azshara has characterized this war as a war of genocide...

In response, Zhou Ye raised his hand to welcome...

There was no way, for Zhou Ye, the face control, the life and death of the troll family had nothing to do with him.

Besides, as a player who always chooses Lianmeng characters when playing World of Warcraft games, Zhou Ye doesn't have any good feelings for the tribe...

Of course, blood elves are still very good, but with him, how could blood elves still join the Horde? ?

Cough-cough - far too far.

At this time, Maiev's little Loli in his arms already understood what Zhou Ye meant... "For the sake of Kaldorei, the troll must die!!"

"Not bad, that's the momentum!!" Zhou Ye said with a smile.


This time, Maiev's little Loli, a trainee priest, was not qualified to enter the battlefield at all. Zhou Ye forced her to bring her.

After all, to adjust this kind of thing, it takes all the time, day and night.

Just when Zhou Ye was going to instill some private goods into Maiev's little Lolita...

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