In other words, that is - they can't have men, and they can't get married.

So Zhou Ye, a little bit of green in ten thousand red, became the object of their day and night...

Now, there is such a good thing...

Of course, spending three days of good time together is not necessarily doing that, but—for these moon guards who have been alone for nearly a hundred years, they do nothing, as long as they can be in close contact with His Royal Highness for three days. ,Will suffice……

Seeing the high morale of her subordinates, Matilda was completely relieved.

To her... trolls are not scary.

Their so-called warriors are nothing in the eyes of the Moon Guards who have honed their combat skills for nearly a hundred years.

After all, trolls are short-lived species... A race like them, with just a hundred years of life, how long does it really take to hone their combat skills? ?

Why is every immortal race so scary?

Because even the dullest individual, when he has had a long enough life, as long as he persistently trains a certain skill, he can achieve achievements that are difficult for short-lived species in his entire life.

It is undeniable that there are also amazing talents among the short-lived species, but——that is a minority after all.

Chapter 1660

Chapter 1660

Hearing Matilda's words, Zhou Ye couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Once upon a time, he actually had the coveted qualifications? ?

And——it seems that Matilda's incentives are quite effective.

The morale of the moon guards in front of them is improving at a speed that is discernible to the naked eye...

But forget it, anyway, he has long coveted the sister paper in the guard of the moon, so he should take another janitor.

With such an indescribable thought, Zhou Ye did not refute Matilda's words, but instead shouted: "In order to reward everyone for their heroic fighting, we will hold a bonfire party here tonight, and I hope to see each of you. ...can't miss one!!"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the Guardians of the Moon immediately became excited...

At this time, the trolls have rushed up...

I don't know who shouted. "For His Royal Highness!!"

Immediately, the entire Moon Guard shouted loudly: "For His Royal Highness, for the bonfire party, kill all these filthy creatures!!"

With the cries of...

Both sides fought.

At first, those fearless troll headhunters did cause some minor troubles to the Moon Guard, but—very quickly, they stabilized their positions.

After all—while the trolls' recovery abilities are amazing, so are the night elves' recovery abilities...

Moreover, in terms of martial arts - these hundred-year-old moon guards are far from being comparable to those ordinary imperial soldiers.

Besides, there are priests behind the guards of the moon...

They always pay attention to their robes, and when they see someone is injured, they don't hesitate to throw away a healing technique.

Sometimes, a wounded Moon Guard can enjoy the healing of three or four sacrifices.

On one side is a troll headhunter who is armed with a crude weapon and relies on his innate recovery ability.

On the other hand, wearing full-body armor, holding sharp weapons, possessing good martial arts skills, and enjoying the powerful presence of the priests' healing techniques...

How to lose? ?

Just ask you, if you play like this - how do you lose? ?

After the initial discomfort, the moon guards gradually got used to the rhythm of the battlefield, and at this time——the results of their training together appeared.

Often, after the trolls rushed into the army, they found that they were not facing one person, but three or four...

At this time, they couldn't help but want to ask [Ma Dan's, who is the one with the largest number of people? ? 】

It's a pity that they didn't have a chance to ask...

Because, after discovering the amazing resilience of these trolls, the Moon Guards did not hesitate to change their fighting style.

They greeted the trolls with the moon wheel in their hands...

Cut off your acridine head, do you have the seeds to grow another one for me? ?

For a time... the entire battlefield turned into a slaughterhouse...

Those trolls are being slaughtered like animals...

After all, in the eyes of the guards of the moon, the heads of these guys are still very valuable, and they can be exchanged for the opportunity to spend a good time with their male gods.

Don't underestimate how crazy a woman looks... If a woman becomes crazy, it can scare men to death.

And Galanka, who took the lead in rushing into the army, has regretted it...

He didn't know that the troop he attacked was actually an elite troop.

And—he hacked for a long time, and found that—he didn’t get a single victory.

When he injured the Moon Guard, white light flashed on the Moon Guard's body, and in the blink of an eye—the wound on the Moon Guard disappeared, and instead attacked him even more frantically...

He's going crazy... What kind of army is he fighting? ?

In fact, it is also his unlucky, who is not easy to attack, and actually attacked the team of the temple.

It can be said that these five hundred priests were originally allocated to the entire army.

But——when they only cast spells on the moon guards with only a thousand people, they will grow this army into a true undead army.

At this time, Galanka has already realized that this time he not only wiped out his entire army here, but also more likely... even he himself will not be able to escape alive...

In despair, Galanka used the huge bone rod in his hand to resist the weapons of the three or four Moon Guards, and took out a small bone axe from the back of his waist.

That bone axe looked black and shiny... it didn't look like a good thing.

But in fact it is-

This bone axe was concocted by the witch doctor of the Galanka tribe with various poisons.

He believed that if anyone was hit by this bone axe, they would die...

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