"The troll who came to support??"

"That's right, the troll who came to support!!" Zhou Ye said, and turned his eyes to the endless forest in the distance... Gu Jiao smiled. "A war is about to start... Elisande, are you interested in bringing your magician troop with me to use a grand fireworks to open a gorgeous opening ceremony for this war??"

"As you wish, my highness!!" Elisande looked at Zhou Ye with tenderness that could melt gold and wrought iron.

Chapter 1665

Chapter 1665

In the dark, damp forest...

A long team is coming towards the Kaldorei border area...

It's not hard to tell from the way they walk hunched over that these guys are trolls.

Compared with the Burning Trolls, their equipment is much more elite... At least, they already have steel armors on their bodies, but—on their bodies, they still retain some of the traditional bone equipment of trolls.

But the gear is just there to prove their identities...

They are the most elite headhunters in the troll family...

On their necks, on their armors, even on their waists, and on the weapons in their hands... the small skulls that hang like ornaments are symbols of their glory.

That was after they chopped off the heads of their enemies and used special witch medicines to condense them into something like this...

In the team, a guy who was riding on Deinonychus and was almost covered with small skulls was the team's commander-Silid.

At this time, he was taking a hide from the claws of a huge eagle...

After opening the animal skin, Cyril looked at it, and threw it into the hands of the witch doctor who accompanied him...

After the witch doctor took the animal skin and looked at it... He asked hesitantly: "The chief wants us to kill the entire Burning Branch Tribe after we arrive at the Burning Branch Tribe... Why is this happening?? We and the Burning Branch Tribe Isn't it the closest ally??"

"Hehe... I don't know who is an ally and who is an enemy, all I know is that the chief's orders must be carried out!!" Syled said angrily: "For me... it doesn't matter who is the enemy, anyway, in the end, their My head will be my trophy!!"

Having said this, Siled confidently looked at the endless headhunter army behind him...

This headhunter army of more than 10,000 people can be said to be the elite of the entire Amani tribe.

Even the Amani tribe with a population of hundreds of thousands can only come up with a headhunter force of ten thousand people. Every troll in this force is a brave hunter in the jungle. They are proficient in various Skills necessary to live and hunt in the forest...

Siled has full confidence in his unit...

In the forest, his troops can withstand several times their own enemies, and even defeat them! !

So far, Siled doesn't know much about the newly rising Kaldorei Empire... In his opinion, those races that established city-states outside the forest are definitely not their opponents in the forest...

As for the Burning Branch Tribe? ?

What kind of waves can a tribe with less than 50,000 people make in front of its own troops? ?

On a hill not far from the road where the troll army was traveling, a figure that was almost integrated with the entire forest lay there quietly... He looked down at the troll that was moving forward. The army of trolls, murmured: "This is terrible, I didn't expect there are so many dirty trolls, it seems that I have to go back and report to Prince Farodis first, I have already prepared!!"

Speaking of this, he stepped back gently... Until he exited the sight of those trolls, the whole person turned into an elf in the forest, walking through the forest at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye...

He did not retreat in a straight line to the border, but circled a few times, informed his colleagues and let them hide, and then pulled out his night saber from a hidden place, and then rode all the way Run towards the border.

When he ran to the frontline camp without stopping, what he saw was a scene that made him dumb...

I saw that the mages who had been hiding in their barracks and researching arcane mysteries had walked out of their barracks and started lining up in the open space... with a big action.

He couldn't care less and rushed to his prince's side... "His Royal Highness..."

Seeing this man, Prince Farodis was also very excited, and he grabbed his hand. "Sades, it's great that you're okay!!"

"His Royal Highness..." The captain of the scout, Thads, couldn't care less, and hurriedly told his prince what he had seen.

The endless troll soldiers... have a scale of tens of thousands of people.

"Don't worry, Sardes!!" Prince Farodis interrupted the scout captain he trusted most with a smile, "His Royal Highness has decided to lead us and give this troll reinforcements a grand welcome ceremony. It's gone!!"

"His Royal Highness??" Sades was still very curious about this Prince whose name was unknown to him.

"Of course!!" Prince Farodis said, grabbing Saddes' hand and walking towards Zhou Ye, who was talking to Elisande and Thalyssra.

"His Royal Highness, this is my scout captain, Thads..." Prince Farodis said while introducing Thads, "I think he has important information to tell you!!"

"May the light of the Moon God always shine on you, Your Royal Highness!!" Saders hurriedly greeted Zhou Ye.

"May the light of Elune shine on you forever, Thads!!" Zhou Ye said, looking at the hands that Thads and Prince Farodis were clasping with a strange expression... Are the two of them in such a relationship? ?

No wonder, in the game, Thaddes led the Night's Watch to rescue Prince Farodis... The feelings are based on love.

"His Royal Highness, I think I should tell you what I found!!" Sades didn't notice the strangeness in Zhou Ye's eyes at all, he told everything he had seen and heard.

After listening to Saders' words, Zhou Ye smiled and nodded. "Yes, I think it's probably the reinforcements of the trolls... However, they obviously don't know that the clan we are confronting has escaped, so maybe we can give him a grand welcome ceremony!!"

"A grand welcome ceremony??"

"That's right!!" Zhou Ye smiled, then tapped a point on the map with his hand. "right here!!"

"This is... that serpentine canyon??" As Thads, who had probed this area on the ground, recognized the point on the map at a glance, and I have to say that it was indeed a good place for ambush, but—" I am afraid there is not enough time?? His Royal Highness..."

That canyon that stretches for a few kilometers is really good for ambush, but—

Thinking of this, Sades pointed to a point not far from the Serpentine Canyon and said, "The troll's troops have already arrived here, counting the time I just got back... Although most of them are infantry without mounts , but... It's been so long, almost, they have already arrived at the Serpentine Canyon!! By the time we pass, they may have passed through this canyon!! We are too late to prepare, His Royal Highness... "

"It's not too late, not too late!!" Zhou Ye said with a mysterious smile on his face: "Spells can do a lot of things you didn't expect! Captain of the scout!!"

Chapter 1666

Chapter 1666

"...This is really amazing!!"

Saders looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief and couldn't help muttering to himself.

At this time, he was standing at the highest point of the Serpentine Canyon... looking at the winding canyon under his feet.

And beside him are thousands of kaldorei mages.

He wasn't amazed by Zhou Ye's mass teleportation technique, but by Zhou Ye's ability to teleport all the mage troops here with such precision.

You know, it's not easy to use teleportation spells, one of the prerequisites is that you must have been there before...

In fact, if Elisande hadn't been to the border when searching for the Titan artifacts for Her Majesty the Queen, she would not have been able to bring the craftsmen to the border quickly to establish a defense system.

And Sades didn't think that His Royal Highness had ever arrived here, otherwise, he wouldn't have asked where so many people could be put down in the Serpentine Canyon.

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