Fired, frozen...headshots by arcane missiles...

In short, there are all kinds of ways to die.

The battle lasted more than half an hour...

Half an hour later, in the canyon—there wasn't a single troll standing anymore.

Then, the mage troops began to jump down from the cliffs on both sides of the canyon using the slow fall technique. One by one, fill up the trolls who still have a breath.

And Zhou Ye also took Elisande to patrol the canyon...

It is estimated that those mages have been working behind closed doors for too long, and it is rare to encounter occasions where they can sway their magic spells, so the result is a little depressed for Zhou Ye, and there is no one alive...

It seems that his own countermeasures are not working...

But forget it, a small tribe, if they encounter them in the future, they will be wiped out... There is no need to use any tactics.

Just when Zhou Ye took Zhou Ye's thoughts and was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly felt a faint breath...

Zhou Ye looked to the side dumbly, and saw a guy in an animal skin robe collapsed in the grass beside him...

It can be seen from his broken hands and feet that this guy was also attacked by magic.

However, he is not dead...

In Zhou Ye's perception, his heart was still beating, but the frequency of beating was very slow, maybe every five minutes.

It is easy to be let go by someone as a real corpse.

Although his camouflage was clever, it couldn't be concealed from Zhou Ye...

Ha, it really takes no effort at all...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye took out the animal skin that was covered with the map, and lightly wiped it with his hand...

Immediately, the 40% of the wrongly marked maps behind it also became the correct map.


Zhou Ye threw the map in the grass, beside the guy who disguised the corpse.

At the same time, he also said loudly to Elisande: "It seems that the chief of the Burning Branch Tribe did not lie to us, these reinforcements from the Amani Empire really came here!"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Eli Sander was stunned for a moment. She was about to say something, but when she saw her man winking at her, she immediately understood.

"That's right, Your Highness, it's a pity that the Patriarch of the Burning Branch Tribe is eager to move and has not left any more information!!"

"It doesn't matter, hasn't he left us a map??"

"That's right!"

While talking, the two walked towards the distance...

And the witch doctor who was lying in the grass and pretending to be dead, had done business with the Kaldorei caravan before, and he could understand some of the Kaldorei's language...

Hearing the words of the two, the witch doctor was so startled that he almost jumped from the ground... Damn, no wonder we were ambushed behind the defense line... Feelings, we have been betrayed? ?

He took a risk and secretly squinted his eyes, and after seeing the figure in golden armor and the gorgeously dressed woman beside him, he was even more sure of his thoughts...

Little by little, he pressed the animal skin map that had fallen beside him under him, and then—continued to close his eyes and pretend to be dead...

The time to clean the battlefield is not long, only more than half an hour.

In fact, the so-called cleaning of the battlefield is just to give the mages a little time to collect the spoils.

For the mages, this is the first war they have participated in, and it is very memorable...

It's just that, facing the trolls' extremely rough armor, the mages felt completely disdainful... In the end, they decided to take a few skeleton ornaments hanging on those corpses as their own trophies...

Of course, there are also mages with more serious tastes, who began to collect troll fangs as their own trophies... However, such mages are very few.

not much time...

The mages have completed their loot collection.

When the mages gathered around Zhou Ye and were about to leave... Zhou Ye found that, except for a hapless one who slapped his foot, basically all the mages were unscathed.

A-mei, you always say that you created the myth of zero casualties in the Gulf War...

Now it seems that I can also create the myth of zero casualties.

With such indescribable pride, Zhou Ye took the mages and teleported back to the frontier base.

The entire Serpentine Canyon turned into a dead place after the Kaldorei's mage troops evacuated.

Except for the devastation caused by all kinds of magic, and the whining sound of the wind blowing through the canyon, it was as quiet as a dead zone...

At this moment, a figure climbed up from the ground little by little... like a resurrected ghost.

However, a burst of voices came, and the figure fell down again with lightning speed...

As the voice came, two kaldorei soldiers riding on night saber leopards in full armor said as they walked, "I really don't know why His Royal Highness would leave such an important map here... it hurts us. Go out and look for it!!"

"Don't talk nonsense, find it quickly, and let's go back soon... More than 10,000 trolls have just died here, and I feel so panicked!!"

"What are you afraid of, these guys weren't me when they were alive

Our opponent, even more so when he dies! ! "

As the sound faded away, the figures of the two soldiers disappeared into this canyon...

The figure hurriedly got up, he shoved the animal skin map into his arms, and then limped away into the distance... He was going to report to his patriarch that they were shameless betrayed...

Chapter 1668

Chapter 1668

The pace of war is always unimaginably fast.

When the witch doctor who escaped from death just gave the precious information he got to his chief.

The preparations for war in the Kaldorei Empire are complete.

Under Zhou Ye's command, they rushed into the depths of the forest...

Those trolls who were too late to react, facing the magic bombardment of the Kaldorei Empire, all they could do--they only scurried away.

In just half a month...

The Amani tribe fell across the board...

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