Instead, there are empty streets and a thin layer of dust over the grand buildings.

This team is on the streets of Zul Aman, moving slowly...

Under the leadership of the black-robed man, the team soon came to an open space in the center of Zul'Aman...

On the four corners of the square space, there are four giant troll statues that are more than ten meters high...

That is the founder of the Zul'Aman Empire, the leader of the great first-generation Zul'Aman Empire - Zul'Aman.

Uh - I know it looks weird, but trolls just like to name their empires after themselves, and that's just a troll custom.

When the team came to this open space, the man in black robe waved his hand and said to his subordinates in the language of night elves: "Go, go and arrange things according to what I explained at the beginning!!"

"Yes, my lord!!"

More than a dozen subordinates bowed in unison, and then walked around...

Although the female troll in the cage could not understand the language of the night elves, it did not delay her looking at the dozen people with curiosity as if they were on the ground, busy writing and drawing...

However, at this moment, a tall figure blocked her peeping gaze... It was none other than the leading black-robed man.

"Are you interested in making a deal with me??"

Chapter 1672

Chapter 1672

"Deal??" The female troll smiled mockingly: "I never knew that any deal was negotiated on a prison cart. Perhaps, this is the custom of your long-eared empire??"

In the face of the female troll's ridicule, the black-robed man didn't care at all, he laughed and said: "Before the deal is concluded, you are still my slave, but...after the deal is concluded, you can be free and become mine. Partner!!"

Even though the conditions mentioned by the man in the black robe are so attractive, the female troll is still unmoved... "I have no interest in any transaction now... I just want revenge!! The guy who destroyed our troll empire... ...a corpse in thousands of pieces!!"

"This is really a good idea!!" The man in black robe smiled slightly: "Because, that is exactly one of the contents of our transaction!!"

Hearing the words of the man in black robe, the female troll hesitated for a while... and asked: "Okay, I am a little interested in this transaction now, tell me the content of the transaction!!"

"I know that you are a very rare reincarnation loa sacrifice of the troll family, and that's why... the chief of the Amani tribe will let your father raise his son... On the bright side, he is plotting the entire Burning Branch tribe. , but in fact, both you and your father know that he is plotting against you!!" The black-robed man's words shocked the female troll.

She didn't expect that the secret she had been keeping, even the idiot Galanka who only knew how to obey his father's orders did not know, was actually known by the long ear in front of her.

"Who are you? Why do you know these secrets!!"

"Haha..." Facing Yarol's question, the man in black robe smiled slightly: "I am a magician, I listen to the existence of all things, your secrets, in the eyes of some great beings, nothing... And that great existence just told me about it!!”

Yarol stared at the man in black for a long time before slowly saying, "Okay, let's talk about your transaction!!"

"That's right, a wise choice!!" The man in black robe smiled, and he said Shi Shiran: "I'll give you back your freedom, and you... summon the ancestral spirits of your troll clan to help me deal with that prince, how about you? ?? You know... I can't wait to see him die right in front of me..."

"..." Yarol was silent...

She didn't know whether she should believe the words of the man in black robe or not, but—still that sentence, she has almost no choice now.

do not agree-

She is still a prisoner, let alone revenge, it is estimated that she cannot even protect herself.


Yarol also firmly believed that if she was free, the incomparably powerful ancestor spirits she summoned would definitely be able to wipe out the long-eared people who had kidnapped her. At that time—she would be free, and then directed towards that one. The man who destroyed the Zul'Aman Empire has avenged.

Thinking of this, Yarol nodded, "Deal... I will summon the ancestral spirit and assist you in destroying the guy who destroyed our country!!"

"Then, I wish us a happy cooperation!!" The man in black robe said, lightly touching the iron fence with his hand, and instantly... the door of the prison car opened.

Yarol stepped out of the prison car... She moved her body gently, and in that small prison car... she was almost suffocated to death.

"Where are my things??" Yarol looked at the man in black while moving her body. "Without those sacrificial instruments, I can't wake up the ancestor spirit of Zul'Aman!!"

"It's all here!!" The man in black robe smiled and pointed to the bag hanging next to the prison cart...

Yarol walked there unceremoniously and took out his sacrificial vessel from the bag.

A wooden mask inlaid with gold edges, various bone accessories, and... a short dagger with a string of skeletons that looks a little weird, like an awl.

"I need to bathe and meditate for three days before I can summon the ancestral spirit!!" Shi Shiran said after Yarol put on her sacrificial vessel.

"Of course, we have time, don't we?" The man in black robe said here, pointing to

All around... "There are empty rooms here for you to meditate... There is water in the swamp outside for you to bathe in!! But... I advise you not to think about running away, because what will happen then, I will not Know!!"

"I won't run away!!" Yarol glared at the man in black robe fiercely.

She hasn't killed these guys yet, how could she escape? ?

"It's better!!" The black-robed man smiled slightly...

In fact, he is very satisfied with the condition of the female troll in front of him... Three days is enough for his subordinates to draw those magic circles more precisely...

In this way, he also has a little more confidence in implementing his plan.

Time goes by day by day...

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Full moon in the sky ————

Yarol, who has completed her meditation, put on her sacrificial utensils and walked out of her temporary residence...

She walked to the square in the center of Zul Aman...

On the square altar in the middle, those people have already made sacrifices according to her wishes...

A giant bear, a giant crocodile, and a giant eagle...

These three offerings represent the three forms of Zul'Aman... According to legend, Zul'Aman, as the pioneer of the Zul'Aman Empire, received the love of the gods of Loa and gave him three forms, which made him have the ability to match The power of the gods...

With a solemn expression, Yarol took strange steps, walked to the sacrifice, and then—— picked up the dagger-like sacrifice in his hand, and killed three living creatures in the order of bear, fish, and eagle... Then, I smeared their blood on my face...

Then, she started to provoke a very strange prayer dance...

With her dance steps, the torches in the square turned into an incomparably green...

It was as if at this moment, a ghost descended into the world.

And the black-robed man who had been watching at the bottom of the square leaked a smile... Soon, his wish would be fulfilled.

On the altar of the square, following Yarol's dance... From the giant statues at the four corners, a faint blue figure flew out.

There is the figure of a giant bear, a giant crocodile, and a giant eagle... Finally, there is the figure of a troll.

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