"...And they are brothers!!"

"This is the depth of their bond... From the time they were embryos, they fell in love with each other... I just helped them recognize themselves..."

"Okay...Okay...I can't tell you..." Ashaman stroked her forehead helplessly... She knew that her unfortunate student and his brother Illidan... were just taken by her own man. toy toy...

But that's fine, she can relax again... "Then can we go back?"

"I want to play here for a few more days!!" Tyrande raised his little hand and said.

"Of course no problem!! Baby!" As a daughter controller, Zhou Ye certainly wouldn't force his daughter to go back. "You can play here as long as you want!! I will accompany you..."

Chapter 1684

Chapter 1684

Time flies……

In the blink of an eye, the Kaldorei Empire became the overlord of the Kalimdor Continent for hundreds of years.

In the past hundred years, the night elves have also established friendly relations with many other native races, such as tauren, such as pandaren, etc...

But it is undeniable that...

In the Kaldorei Empire, an extreme idea of ​​"above the night elves" is also spreading.

A wise leader, Queen Azshara sees the ill effects of such thinking spreading.

That would push the entire Kaldorei Empire against all races...

What worries her in particular is—

The Kaldorei Empire has been at peace for a long time - the armament is a little loose.

This is also impossible, after all - on this planet, the Kaldorei Empire has almost no foreign enemies.

Under such circumstances, how can we not relax our armaments? ?

But—— Azshara deeply understands one thing, forgetting to fight will be in danger...

If the war preparations are allowed to relax, then... maybe one day in the future, when the Kaldorei Empire needs to take up arms again, this rotten army will become the reason for the demise of the Kaldorei Empire...

Just when she was thinking hard about countermeasures...

A figure suddenly appeared behind her.

Seeing that familiar figure, the maids who were on guard and planning to use magic to defend their queen immediately put away the radiance of the Olympians that had already lit up in their hands.

With a smile on his face, he greeted the figure and said, "His Royal Highness!!"

"Don't be so polite..." Zhou Ye waved his hand with a smile and asked the maids to stand up...

Then he unceremoniously picked up Queen Azshara who was sitting on the throne, and sat on the throne himself... As for Queen Azshara, of course, she was sitting in his arms. "What's the matter? My dear Queen!!"

Azshara leaned her back against her man and sighed comfortably... Instead of answering her man's question, she instead asked, "How is little Tyrande studying with Sister Elune??"

"Elune likes Tyrande very much...but, my dear..." Zhou Ye said speechlessly: "...Tyrande is over a hundred years old, stop calling her little Tyrande!!"

"What if she is over a hundred years old!!" Queen Azshara said domineeringly: "Even if she is over ten thousand years old, I still have the right to call her Little Tyrande!!"

"...Alright alright, anyway, you're her mother, you can call her whatever you want!!" Zhou Ye said here, his voice changed, and he asked, "I just came back and saw you frowning. What the hell happened to the empire??”

"Look at these!!" Queen Azshara said, handing the documents on the desk to her man...

Above is the report submitted by the Inspectorate of the Kaldorei Empire...

The report shows that among the 300,000 imperial troops of the Kaldorei Empire, and the private army of 150,000 lords... more than half of them eat and wait to die... Moreover, many important parts have kaldorei. The aristocracy occupied... it became an old-age position at all.

The issue is----

The lifespan of the Kaldorei family is too long... It's too early for these guys to grow old, right? ?

"What else??" Zhou Ye flipped through the report, and then looked at the deputy chief, Asisa - in her hand, there was a stack of documents... "Give it to me, Asisa!"

"Yes, Your Highness!!" Asisa didn't even ask Queen Azshara what she meant, and handed the document directly to Zhou Ye...

Queen Azshara didn't care at all about this... What's the difference between giving her or the man she gave? To put it badly - in Azshara's view, the entire Kaldorei Empire is not as important as her man...

At this time, Zhou Ye was looking at the contents of the document...

After half an hour—

"In general, it's the spread of the Great Kadore Doctrine and the relaxation of armaments, right??" Zhou Ye asked as he put down the document.

"Yeah!!" Azshara nodded... "Darling, you should be able to see the disadvantages of these two things..."

"Simple!!" Zhou Ye interrupted Azshara's words with a direct sentence...


"Yeah, it's very simple!!" Zhou Ye said innocently: "Those officers who are incompetent should be laid off... As for those big kaldoreiists, this is due to lack of understanding... ...let them deepen their understanding of other races!!"

"..." Azshara almost didn't laugh at his own man's words... Understand, how to understand... If those guys were willing to understand, they wouldn't become big kaldoreiists, and, To lay off all the mid-level officers is a bit of a joke... This is equivalent to abolishing more than half of the combat effectiveness of the Kaldorei Empire's army in one fell swoop.

Seeing Azshara's expression, Zhou Ye knew what she was thinking...

Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, just listen to me..."

"Well, I'm listening!!" Queen Azshara clasped her hands fiercely, staring at her man... "If the reasons you gave satisfy me, I will satisfy you, and if I am not satisfied, I'll make you dissatisfied..."

The meaning of the words is - if you say it well, I will do whatever you want at night, if you say it badly...hehe...

"Rather than keeping those old soldiers, we might as well streamline the army... This way, the empire's finances can also be easier!!"

"and then??"

"Then we give those laid-off noble officers a chance... to play a little game..."

"what game??"

"Of course it's an adventurer's game... I propose to establish an adventurer's guild in the Kaldorei Empire. The guild can issue quests by individuals or even nobles, and the remuneration of the quest can be increased according to the danger level of the quest or reduce..."

"Of course, in the Adventurer's Guild, you can also join the quests of other races, such as the tauren...the pandaren...their quests, this is also an opportunity for adventurers to learn about their racial culture...of course , the adventurers can't all be composed of those noble officers, any Kaldorei citizen who wants to become an adventurer can get this qualification!"

"Each adventurer's guild divides the level of quests they can accept according to their strength assessment, which reduces unnecessary casualties to a certain extent!"

"As for joining civilians, it is to make those officers feel a sense of crisis... If you don't work hard, you will be surpassed!!"

"In the guild, build a file for each adventurer and master their specialties... This can be regarded as establishing a talent file bank!"

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