I saw that he was wearing a black hideous full-body armor, and on his back were two extremely exaggerated giant blades slung across his back...

"Dreadnought Armor... Elune, there are really people who exchange this suit x suit..."

"No no, that's not the end, buddy... Did you see the weapon on his back?? Isn't that what you just said - Ashbringer??"

"Damn it—two Ashbringers... this, this is the boss!!"

"You know what a fart... This boss's mount is the best... It's a giant war beast that claims to need 50,000 exchange points—Kodo!!"

"This Kodo beast is still armored... Fuck... Isn't this the Kodo beast king??"

Just when these guys were envious of the person in front of them... Behind that person, seven more figures appeared...

"Elune, I think I'm dazzled, why did I actually see a white nightsaber!!"

"That's not the point, the point is - the staff in his hand... that's Elune's blessed staff that needs 100,000 points!!"

"Woooooo... I feel like I'm a beggar compared to them!!"

"Don't think, you are a beggar!!"

Chapter 1688

Chapter 1688

But when this local tyrant team composed of seven women and one man marched towards Taniguchi.

An adventurer in leather armor narrowed his eyes slightly, and seemed to be talking to himself: "No way!! Isn't it the behavior of collecting points that was severely cracked down a while ago? The equipment on these people, no matter how you look at it, is more than ten Ten thousand points... Could it be that they are cheaters?"

Cheater - Adventurer's name for those credit bosses who cheat.

"Hey, brother, how long has it been since you came out?" A burly tauren adventurer with two giant axes on his back asked.

"Uh--I took a job to explore the ruins, and I have been squatting in the deep mountains and old forests for almost half a year!!" The night elf adventurer in leather armor said a little bit: "Is there any new news recently? Already??"

"Of course!!" said the tauren, who looked like a warrior, "Recently, you may not know that although those bastards who collect points have been banned, there is another way to trade points..."

"any solution??"

"Of course it is to buy points...someone pays, so that people with rich points can exchange for what he wants...this way you can avoid consuming your own points!!"

"Can you still do this??"

"Of course!!" the Tauren said, patting his thick armor and said, "See, my 10,000 points sold for nearly 300,000 gold coins. Not only did my equipment change drastically, but Even in our tribe, we can live a comfortable life for many years, and we don’t have to worry about food and drink anymore!!”

"Don't you want to change points equipment?? Those are the top equipment!!" the leather armor adventurer asked curiously.

"Hey, you people in the Kaldorei Empire are full of men who don't know how hungry men are hungry... For us, we can only think about other things after we are full!!" The tauren warrior said a little depressed: "Our tribe A total of more than 4,000 people are supported by our team... How can I have spare money to exchange for that kind of extravagant equipment, gold coins are better!!"

"So this is ah……"

The leather armor adventurer felt relieved.


Although the commoners of the Kaldorei Empire basically achieved food and clothing, but other races were a little bit miserable...

Especially the tauren clan, they depend entirely on the sky for food... some natural disasters will make them starve.

In addition, sometimes they have to issue tasks to allow adventurers to help them deal with things they cannot handle, so life becomes even more difficult.

After all, the tauren still maintain the ancient tribal society, minerals? No... Steel products and other things are basically obtained from the transactions of the Kaldorei Empire.

To put it bluntly, it is a poor nomadic tribe with only people left.

Fortunately, in recent years, because the Kaldorei has opened the door for registered adventurers from other countries, a large number of tauren adventurers have poured in.

These simple and honest tauren warriors and shamans are very popular with the adventurer team... The life of the tauren tribe is much easier.

Cough cough - pulling away...

Just when the leather armored adventurer heard what the tauren warrior said, he was thinking about whether he should also buy some point equipment from other people... The local tyrant team of one man and seven women in front of him had already crossed in front of him carelessly... …

The person sitting on the Kodo Beastmaster is none other than Zhou Ye...

Why doesn't he have to line up? ?

Because he is an adventurer whose strength has reached seven stars... Uh—this strength is really not easy to measure...

Let's put it this way, a one-star adventurer is probably the strength of an ordinary Kaldorei soldier.

Two stars is the strength of the team leader.

Three stars is the strength of the elite team leader...

And so on...

Seven stars—probably equal to the strength of the great magister Elisande.

And those whose strength reaches seven stars are almost all big bosses... The Adventurer's Guild has been running for so many years, and there are very few seven-star bosses...

Many of them are just names, and they basically don’t participate in any adventure activities, and they are not bad


Among them is Elisande...

In order to enjoy the seven-star privilege, Zhou Ye got himself a seven-star adventure certificate...Of course, his strength is far beyond the seven-star.

When Zhou Ye brought his woman to the entrance of the valley, the pandaren who had been greeted by the Golden Lotus faction had already come over. "My lord, please show your adventure certificate!!"

"Here you are!!" Zhou Ye casually took out his adventure voucher from a bag hanging beside the Kodo, and threw it over...

It's impossible not to throw it away... The Kodo beast is seven or eight meters high, so it's impossible to pass it over.

The female pandaren with the logo of the Golden Lotus Sect embroidered on the lapel didn't care, she stretched out her hand slightly, took the identity certificate thrown by Zhou Ye, and after seeing the logo on it, she hurriedly saluted again: "Thank you, Sander Master Si, on behalf of all pandaren, I would like to thank you for accepting the task we issued!"

"It's nothing... I'm just bored!!" Sanders is Zhou Ye's alias. After he nodded to the female pandaren, he asked a little suspiciously, "Is your surname Pan?"

Although I don't know why the seven-star boss would ask such a question, the female pandaren still replied: "Ah?? No, my lord, my surname is Zhou!!"

"Hey..." Zhou Ye really wanted to say, your last name is Zhou Duo, it's boring, but Pan Duo is fine... The Jinlian sect with the surname Pan is called Pan Jinlian for short...

After checking the adventure certificates of the girls again, the female pandaren let them pass...and even called a disciple to be their guide.

This is the privilege of high-star adventurers...

No waiting, just jump in...

In fact, as long as it reaches five stars, it is enough to have the privilege of not queuing.

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