With these fine wines, these adventurers are even more happy...

Delicious food, fine wine... This banquet for ten thousand people is enough for these adventurers to brag about for a long time in the future.

In the gradually bustling square, tens of thousands of adventurers sat at a table with friends they knew or did not know, tasting delicious food and drinking fine wine...all the strangers, in the midst of delicious food and wine, Under the action, they all gradually melted away.

At this moment, a team composed of one man and seven women, led by a panda man, walked into the square slowly.

All the adventurers who saw this person temporarily stopped their high-spirited speeches, and looked at the slender figure in fearless armor walking in the front with eyes full of admiration.

It was none other than Zhou Ye and his women...

Along the way, wherever Zhou Ye walked, it was as if the TV had been muted...it became extremely quiet!

The strong should be respected...

Shouldn't a warrior who single-handedly kill a hundred thousand mantid be respected? ?

This data does not contain moisture at all...

It was the message released by the Pandaren's own supervisor...

Zhou Ye is the only warrior professional adventurer who has killed 100,000 mantid on his own.

This alone is enough to make those fighter adventurers admire...

What did you say? ? Didn't Savus kill more? ?

The problem is that Xavius ​​didn't come...

Besides, everyone has seen bugs in legal professions for a long time...

On the contrary, it is a fighter who has always been hard-working, and there is such an awesome leader. How can he not be admired by those meat shield fighters who hold shields and linger on the front line of being beaten all year round? ?

The spring of warriors is finally coming——oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Some fighters were even trembling with excitement, wishing they could rush to Zhou Ye immediately, kneel down to worship their teacher, and wanted to learn Zhou Ye's monstrous Bladestorm skill.

Fortunately, their rationality is still there, and they know that this time is not the best time, and——somehow they still want to lose face, kneeling in front of tens of thousands of people... They still feel that they can't get rid of this face...

If Zhou Ye knew what these guys were thinking, he would laugh out of his internal wounds...

Warrior——strong or not, strong——

How can I become stronger? ?

There is no other - let's practice the body.

Zhou Ye, who is physically tyrannical, doesn't just have fighter skills, he can sweep this star field even if he doesn't know fighter skills...

However, now is not the time to talk about this...

He was taking his own woman, led by a disciple of the Golden Lotus Sect, to the steps in front of the square, where someone was waiting for him.

A pandaren wearing a long robe was stunned when he saw Zhou Ye, and then he laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha... I thought that such a powerful warrior would appear from somewhere, but I didn't expect it to be His Royal Highness. !!"

"Hush!!" Zhou Ye hastily made a silence gesture to Shaohao... "We can see through or not, we are still good friends!!"

Shaohao couldn't help laughing and said: "Hahaha... yes, no matter what, I want to thank you, Your Highness, for supporting us in Pandaria!!"

Chapter 1695

Chapter 1695

Shaohao - Emperor of the Pandaren.

He is also a strong man who has passed the oldest emotional test of pandaren.

Shaohao, who has gone through the oldest emotional test, has a pair of eyes that can see through the fog, so... Zhou Ye is not surprised that he can recognize himself.

After all, Zhou Ye did not use muscle shaping to change his appearance this time, but let the phantom magic used by Haierya cover his real appearance.

Although Haierya is powerful, but——Shaohao is not weak, so he can see through the phantom magic on Zhou Ye's face at a glance, down to the essence.

Now that Emperor Shaohao has recognized Zhou Ye, there is no need for the two parties to act like that...

After the guests and hosts were seated, Shaohao asked with some anticipation: "How long will Your Highness plan to spend in Pandaria this time?? Will you participate in the encirclement and suppression operation on the Mantis Plateau?"

"I won't participate..." Zhou Ye said while enjoying the feeding of his own woman, "I came out this time just to wander around... I won't participate in the encirclement and suppression of the Mantis Plateau!!"

"Aren't you going to participate? That's really a pity... I thought I could save some money!!" Shaohao said regretfully.

"What?? Are you going to exchange my military exploits for gold coins?" Zhou Ye said with a dissatisfied stare.

"How come... Hehe!!" Shaohao smiled awkwardly, and said, "However, isn't the Kaldorei Empire lending us the money?? Is it interesting that you trade your left hand for your right hand?" ??"

"Left hand for right hand is left hand for right hand!!" Zhou Ye leisurely ate another bite of the dish that the twins brought in, and said, "But... I can make you Pandaria owe me by exchanging my left hand for my right hand!" Millions of gold coins, why not do it??"


That's right, Pandaria is not rich in gold, and their attitude towards life also makes them have no fishing nets for this so-called precious metal, so - there are not many gold coins in the treasury to pay for this employment...

All the gold coins were borrowed by Shaohao from the Kaldorei Empire


And in the next thirty years, Pandaria will pay enough supplies to the Kaldorei Empire every year to repay the debt.

In order to cheat Savus, Zhou Ye can be said to have exhausted his mind.

Looking at Shaohao's bitter face, Zhou Ye couldn't help but smiled slightly and said, "Okay, Your Majesty Shaohao, didn't you also get rid of those mantid monsters on the Mantis Plateau once and for all? Besides... I am not Are you also allowed to use other things to pay off the debt??"

"Then can I use the beauties of the panda family to pay off the debt??"


The little loli of the Pandaren family is indeed very loving, but——when she grows up, she will be completely finished... Bucket waist, bucket waist, bucket waist...I have to say the important thing three times.

"Hahahaha..." Hearing Zhou Ye's answer, Shaohao couldn't help but burst out laughing, he was actually just joking... Every citizen is extremely important to him... How could he be willing to pay them off? ?

What's more, Shaohao really understands Zhou Ye's aesthetics... He knows that although Zhou Ye is romantic, he doesn't like the beauties of his clan...

"However, if it's Yulong, it's not impossible to discuss!"

However——Zhou Ye's next words made Shaohao stuck there like a duck being strangled by the neck...

"Cough cough cough..." After coughing dryly for a long time, Shaohao finally recovered a little bit. He looked at Zhou Ye and couldn't help but smile wryly, "I can't take care of Master Yulong's affairs, and—— Four Heavenly Gods The temple is an outsider independent of Pandaria, I can't restrain them..."

"If I take Yulong away, if you don't object, how about I cancel your debts to the Kaldorei Empire?" Zhou Ye continued to tempt... It’s a big problem for my confidant, and I don’t need to spend a penny of my own money, and I don’t have to live and frugal for decades to pay off the debt...how wonderful!!”

"..." To be honest, Shaohao's heart was really moved at that moment... However, after a while, he still smiled bitterly and said: "Well... Your Highness, this four-vegetarian steamed goose heart is still very good. Not bad, don't you try it??"

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