Just like a perpetual motion machine, it keeps bursting out energy.

This——is really an excellent material for making portals.

Norusha spent some effort, and finally cleaned up the little Shamo that was about to fill the hall, and he asked a little strangely: "Oh, by the way, how are you going to completely eliminate this troublesome thing?? "

"No no, why do you want to destroy him? What a wasteful act!!" Savis said, smiling at Nauru... Then a huge mage's hand was directly pressed on Nauru On Shi's head, he exerted a slight force...

I only heard a click...

Norush's head was easily twisted off by Xavius' mage's hand...

"You, you are not sent by the father of the gods... You, you are intruders!!" Norusha, the guardian golem, had his head twisted off, but he still did not die... He won't stop until he runs out... "Start the extermination program and eliminate the intruders!!"

"Sorry, you're too tired...you need to rest!!" Savis said with a flash, jumped onto Norush's shoulder, then lowered his body, and stretched his hand into Norush's neck...

After finding a place inside... pinch it hard...

Norusha fell to the ground like a robot without electricity—"Master, master... yes, I'm sorry!!"

Following the last words, Norusha finally closed his eyes when his head fell to the ground.

After guarding the ruins for thousands of years, he finally completed his journey.

"Okay, the threat is gone!!" Savis said, jumping off Norush's shoulder... Then, he gently took out a bronze-looking hexagon from his dimensional bag. The box... aimed at the heart of Y'Shaarji who was suspended in the air, and said with a smile: "Come on... come and contribute your last strength to the great existence!!"

And the heart hanging in mid-air began to beat violently as if feeling the danger...

Every time it beats, countless silver-black mist will be sprayed out from the coronary artery opening at the top of the heart.

The mist fell on the ground and turned into countless little demons in the blink of an eye, rushing towards Xavis and the others...

"Hmph—dying struggle!!" Xavius's face turned cold, he spread his fingers, pointed at the little Shamos attacking him, and whispered: "Arcane Storm!!"

Countless colorful arcane missiles flew out of his palm, and precisely landed on those little Shamos.

Although these little demons look bluffing, they are actually very weak... At least they turned into a pool of silver-black liquid after being hit by Xavius' arcane missile...

At this time, those followers of Xavius ​​had already reached the bottom of the giant heart...

They directly formed a hexagonal formation, and then—the chanting of magic spells began to echo in the hall.

Following their spells, the giant heart hanging in mid-air shrunk little by little...

The speed at which the giant heart ejected the little sha was faster... However, no matter how fast it was, it couldn't be faster than Xavius's arcane storm. of Arcane Missiles was destroyed.

After half an hour——

The huge heart in the hall has disappeared...

Savis closed the hexagonal copper box in his hand with satisfaction, and threw it into his dimensional bag. "It's time for us to go back... With this perpetual motion machine, our great Lord God will come to this world soon!!"

Chapter 1697

Chapter 1697

Just when Xavius ​​succeeded and left the Titan ruins...

Zhou Ye also left the scene of the celebration banquet and followed the way he came back...

After all, the excitement has been seen, and the meal is over... It is almost time to go back.

It wasn't until Zhou Ye led all the girls out of the Setting Sun Pass on his own horse that it dawned on him——

Fuck, after staying in the Kaldorei Empire for a long time, he has become a nocturnal animal now...

Well, forget it...

Now that this is the case... why don't you just go back early...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye slightly tilted his head, facing his daughter, Alexstrasza said with a smile: "Honey, let's go back early!!"

"Okay!!" Alexstrasza blinked her big eyes, and said with a ignorant expression: "Then dear, quickly open the portal and send us back!!"

"...That, baby!!" Zhou Ye smiled awkwardly, and said, "Don't you think that always going through the portal will make us ignore the scenery along the way??"

"No... I think father, your portal is very convenient..." Alexstrasza already understood what her father meant, but——she was wickedly unwilling to make it clear, she liked to watch her own The embarrassing look of her father... In her opinion, the father who always looks like a calm and breezy father is so cute when he reveals an embarrassing look... She is so cute that she is about to be turned into a cutie... No, I can’t think about it anymore, I’m about to get a nosebleed when I think about it.

This is also impossible...

For thousands of years, Alexstrasza has become an adult dragon, and when she transformed into a human form, she was also full of imperial sisters...

When standing with my father again, there is no hint of father and daughter at all...

Instead, there is a feeling of siblings.

who let

Zhou Ye's appearance has always remained the same as when he was seventeen or eighteen years old? ?

"Then, that... then, let me serve the master!!" The Frost Queen Sindragosa certainly heard her master's thoughts. Outside of Dagosa, there is no one else...

As he spoke, Sindragosa planned to transform into a dragon and become his master's mount.

"Don't move, Sindragosa!!" Alexstrasza held down the sister who was about to transform into a dragon, and looked at her father with provocative eyes. "Dear father, as long as you say a word, my lovely daughters, I want to ride you... We will become your mounts obediently immediately, and you can ride whatever you want... You can ride whatever you want... Come on, Dad ...Say this sentence!!"

"..." Sometimes Zhou Ye really doesn't want Bilian very much, but...to be honest, saying this to his daughter...is a little bit challenging his limit.

Yes, father...it's such an awkward expression, it's so cute...

Seeing the embarrassing look on Zhou Ye's face... Alexstrasza already felt that her heart was about to be turned into a bud...

I really want... I really want to hold such a father in my arms and love him a lot...

Although Alexstrasza knew that the end of doing this, usually very happy at the time, would be dealt with badly by his father later...

But she never tires of it...

I don't know if she is shaking m or shaking s.

Maybe, a little bit of both...


This time, Alexstrasza miscalculated...

Because——Zhou Ye didn't say anything, and opened his own portal with a smile on his face... "Okay, then I choose to use the portal to go back...!!"

"..." Alexstrasza slightly opened her small buttocks, with an unbelievable look... That look is so cute...

This... This is completely different from what I expected...

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